1055 Mendell Davis Drive, Jackson, MS 39272
888-994-7636, unifiedbrands.net
Information contained in this document is known to be current and accurate at the time
of printing/creation. Unified Brands recommends referencing our product line websites,
unifiedbrands.net, for the most updated product information and specifications.
Add On Units
models 90000
Standard Features:
• Available under one piece top with other modular units up to
16' in length
• 6" high legs—adjustable and movable
• 45˚ integral stainless backsplash providing access to
electrical chase is standard. 90˚ stainless backsplash
is optional.
Tops to be one piece of die formed 16 gauge stainless steel with 2
1/2" nosing. Backsplash to be coved cornered, with 45˚ return at
top and overall height of 6 3/4". Ends at top fitted with recessed
heavy duty steel bars for field bolting units together, producing a
hairline seam. Body ends to be corrosion resistant steel. Legs to
be 6" high stainless steel with adjustable bullet foot. Legs mounted
to full length channel frame assembly which is integrally welded
to bottom of body assembly. Legs can be moved left to right to
avoid floor obstacles during installation.
model 91327 92333 93324 93346 93368 94328 98324
93000 Series
Unit with 16 gauge reinforced stainless steel top. To hold glass or cup racks. 6” or 8”
spacing of angles. Full, partial or no top cut back to be provided, as specified. On 6” high
adjustable and moveable legs - unfinished ends.
Randell Custom, Page 33
Revised 09/04
Add on units with 16 gauge reinforced tops, and integral
backsplash with 45˚ return. 6" high adjustable legs.
91000 Series & 92000 Series
Units with 16 gauge reinforced stainless steel top. To enclose built-in food warmer.
Warmer supplied by others, installed by Randell. On 6" high adjustable and mov-
able legs.- unfinished ends.
94000 Series
Unit with 16 gauge reinforced stainless steel top, back-
splash with accessible electrical chase to house drop-in
dispensers. Dispensers supplied by others. On 6" high
adjustable and movable legs.- unfinished ends.
98000 Series
Unit with 16 gauge reinforced stainless steel top,
backsplash with accessible electrical chase, water
glass filler and trough, and 60 Lb. ice chest. Stain-
less steel front panels. On 6" high adjustable legs.-
unfinished ends.