1055 Mendell Davis Drive, Jackson, MS 39272
888-994-7636, fax 888-266-5244
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Remote Ice Cream Cabinet
models 66000AR
Remote refrigerated ice cream storage and dipping cabinet. 16
gauge stainless steel top, and integral backsplash with 45˚ return.
Die-stamped openings in top with insulated lids. Stainless steel
fronts, stainless steel interior with welded-in-place refrigeration
lines. 6" high adjustable and movable legs.
Shown with optional finished end.
Standard Features:
• Refrigeration system set up for R-404a refrigerant,
(specify if otherwise)
• Expansion valve and refrigeration lines provided and installed
for field connection
• Superb low temperature unit for ice cream storage
and dipping
• Stainless steel interior allows double stacking of standard
3 gallon containers
• Foamed in place “CFC free” urethane insulation
• 6" high legs—adjustable and movable
• 45˚ integral stainless backsplash is standard. 90˚ stainless
backsplash is optional.
CABINET EXTERIOR: Top to be one piece of die-formed 16 gauge
stainless steel with 2 5/8" nosing. Backsplash to be coved
cornered, with 45˚ return at top and overall height of 6 3/4".
Ends at top fitted with recessed heavy duty steel bars for field
bolting units together, producing a hairline seam. Top to have
die-stamped cut-outs with raised rims, fitted with removable,
hinged, insulated lids. Exterior body to be corrosion resistant
steel. Front panels to be removable, constructed of 22 gauge
die-stamped stainless steel. Louver panel to be die-stamped
stainless steel. Work surface to be at 36" work height. Legs to be
6" high stainless steel with adjustable bullet foot. Legs mounted
to full length channel frame assembly which is integrally welded
to bottom of body assembly. Legs can be moved left to right to
avoid floor obstacles during installation.
CABINET INTERIOR: Unit interior to be stainless steel, with interior
sides to be wrapped with refrigerating lines held firmly in place
with holding clips welded to unit body. Unit insulation to be CFC
free foamed in place urethane.
REFRIGERATION: Cooling system to utilize R-404a refrigerant,
specify if otherwise. Expansion valve and refrigeration lines
provided and installed for connection at unit rear. Syrup rail
cooled by refrigeration line installed and attached to sealed
stainless interior rail liner. Condensing unit control and solenoid
provided. Unit totally prewired to junction box.
This equipment is intended for use in rooms having an ambient
temperature of 86˚F (30˚C) or less.
Randell Custom, Page 28
Revised 09/04