Raleigh IV Скачать руководство пользователя страница 14

I Ogólna instrukcja użytkowania 



Nierówne osadzenie lub dokręcenie pedałów może 
prowadzić do uszkodzenia gwintu ramienia mechani-
zmu korbowego.

1  Pedały systemowe MTB

2  Pedały turystyczne lub sportowe

3  Pedały systemowe szosowe




Pedały do rowerów górskich, szosowych oraz pedały 
systemowe należy stosować wyłącznie z przeznaczo-
nymi do tego podeszwami i obuwiem. Obuwie innego 
typu może zsuwać się z pedałów.

Stosowanie systemowych pedałów MTB lub pedałów szo-
sowych, jak również tak zwanych pedałów zatrzaskowych, 
może stwarzać u niedoświadczonych użytkowników ryzyko 
poważnego upadku. W przypadku pedałów systemowych, 
należy najpierw podczas postoju opanować blokowanie 
buta w pedale oraz jego wyjmowanie. Nie należy ćwiczyć 
uczestnicząc w ruchu drogowym. 

Należy zapoznać się z instrukcją użytkowania dostarczoną 
przez producenta pedałów lub butów.

Informacje na ten temat znajdą Państwo w interne-
cie. Wykaz przydatnych linków został umieszczony w 

 Rozdz. 29 „Wykaz linków”



9.2   Ustawienie pozycji siedzenia

9.2.1   Ustawienie  siodła

Pozycja siedzenia ma decydujące znaczenie dla komfortu 
użytkownika i jego osiągów podczas jazdy.


Nie należy demontować ani modyfikować wspor-
nika siodła oraz zacisku wspornika siodła. Jakie-
kolwiek zmiany lub przebudowy części skutkują 
wygaśnięciem rękojmi.


Wszystkie śruby należy dokręcać z uwzględnie-
niem zalecanych momentów dokręcenia. W prze-
ciwnym wypadku może dojść do zerwania śruby 
lub odłączenia tych części (patrz 

 Rozdz. 30 

„Dane techniczne”


Wszelkie prace w rowerze należy wykonywać za pomo-
cą odpowiednich narzędzi i po wcześniejszym przygo-
towaniu się do danej czynności. Prace skomplikowane 
lub mające wpływ na bezpieczeństwo użytkowania 
należy zlecać specjaliście.

9.2.2   Obsługa  szybkozamykacza


Przed podjęciem jazdy wszystkie szybkozamy-
kacze muszą zostać mocno zaciśnięte. Przed 
każdym użyciem roweru należy upewnić się o ich 
pewnym zamknięciu.


Właściwe zamknięcie szybkozamykaczy należy 
sprawdzić także wtedy, gdy rower był pozosta-
wiony bez nadzoru.


Odchylenie dźwigni zaciskowej musi wymagać 
tyle siły, aby konieczne było jej dociśnięcie kłę-
bem kciuka. W przeciwnym wypadku istnieje ryzy-
ko samoczynnego zwolnienia szybkozamykacza.

Содержание IV

Страница 1: ...II User Manual Pedelec with centre motor English version IV User Manual Pedelec with front motor English version V User Manual Pedelec Impulse English version VI User Manual Pedelec Groove English ver...

Страница 2: ...I Og lna instrukcja u ytkowania Polski Raleigh Univega GmbH 2012...

Страница 3: ...sterowe 5 Reflektor przedni 6 B otnik 7 Widelec 8 Hamulec przedni 9 Opona 10 Ko o 11 Suport 12 Peda 13 a cuch 14 Mechanizm zmiany bieg w 14a Przerzutka przednia 14b Przerzutka tylna 15 Lampa tylna 16...

Страница 4: ...u ej Zak adamy i dysponuj Pa stwo og ln wiedz w zakresie u ytkowania rower w Ka da osoba u ytkuj ca konserwuj ca lub usuwaj ca rower powinna dok adnie zapozna si z tre ci niniejszej instrukcji u ytko...

Страница 5: ...ozycji siedzenia 13 9 2 1 Ustawienie siod a 13 9 2 2 Obs uga szybkozamykacza 13 9 2 3 Ustalenie w a ciwej wysoko ci siod a 14 9 2 4 Ustawienie nachylenia siod a 15 9 2 4 1 w przypadku dwu rubowego wsp...

Страница 6: ...Przek adnia w pia cie 38 19 2 1 Obs uga piasty 38 19 2 1 1 7 8 biegowa manetka Shimano 38 19 2 2 Zmiana bieg w w pia cie Shimano 39 20 a cuch 40 20 1 Konserwacja a cucha 40 21 Hamulec d wignia hamulc...

Страница 7: ...ywalne 57 27 3 Ogumienie 58 27 4 Obr cze i hamulce obr czowe 58 27 5 Ok adziny hamulcowe 58 27 6 Tarcze hamulcowe 58 27 7 a cuchy rowerowe i paski z bate 58 27 8 Tarcze mechanizmu korbowego z batki i...

Страница 8: ...e on u ytkowany Prosz wyja ni dziecku spos b obs ugi i dzia ania wszystkich hamulc w oraz przekaza mu wszelkie istotne informacje w tym zakresie Wa ne wskaz wki na ten temat znajd Pa stwo w Rozdz 21 H...

Страница 9: ...e to skutkowa wyga ni ciem r kojmi Wszelkie cz ci elektryczne nale y wymienia wy cznie na cz ci o odpowiednim typie W niekorzystnych warunkach pogodowych np we mgle deszczu o zmroku lub w nocy nale y...

Страница 10: ...ch Wyj tek stanowi wy cznie rowery specjalnie przystosowane do u ytkowania w ramach zawod w kolarskich Informacje zawarte w niniejszej instrukcji u ytkowania odnosz si do rower w wszystkich typ w Info...

Страница 11: ...z numerze identyfikacyjnym W niekt rych krajach UE w przypadku u ytkowania rowe r w szosowych o wadze powy ej 11 kg na drogach publicz nych wymagane s okre lone elementy wyposa enia Rowery zwolnione s...

Страница 12: ...sa onego w obr cze z w kna w glowego karbonowe warto mie na uwadze i materia ten zapewnia wyra nie gorsze hamowanie ni obr cze aluminiowe Nale y upewni si e ko a s solidnie zamocowane do ramy i widelc...

Страница 13: ...em prawid owej pozycji oraz poprawnego pewnego zamocowania Je eli nie s Pa stwo pewni czy rower znajduje si w nienagannym stanie technicznym nie nale y na nim je dzi Nale y w wczas odda rower do kontr...

Страница 14: ...ie pozycji siedzenia 9 2 1 Ustawienie siod a Pozycja siedzenia ma decyduj ce znaczenie dla komfortu u ytkownika i jego osi g w podczas jazdy Nie nale y demontowa ani modyfikowa wspor nika siod a oraz...

Страница 15: ...i spos b aby widoczna by a jej zewn trzna powierzchnia z oznaczeniem CLOSE Zamkni te szybkozamykacze powinny ciasno przylega do ramy widelca oraz obejmy wspor nika siod a Nale y zwr ci uwag aby d wign...

Страница 16: ...icz ne Ustawienie nachylenia siod a 9 2 4 1 w przypadku dwu rubowego wspornika siod a Niekt re wsporniki siod a posiadaj dwie ruby do usta wiania nachylenia siod a jedna z nich znajduje si przed druga...

Страница 17: ...zeby poprosi drug osob o przytrzy manie roweru Pochyli tu w w stron kierownicy do momentu odnalezienia pozycji wygodnej dla plec w Rozprostowa ramiona w kierunku kierownicy Zapami ta po o enie d oni i...

Страница 18: ...zgl dem przedniego ko a dok adnie pod k tem prostym Dokr ci rub imbusow za pomoc klucza imbu sowego zgodnie z ruchem wskaz wek zegara patrz Rozdz 30 Dane techniczne 9 3 4 Ustawienie pozycji kierownicy...

Страница 19: ...ej informacji w Rozdz 30 Dane techniczne znajd Pa stwo tabel zalecanych moment w dokr cenia W przypadku modelu ze zintegrowan zapadk ustalaj c dokr ci rub zapadki w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskaz wek...

Страница 20: ...a si z dw ch goleni korony i rury sterowej Widelec karbonowy Widelec amortyzowany Wi kszo rower w g rskich trekkingowych i miejskich jest wyposa ona w widelce amortyzowane Pozwalaj one na dowoln regul...

Страница 21: ...jest r wnie zmiana komfortu jazdy Gole resoruj ca musi zosta tak ustawio na aby mi kko si ugina a lecz nie przebija a po prze jechaniu po przeszkodzie Musi ona jednak nieznacznie obni a si ju wtedy g...

Страница 22: ...mi dzy rowerem i jezdni Nier wno ci jezdni oraz waga u ytkownika stanowi silne obci enie dla k Przed dostarczeniem do klienta ko a s starannie kontro lowane oraz centrowane Jednak szprychy osadzaj si...

Страница 23: ...wielu barw nych punkt w umieszczonych na bocznej powierzchni obr czy nale y wymieni obr cz jak tylko oznaczenia te ulegn zatarciu 17 Opony i d tki 17 1 Opony Istnieje wiele r nych typ w opon Dost pno...

Страница 24: ...wszystkim w rowerach przeznaczonych do cel w sportowych W opo nach tego rodzaju d tka jest wszyta do opony a osadzenie w przeznaczonej do tego obr czy odbywa si za pomoc specjalnego kleju G wnymi zale...

Страница 25: ...wego Je eli dost pne s szybkozamykacze nale y zde montowa ca jednostk hamulca patrz Rozdz 9 2 2 Obs uga szybkozamykacza Je eli nie s dost pne szybkozamykacze nale y spu ci powietrze z opony W celu nap...

Страница 26: ...ulca Je eli nie s dost pne szybkozamykacze nale y spu ci powietrze z opony Mo na teraz wyj ko o spomi dzy ok adzin hamulcowych 18 1 4 Od czenie przek adni w pia cie hamulca rolkowego b bnowego i torpe...

Страница 27: ...si dziura Pozostawi d tk do wyschni cia Ostro nie zmatowi d tk w miejscu uszkodzenia papierem ciernym Posmarowa zmatowiony obszar p ynn gum Odczeka kilka minut a guma wyschnie Mocno docisn gumow at do...

Страница 28: ...Hak tylnych wide ek 18 5 Monta opony i d tki Nale y zapobiega dostaniu si cia obcych do wn trza opony Nale y zadba aby d tka nie by a pofa dowana ani zgnieciona Podczas monta u opony nale y zwr ci uw...

Страница 29: ...m 4 Prawid owo zamocowa rami hamulca do wi delca za pomoc obejmy mocuj cej rami hamulca Rami hamulca Nakr tka obejmy ruba obejmy Obejma mocuj ca rami hamulca Wide ki ramy Podczas monta u mocuj cej ram...

Страница 30: ...y cza kasety i mocno wsun koniec pancerza linki do oparcia pancerza w przy czu kasety CJ 8S20 JAPAN LOCK CJ 8S20 JA PAN Linka przerzutki Wspornik przy cza kasety Oparcie pancerza linki w przy czu kase...

Страница 31: ...h no niku CD lub na stronie interneto wej producenta W razie jakichkolwiek pyta dotycz cych monta u ustawienia konserwacji i obs ugi nale y skon taktowa si ze sprzedawc roweru Poluzowane uszkodzone lu...

Страница 32: ...g wyst pi nietypowe odg osy Nie stanowi to wady i nie grozi uszkodzeniem nap du Kiedy a cuch zosta nie ustawiony mniej uko nie d wi ki te ust pi Nie nale y u ytkowa roweru bez zamontowanej os ony szpr...

Страница 33: ...dnak unika wywierania jakiegokolwiek nacisku na d wigni b Podobnie podczas przesuwania d wigni b nie nale y wywiera nacisku na d wigni a Jednoczesne wci ni cie obu d wigni nie skutkuje zmian biegu Obs...

Страница 34: ...Pozycja klik Pozycja klik Pierwsze klikni cie podczas przerzucania biegu za pomoc d wigni b wyznacza pocz tek dostrajania wyciszania Drugie silniejsze klikni cie oznacza zako czenie prze o enia na inn...

Страница 35: ...d dostrojeniem po dostrojeniu Ruch przerzutki zewn trzna cianka pro wadnicy a cucha a cuch rodkowa tarcza mniejsze z batki ma a tarcza mniejsze z batki du a tarcza wi ksze z batki a cuch dotyka we wn...

Страница 36: ...n trz do chwili wyczucia lub us yszenia delikatnego klikni cia Ustawianie zakresu pracy d wigni Zakres pracy d wigni przerzutki hamulca mo na dostoso wa do rozmiaru d oni W pierwszej kolejno ci nale y...

Страница 37: ...yznacza pocz tek dostrajania wyci szania Drugie klikni cie oznacza zako czenie prze o enia na inn tarcz Po zako czeniu dostrajania system wyciszaj cy nie wydaje ju klikni dzi ki czemu s one s yszalne...

Страница 38: ...znajdowa na manetce lub ramie A B ruba regulacyjna ruba regulacyjna pancerza linki Optymalne ustawienie Je eli zwis linki przerzutki zostaje uniesiony za pomoc d wigni opty malnie ustawiony a cuch po...

Страница 39: ...uwzgl dnieniem zalecanego momentu dokr cenia patrz Rozdz 30 Dane tech niczne Je eli podk adka zabezpieczaj ca znajduje si tylko po jednej stronie a nakr tki piasty nie s w a ciwie dokr cone mo e wyst...

Страница 40: ...ne s te oznaczenia linie Nale y u y oznaczenia kt re jest najlepiej widoczne CJ 8S20 JAPAN L O C K CJ 8S20 JAPAN L O C K K ko przy cza kasety K ko przy cza kasety Rower w pozycji normalnej Rower w poz...

Страница 41: ...a cucha jest on zu yty i musi zosta wymieniony na nowy W przypadku przek adni w pia cie nale y tak ustawi napr enie a cucha aby zwis a cucha pomi dzy tarcz i z batk wykazywa pionowy luz szeroko ci od...

Страница 42: ...ska optymalne tarcie nale y u ywa wy cznie ok adzin hamulcowych pasuj cych do rodzaju obr czy W przeciwnym wypadku istnieje ryzyko wyd u enia drogi ha mowania i zwi kszonego zu ycia Szczeg lnie w przy...

Страница 43: ...hamulcowy po przez link W wyniku d ugotrwa ego obci enia hamulce rolkowe i b bnowe ulegaj silnemu rozgrzaniu Skutkuje to os abieniem sprawno ci hamowania a nawet grozi ca kowitym ustaniem dzia ania ha...

Страница 44: ...ym nale y odpowiednio dostosowa technik jazdy Hamulec torpedo zostaje aktywowany poprzez wci ni cie peda w do ty u W zale no ci od ustawienia st p peda w hamulec torpedo dzia a z r n si Gdy ramiona me...

Страница 45: ...ale si powi ksza co wyd u a drog docisku d wigni hamulca Dlatego te nale y regularnie kontrolowa hamulec i regulowa go zawsze wtedy gdy droga docisku d wigni hamulca jest zbyt d uga lub si a hamowania...

Страница 46: ...zdz 21 4 1 Regulacja hamulca Je eli hamulec w dalszym ci gu funkcjonuje niew a ci wie lub gdy klocki hamulcowe s zu yte do tego stop nia e ich regulacja nie jest mo liwa nale y odda rower do specjalis...

Страница 47: ...rcza hamulcowa podczas jego otwierania istnieje ryzy ko oparzenia si o d wigni Si a zacisku szybkozamyka cza mo e ulec os abieniu wskutek rozgrzania przez tarcz hamulcow Zu yta p kni ta lub wygi ta ta...

Страница 48: ...Je eli dosz o do kontaktu klock w hamulcowych z olejem lub smarem nale y je wymieni Je eli tarcza hamulcowa zosta a zanieczyszczona olejem lub smarem konieczna jest jej wymiana poniewa powoduje to si...

Страница 49: ...e podczas jazdy W niekt rych krajach w rowerach o wadze powy ej 11 kg trzeba montowa uk ady o wietleniowe zasilane dynamem Prosz dowiedzie si jakie przepisy obowi zuj w Pa stwa kraju i odpo wiednio wy...

Страница 50: ...abla lampy Montuj c przednie ko o nale y tak je obr ci aby zacisk mocuj cy kabla lampy znajdowa si po prawej stronie patrz c w kierunku jazdy Gdy zacisk mocu j cy znajduje si po lewej stronie dynamo n...

Страница 51: ...ka mo e doprowadzi do p kni cia cz ci rowe ru lub powa nego w skutkach upadku Podczas za adowywania baga u nale y bezwzgl dnie prze strzega maksymalnego obci enia roweru patrz Rozdz 30 Dane techniczne...

Страница 52: ...lcu Dzi ki temu b otnik mo e si przesun i nie blokuje ko a Po tego typu zdarzeniu nale y ponownie zamocowa wsporniki Nale y poprosi specjalist o sprawdzenie czy b otnik wsporniki oraz mocowania z twor...

Страница 53: ...i przewr ci co grozi powa nym zranieniem dziecka Nie nale y montowa fotelik w dzieci cych bez po rednio na kierownicy Mog oby to zaburzy sterowno roweru Je eli przewo Pa stwo dziecko w foteliku za mon...

Страница 54: ...w Dlatego te nale y pocz tkowo po wiczy rusza nie hamowanie jazd na zakr tach i z g rki z nieza adowan przyczepk Nale y pami ta e przyczepka znacznie zwi k sza mas ca kowit roweru Podczas u ytkowania...

Страница 55: ...baga nika prze widuje inn pozycj monta u Wszelkie inne spo soby monta u mog prowadzi do uszkodzenia ramy lub widelca Wa ne informacje na temat zastosowania oraz mon ta u cz ci i akcesori w rowerowych...

Страница 56: ...a z cz ci jest uszkodzona nale y j wymieni przed ponownym u yciem roweru Najlepiej odda rower do przegl du w specjalistycznym sklepie Nale y regularnie co najmniej co 100 km kontrolowa pod k tem rys p...

Страница 57: ...nie do tego przeznaczone akcesoria np uchwyt na bidon jest montowany w przeznaczonych do tego wk adach gwintowanych Z powodu ryzyka z amania zabronione jest mocowanie na nich baga nik w przyczepek or...

Страница 58: ...ej okazji nale y za ka dym razem spraw dza rower pod k tem rys p kni lub zmian materia owych Przed ponownym u yciem roweru nale y zleci wymian uszkodzonych cz ci Nale y naprawi r wnie uszkodzenia laki...

Страница 59: ...eczna cz stsza wymiana ok adzin Nale y regularnie sprawdza stopie zu ycia ok adzin hamulcowych i w razie potrzeby wymieni je w specjalistycznym warsztacie 27 6 Tarcze hamulcowe Wskutek intensywnego ha...

Страница 60: ...kontrolowa powierzchnie la kierowane i niezw ocznie usuwa stwierdzone uszkodzenia Informacje na temat piel gnacji powierzchni ze wn trznych uzyskaj Pa stwo od sprzedawcy 27 14 U o yskowanie Wszystkie...

Страница 61: ...mian niesprawnych i uszkodzonych cz ci 28 1 Plan przegl d w 28 1 1 Konserwacja kontrola Po przejechaniu nowym rowerem 200 kilometr w a nast pnie co najmniej raz w roku Zleci kontrol opon i k Zleci kon...

Страница 62: ...edawc Stosowanie nieodpowiednich rodk w smarnych i piel gnacyjnych mo e prowadzi do uszkodzenia i nieprawid owego funkcjonowania roweru 29 Wykaz link w Pod wymienionymi adresami znajd Pa stwo istotne...

Страница 63: ...kg maks 105 kg Rower elektryczny E Bike semi XXL 150 kg maks 125 kg Rower elektryczny E Bike XXL 170 kg maks 145 kg Rower g rski MTB Hardtail 110 kg maks 100 kg Rower g rski MTB Hardtail semi XXL 140...

Страница 64: ...amania ruby Zbyt silne dokr cenie mo e skutkowa uszkodzeniem cz ci roweru Dlatego te nale y zawsze uwzgl dni zalecany mo ment dokr cenia Nale y r wnie przestrzega minimalnej g boko ci wkr cania W prz...

Страница 65: ...a jarzemko siod a M7 M8 M7 14 M8 20 Obejma przerzutki M5 5 Hamulec ok adzina M6 10 Hamulec zacisk linki M6 10 Dynamo boczne mocowanie M6 10 Hak przerzutki M10x1 16 Suport BSA zgodnie z zaleceniami pro...

Страница 66: ...aj zastosowanie HD opona wysokoci nieniowa SZEROKO OPONY w mm PSI BAR 25 HD 80 110 5 5 7 6 28 HD 70 80 4 8 5 5 28 60 4 1 32 60 70 4 1 4 8 37 50 3 5 40 60 4 1 42 60 4 1 47 40 50 3 5 4 1 57 62 30 40 2 1...

Страница 67: ...r kojmi wyst puje wy cznie w przy padku pierwotnego uszkodzenia wadliwej cz ci Z r koj mi wy czone s Szkody powsta e w wyniku u ytkowania roweru w ramach zawod w sportowych nieprawid owej eksploatacj...

Страница 68: ...I Og lna instrukcja u ytkowania 67...

Страница 69: ...nego u ytkowania roweru Copyright 2012 Raleigh Univega GmbH Powielanie tak e cz ciowe wy cznie za pozwoleniem firmy Raleigh Univega GmbH Zastrzega si prawo do pomy ek i b d w w dru ku a tak e wprowadz...

Страница 70: ...II User Manual Fast Pedelec English Raleigh Univega GmbH 2012...

Страница 71: ...2 II User Manual Fast Pedelec 4 LCD control panel 5 Charger 1 Battery 2 Battery lock 3 Motor unit 4 Control panel 5 Charger 4 2 3 1...

Страница 72: ...o get started right away refer to the brief introduction in Chapter 1 Quick start The individual steps are subsequently explained in detail supplemented by illustrations and diagrams For more detailed...

Страница 73: ...Service life and warranty 19 6 5 1 of battery 19 7 Charger 20 Content 1 Quick start 7 2 Fast Pedelec fundamental legal principles 8 2 1 Legal principles 8 2 1 1 Meaning for the rider 8 2 1 2 Fast Ped...

Страница 74: ...1 3 Display E1 21 8 1 4 Display E9 22 8 1 5 Assistance control indicator flashing 22 8 1 6 Additional possible sources of errors 22 9 Cleaning 22 10 Warnings 23 11 Technical data 24 12 Replacing compo...

Страница 75: ...6 II User Manual Fast Pedelec...

Страница 76: ...n the lock you will need to turn it clockwise and pull it out to allow the battery to lock in place 7 Make sure that the battery is securely posi tioned and that the key is no longer in the lock 8 Pus...

Страница 77: ...helmet You legally have to have a driving license The mo ped test certificate is mandatory If you have a German driving licence you are auto matically exempt from this requirement In Germany if you w...

Страница 78: ...230 V ob serve type plate on the charger Type plate on charger Front and back 2 Put the battery in the docking station of the charger 3 The charging operation starts The battery LEDs light up or flash...

Страница 79: ...ntrol panel 4 1 1 On Off button Press the On Off button to switch on the control panel and drive The assist level that was active at the time the control panel was switched off is automatically reinst...

Страница 80: ...elector button for the display panel for longer than three seconds with the control panel switched on this resets the trip average speed and top speed to zero You cannot delete the total journey lengt...

Страница 81: ...al mileage 1stdigit Selector button display Selector button display Selector button display Selector button display Selector button display button setting selection button setting selection button but...

Страница 82: ...km once the distance reaches 9999 9 km this is dis played without a decimal place 4 1 10 Battery charge state indicator Battery charge state indicator This indicator helps you save power when riding w...

Страница 83: ...motor The hub gear system contains a device that protects it against gear shifting operations under excessive loads in order to preserve the gear unit in the hub 5 1 Operating principle of assistance...

Страница 84: ...y in a heated room so that it is at room tem perature when you fit it on your Pedelec Rate of discharge at different temperatures Discharge curve at normal temperatures Discharge curve at low temperat...

Страница 85: ...operation Distance covered using different batteries DISTANCE COVERED 1 2 ASSISTANCE 32 KM H ON AVERAGE UNDER FAVOUR ABLE CONDITIONS 8 Ah battery 22 km 12 Ah battery 35 km 18 Ah battery 60 km 5 3 Rid...

Страница 86: ...e for the first time or after you have not used it for a while You should run the battery all the way down to empty for the first three charging cycles This al lows the battery to reach its maximum ca...

Страница 87: ...ht up and the way in which they light up Charge state and battery capacity indicator 6 4 1 Checking the battery charge state Press the Push button briefly the LEDs light up and dis play the current ba...

Страница 88: ...rts also come with a two year warranty If the battery develops a fault during this period your specialist cycle shop will of course replace it Normal age ing and battery wear do not constitute a fault...

Страница 89: ...he charger in dry rooms Only place the charger in a secure stable position on a suitable surface Do not cover the charger or place any objects on it as otherwise it could overheat and catch fire 8 Tro...

Страница 90: ...60 40 2 LEDs light up 40 20 1 LED lights up 20 0 8 1 2 Battery charge state indicator flashing or not visible If the battery charge state indicator is flashing or not visi ble at all one of the follow...

Страница 91: ...does not happen contact your specialist cycle shop 8 1 6 Additional possible sources of errors If you only pedal very gently the power assist is not enabled If the motor is not running and you cannot...

Страница 92: ...u open covers or remove parts Connection points may also be live Maintenance or repairs on the device when it is open and connected to the power supply must only be carried out by the specialist cycle...

Страница 93: ...Possible applications of batteries DCW ITEM NO ITEM NO CAPACITY AH WEIGHT KG POSSIBLE APPLICATION CENTRE FAST FRONT 17017002 NKY226B02 10 2 4 X 250W 17017012 NKY226B02 10 2 4 X 250W 17019018 NKY252B02...

Страница 94: ...rity T V This fast Pedelec has such a permit During the approval process specific components were defined as being suitable for use with this vehicle This means that the permit for your fast Pedelec o...

Страница 95: ...115 kg 6 bar Marathon Extreme Evolution folding 50 559 140 kg 5 bar Marathon Plus Performance wired 37 622 110 kg 6 bar Marathon Plus Performance wired 47 559 125 kg 5 bar Marathon Performance wired...

Страница 96: ...used Mudguard the front edge of the front mudguard must be rounded Pannier rack Saddle Handlebar grip Gear shift components Only if the largest gear ratio is not modified Seatpost Bell Can be replaced...

Страница 97: ...y enjoy using your new fast Pedelec Copyright 2012 Raleigh Univega GmbH Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without the consent of Raleigh Univega GmbH Subject to misprints errors and te...

Страница 98: ...III User Manual Pedelec with centre motor English Raleigh Univega GmbH 2012...

Страница 99: ...2 III User Manual Pedelec with centre motor 4b LCD control panel 4a LED control panel 5 Charger 1 Battery 2 Battery lock 3 Motor unit 4 Control panel 4a LED 4b LCD 5 Charger 2 3 1 4...

Страница 100: ...ined in detail supplemented by illustrations and diagrams For more detailed information on your Pedelec refer to Chapter 11 Technical data The information in this User Manual specifically refers to yo...

Страница 101: ...ded data 14 4 2 1 5 Switching the display on and off 14 4 2 1 6 Deleting all data 14 4 2 1 7 Reprogramming the language wheel circumference and LCD contrast 15 4 2 1 8 Automatic switch off 16 4 2 1 9...

Страница 102: ...ec with LED control panel 24 8 1 2 Pedelec with LCD control panel 25 8 1 2 1 No display 25 8 1 2 2 Battery charge state indicator flashing or not visible 25 8 1 2 3 Display E1 25 8 1 2 4 Display E9 25...

Страница 103: ...ove Model designation Groove F3 Groove F8 Product description Raleigh BionX Model designation Blackburn 7 Blackburn 5 Blackburn 3 Product description Raleigh Bosch Pedelec Model designation Stoker B Y...

Страница 104: ...L Dover i Premium Dover i360 Dover i360 Harmony Product description Raleigh Groove Pedelec Model designation Groove F8 Product description Raleigh Xion Pedelec Model designation Blackburn 5 Blackburn...

Страница 105: ...8 III User Manual Pedelec with centre motor...

Страница 106: ...handlebar Wait for 2 seconds before turning the pedals The drive system requires this time when no force is applied to the pedals to adjust the power sensor correctly 9 The intermediate power assist m...

Страница 107: ...increase more intensely The motor must switch off once the bike reaches a speed of 25 km h 2 1 Meaning for the rider You do not legally have to wear a helmet In the interest of your own safety howeve...

Страница 108: ...a socket 230 V ob serve type plate on the charger Type plate on charger Front and back 2 Put the battery in the docking station of the charger 3 The charging operation starts The battery LEDs light up...

Страница 109: ...a the Mode buttons The LEDs next to the top button show how much assistance the motor is currently providing All three LEDs light up for two seconds when the power is switched on Please do not put you...

Страница 110: ...ance you will have to switch it back on via the control panel 4 2 LCD control panel Display switched off Display switched on 1 On Off 2 Light switch 3 Charge state indicator 4 Indicator for headlight...

Страница 111: ...ce switch es off Reduce power assist If you press the button that reduces the assist level the assistance reduces each time the button is pressed and returns to the most powerful assist level when it...

Страница 112: ...Set total mileage 1stdigit Selector button display Selector button display Selector button display Selector button display Selector button display button setting selection button setting selection bu...

Страница 113: ...eans you can travel further The remaining battery charge is shown in 5 stages DISPLAY BATTERY CHARGE STATE 5 LEDs light up 80 100 4 LEDs light up 60 80 3 LEDs light up 40 60 2 LEDs light up 20 40 1 LE...

Страница 114: ...s limited by the maximum motor output Variation in electric assistance Propulsive power Speed increasing pedal power and assistance reducing assistance assistance switched off Power assist mode 1 2 Pe...

Страница 115: ...rge capacity at low temperatures Discharge capacity at normal temperatures Discharge capacity Ah or hours of use Difference between nor maland low temperature Rated voltage Minimum voltage for battery...

Страница 116: ...ourneys with the Pedelec yourself You can reduce your consump tion and therefore costs by following the tips for increas ing the travel distance The operating costs for power assist with an 18 Ah batt...

Страница 117: ...r bike for the first time or after you have not used it for a while You should run the battery all the way down to empty for the first three charging cycles This al lows the battery to reach its maxim...

Страница 118: ...light up and the way in which they light up Charge state and battery capacity indicator 6 4 1 Checking the battery charge state Press the Push button briefly the LEDs light up and dis play the curren...

Страница 119: ...ar parts Wear parts also come with a two year warranty If the battery develops a fault during this period your specialist cycle shop will of course replace it Normal age ing and battery wear do not co...

Страница 120: ...ponents of your Pedelec replaced with genuine parts This makes it safer for you and avoids problems when processing warranty claims 7 Charger Read the two stickers on the charger before using it for t...

Страница 121: ...assist The power sensor could not set itself correctly Perform restart The system performs the calibration again No force should be applied to the pedals during this procedure which takes roughly two...

Страница 122: ...sons solutions may apply Is the battery sufficiently charged Charge the battery Is the battery capacity still sufficient Check the capacity If the remaining capacity is not enough the battery must be...

Страница 123: ...f children are present keep a close eye on them especially if they could insert objects into the ap pliance through apertures in the housing as this poses the danger of fatal electric shock 8 1 2 5 As...

Страница 124: ...batteries DCW ITEM NO ITEM NO CAPACITY AH WEIGHT KG POSSIBLE APPLICATION CENTRE FAST FRONT 17017002 NKY226B02 10 2 4 X 250W 17017012 NKY226B02 10 2 4 X 250W 17019018 NKY252B02 10 2 4 X 17019103 NKY252...

Страница 125: ...hly enjoy using your new Pedelec Copyright 2012 Raleigh Univega GmbH Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without the consent of Raleigh Univega GmbH Subject to misprints errors and techn...

Страница 126: ...IV User Manual Pedelec with front motor English Raleigh Univega GmbH 2012...

Страница 127: ...r Manual Pedelec with front motor 3 Motor 5 Charger 4 LED control panel 1 Battery 2 Battery lock 3 Motor unit 4 Control panel 5 Charger 2 3 1 4 1 Battery 2 Battery lock 3 Motor unit 4 Control panel 5...

Страница 128: ...ned in detail supplemented by illustrations and diagrams For more detailed information on your Pedelec refer to Chapter 12 Technical data The information in this User Manual specifically refers to you...

Страница 129: ...ating principle of assistance 12 5 2 Riding your Pedelec efficiently 13 6 Battery 14 6 1 Straightforward charging 14 6 2 High degree of safety due to battery management 14 6 3 Straightforward storage...

Страница 130: ...ove Model designation Groove F3 Groove F8 Product description Raleigh BionX Model designation Blackburn 7 Blackburn 5 Blackburn 3 Product description Raleigh Bosch Pedelec Model designation Stoker B Y...

Страница 131: ...L Dover i Premium Dover i360 Dover i360 Harmony Product description Raleigh Groove Pedelec Model designation Groove F8 Product description Raleigh Xion Pedelec Model designation Blackburn 5 Blackburn...

Страница 132: ...eed to turn it clockwise and pull it out to allow the battery to lock in place 7 Make sure that the battery is securely posi tioned and that the key is no longer in the lock 8 Push the Power button on...

Страница 133: ...lso increase more intensely The motor must switch off once the bike reaches a speed of 25 km h 2 1 Meaning for the rider You do not legally have to wear a helmet In the interest of your own safety how...

Страница 134: ...socket 230 V ob serve type plate on the charger Type plate on charger Front and back 2 Put the battery in the docking station of the charger 3 The charging operation starts The battery LEDs light up...

Страница 135: ...e Mode but tons The LEDs next to the top button show the level of assistance you are currently receiving from the motor All three LEDs light up for two seconds when the power is switched on Please do...

Страница 136: ...riding with the lights on and switch off the as sistance the lights also switch off automatically You must therefore switch the lights on again You must always take the battery with you even if you w...

Страница 137: ...nce Propulsive power Speed increasing pedal power and assistance reducing assistance assistance switched off Power assist mode 1 2 Pedal force 19 km h 25 km h Propulsive force pedal force electric ass...

Страница 138: ...RAGE UNDER FAVOUR ABLE CONDITIONS 8 Ah battery 60 km 12 Ah battery 90 km 18 Ah battery 140 km 5 2 Riding your Pedelec efficiently You can monitor and influence the cost of your journeys with the Pedel...

Страница 139: ...your bike for the first time or after you have not used it for a while You should run the battery all the way down to empty for the first three charging cycles This al lows the battery to reach its ma...

Страница 140: ...and the way in which they light up Charge state and battery capacity indicator 6 4 1 Checking the battery charge state Press the Push button briefly the LEDs light up and dis play the current battery...

Страница 141: ...evelops a fault during this period your specialist cycle shop will of course replace it A fault does not constitute normal ageing and battery wear The service life of the battery depends on different...

Страница 142: ...stable position on a suitable surface Do not cover the charger or place any objects on it as otherwise it could overheat and catch fire 8 Troubleshooting The control panel also indicates when faults a...

Страница 143: ...hly two sec onds No power assist A problem occurred in the drive unit Motor sensor unit or cable defective Con tact your specialist cycle shop The motor output is less The motor is over loaded Allow t...

Страница 144: ...to see one white and one green cable connector Open these connectors and pull them apart 1 Green connector 2 White connector 1 2 To open the white connector push a sharp object tip of a key or ball po...

Страница 145: ...eel refer to the General User Manual The General User Manual also contains all other bicycle related information on your Pedelec 10 Cleaning Remove the battery before you clean your Pedelec We recomme...

Страница 146: ...n the device when it is open and connected to the power supply must only be carried out by the specialist cycle shop When carrying out adjustments and maintenance or when cleaning the Pedelec avoid cr...

Страница 147: ...h Possible applications of batteries DCW ITEM NO ITEM NO CAPACITY AH WEIGHT KG POSSIBLE APPLICATION CENTRE FAST FRONT 17017002 NKY226B02 10 2 4 X 250W 17017012 NKY226B02 10 2 4 X 250W 17019018 NKY252B...

Страница 148: ...IV User Manual Pedelec with front motor 23...

Страница 149: ...hly enjoy using your new Pedelec Copyright 2012 Raleigh Univega GmbH Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without the consent of Raleigh Univega GmbH Subject to misprints errors and techn...

Страница 150: ...V User Manual Impulse Pedelec English Raleigh Univega GmbH 2012...

Страница 151: ...Manual Impulse Pedelec LCD control panel LCD display Charger 1 Battery 2 Battery lock 3 Motor unit 4 LED control panel 5a LCD control panel 5b LCD display 6 Charger 5a 5b 6 LED control panel 4 2 3 1...

Страница 152: ...Chapter 1 Quick start The individual steps are subsequently explained in detail supplemented by illustrations and diagrams More detailed information on your Pedelec is provided in Chapter 11 Technical...

Страница 153: ...assist mode 15 5 1 4 Battery charge state indicator 16 5 1 5 Troubleshooting 16 5 2 LCD control panel with display 18 5 2 1 On Off button 19 5 2 2 Buttons for power assist level 19 5 2 3 Display of t...

Страница 154: ...ectric motor 24 6 1 Operating principle of assistance 24 6 2 Distance 25 6 3 Riding your Pedelec efficiently 25 7 Battery 26 7 1 Straightforward charging 26 7 1 1 Learning cycle 26 7 2 High degree of...

Страница 155: ...ove Model designation Groove F3 Groove F8 Product description Raleigh BionX Model designation Blackburn 7 Blackburn 5 Blackburn 3 Product description Raleigh Bosch Pedelec Model designation Stoker B Y...

Страница 156: ...L Dover i Premium Dover i360 Dover i360 Harmony Product description Raleigh Groove Pedelec Model designation Groove F8 Product description Raleigh Xion Pedelec Model designation Blackburn 5 Blackburn...

Страница 157: ...8 V User Manual Impulse Pedelec...

Страница 158: ...ttery will not lock in place 6 Make sure that the battery is securely posi tioned and that the key is no longer in the lock If your Pedelec is equipped with an LCD control panel 7 Push the Power butto...

Страница 159: ...hapter 2 2 Pushing assistance You do not legally have to have insurance No age restriction applies for a Pedelec The regulations governing the use of cycle paths are the same as for normal bikes These...

Страница 160: ...therefore either turn the pedals more slowly low cadence with more effort or turn them more quickly high cadence with less effort The data provided is an example for the assistance function The data m...

Страница 161: ...the Pedelec to one side In doing so hold on tight to the battery to prevent it from being dropped Tilt when removing 3 You should now remove the key and keep it in a safe place to prevent it from bre...

Страница 162: ...charg ing operation The battery is charged in five stages When charging of one stage is in progress the cor responding LED flashes If this stage has been fully charged the LED will light up permanent...

Страница 163: ...nd assistance The Power button is located below the LEDs Press this button to switch the control panel on and off On Off button If the model features pushing assistance the switch for this will be on...

Страница 164: ...t mode Assist level DISPLAY ASSIST LEVEL POWER The LED on the right of the display will light up This means the assistance is working hard SPORT The LED in the middle of the display will light up This...

Страница 165: ...eans that there is a problem with the battery communi cation In that case switch the system off and then back on again If the problem occurs again put the battery in the charger so that the battery ma...

Страница 166: ...sappears you can ride off normally If the flashing signal continues you can ride as if you were riding a bike without power assist Have a specialist dealer check your error message and rectify the pro...

Страница 167: ...ation area 1 5 4 2 3 The LCD display in the middle of the handlebar is divided into five different display panels 1 At the top on the left is your current speed 2 Next to current speed on the right is...

Страница 168: ...ne level Each time you press the button with the arrow pointing upwards the assistance increases by one level from no assistance stand by through to the highest level POWER Each time you press the but...

Страница 169: ...conditions this con densation will vanish leaving no trace 1 2 1 Spoke magnet 2 Sensor on chain stay TEXT CAUSE SOLUTION Speed sensor signal missing Spoke magnet has slipped out of position Make sure...

Страница 170: ...ation remains in place and you are likewise taken back to the menu sub item display 5 3 2 Device settings Under the menu sub item Device settings you can change the following display settings Contrast...

Страница 171: ...pital let ters by selecting abc ABC on the right of the display panel and pressing the Set button to con firm The letters then immediately appear as lower case or capital letters The use of spaces is...

Страница 172: ...el in euros Eur and cents ct You can set this to a value in euros between 0 and 9 euros and a value in cents between 0 and 99 cents by using the two arrow keys on the control panel to move in 1 euro a...

Страница 173: ...Special features of the Pedelec with Impulse drive contains a table which shows the speeds at which the motor is switched off 6 Assistance by the electric motor 6 1 Operating principle of assistance I...

Страница 174: ...everal factors Ambient temperature If it is colder you will travel a shorter distance with the same battery charge To maximise the distance you can travel keep the battery in a heated room so that it...

Страница 175: ...battery for operation with a 250 watt motor 7 Battery Your battery is a lithium cobalt battery the ideal type of lithium ion Li ion battery for this application One of the main benefits of this type...

Страница 176: ...y charged before you ride your bike for the first time or if you have not used it for a while You should run the battery all the way down to empty for the first three charging cycles This allows the b...

Страница 177: ...flashes quickly A charging fault is present If this occurs put the battery in the docking station for a short period of time or insert the plug of the charger into the battery The charger performs a r...

Страница 178: ...such as the drive and brakes are subject to higher loads than they would be on a normal bike Due to the greater force acting on these components wear is more pronounced 7 5 2 of the battery Batteries...

Страница 179: ...the charger in a secure stable position on a suitable surface Do not cover the charger or place any objects on it as otherwise it could overheat and catch fire 8 Charger Read the two type plates on th...

Страница 180: ...n in operation It must be possible for the heat produced to dissi pate via the surrounding ventilation slots on the top and bottom 9 Cleaning Remove the battery before you clean your Pedelec We recomm...

Страница 181: ...at chainring 40 Nm Gross weight of electric drive battery control unit Freewheel motor Back pedal motor 11 Ah 15 Ah 11 Ah 15 Ah 6 65 kg 6 75 kg 6 75 kg 6 85 kg Control via torque sensor and rota tion...

Страница 182: ...using your new Pedelec with Impulse drive Copyright 2012 Raleigh Univega GmbH Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without the consent of Raleigh Univega GmbH Subject to misprints errors...

Страница 183: ...VI User Manual Groove Pedelec English Raleigh Univega GmbH 2012...

Страница 184: ...2 VI User Manual Groove Pedelec Battery and charger Battery lock 1 Battery 2 Battery lock 3 Motor unit 4 Control panel 5 Charger Motor unit Control panel 5 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1...

Страница 185: ...ubsequently explained in detail supplemented by illustrations and diagrams More detailed information on your Pedelec is provided in Chapter 12 Technical data The information in this User Manual specif...

Страница 186: ...11 5 3 Display of power assist mode 12 5 4 Battery charge state indicator 12 6 Assistance by the electric motor 13 6 1 Operating principle of assistance 13 6 2 Distance 13 6 3 Riding your Pedelec eff...

Страница 187: ...ove Model designation Groove F3 Groove F8 Product description Raleigh BionX Model designation Blackburn 7 Blackburn 5 Blackburn 3 Product description Raleigh Bosch Pedelec Model designation Stoker B Y...

Страница 188: ...L Dover i Premium Dover i360 Dover i360 Harmony Product description Raleigh Groove Pedelec Model designation Groove F8 Product description Raleigh Xion Pedelec Model designation Blackburn 5 Blackburn...

Страница 189: ...elec place the battery back into the holder in the pannier rack by reinserting it from behind Once you have inserted the battery turn the key clockwise and then remove it other wise the battery will n...

Страница 190: ...lly have to have a driving license unless you own a model with pushing assistance Chapter 2 2 Pushing assistance You do not legally have to have insurance No age restriction applies for a Pedelec The...

Страница 191: ...Quick start You can also remove the battery from the holder and charge it in the docking station This is recom mended if it is cold outside in order to charge the battery in a warm room Hold the batte...

Страница 192: ...on the battery to the right of the LEDs The greater the number of LEDs that light up the higher the charge state is LEDs on the battery 5 If the LED on the charger lights up green the battery is fully...

Страница 193: ...n to switch the control panel on and off On Off button If the model features pushing assistance the switch for this will be on the underside of the control panel Button for pushing assistance 5 1 On O...

Страница 194: ...vel ECO is activated and the assis tance is working only with a low level of effort 5 4 Battery charge state indicator The battery charge state indicator is located below the row of LED indicators tha...

Страница 195: ...l factors Ambient temperature If it is colder you will travel a shorter distance with the same battery charge To maximise the distance you can travel keep the battery in a heated room so that it is at...

Страница 196: ...Li Ion battery type for this application One of the main benefits of this type of battery is its low weight combined with a high capacity Li Ion batteries only weigh half as much as comparable nickel...

Страница 197: ...e the battery inside your house or in a warm garage when the outside temperature is low In this case you should only fit the battery on your bike just before using it If you are transporting your Pede...

Страница 198: ...the battery According to the technical definition the battery is used if its capacity is only 60 in the new condition The battery of course also ages over time Even if you do not use your battery its...

Страница 199: ...irst thing you must do before releasing the front wheel is to open the connection to the front wheel motor Undo the locking nut for the electrical connector which is located on the back of the fork Ta...

Страница 200: ...genuine battery Live parts may be exposed when you open covers or remove parts Connection points may also be live Maintenance or repairs on the device when it is open and connected to the power suppl...

Страница 201: ...th planetary gear unit and freewheel Output 250 watts Maximum torque 35 Nm Weight of motor 2 88 kg Assist levels 70 150 250 watts Switch off speed 25 km h at all assist levels Control via speed sensor...

Страница 202: ...using your new Pedelec with Groove drive Copyright 2012 Raleigh Univega GmbH Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without the consent of Raleigh Univega GmbH Subject to misprints errors...

Страница 203: ...BionX User Manual BIO_Anleitung_OEM_DERBY_ENGLISCH indd 1 13 05 11 18 25...

Страница 204: ...ove Model designation Groove F3 Groove F8 Product description Raleigh BionX Model designation Blackburn 7 Blackburn 5 Blackburn 3 Product description Raleigh Bosch Pedelec Model designation Stoker B Y...

Страница 205: ...L Dover i Premium Dover i360 Dover i360 Harmony Product description Raleigh Groove Pedelec Model designation Groove F8 Product description Raleigh Xion Pedelec Model designation Blackburn 5 Blackburn...

Страница 206: ...nd operating instructions from the manufacturer and follow the instructions if any prior to its first use 2 Familiarize yourself with your electric bicycle and the functions of the BionX system in a s...

Страница 207: ...andling and Charging the Battery 7 Assist Mode Generate Mode 9 Operating the BionX Propulsion System 10 Programming the Basic Settings 12 Installing Removing the Rear Wheel 13 Maintenance and Care 14...

Страница 208: ...nom 250W nom 9Nm max 40Nm 4 7kg Brushless gearless Generate mode for energy recuperation Integrated torque sensor 3 Console Removable Illuminated LCD display with battery state of charge 4 assistance...

Страница 209: ...sole by pushing the release lever on the console mount Slide the console out of the console mount 4 Brake switch A sensor integrated with the brake lever connected to the BionX console Upon activation...

Страница 210: ...e lock cylinder you will hear an audible click when the battery is properly inserted Removing the battery 1 Turn off the BionX propulsion system no illustration 2 Lightly press on the battery release...

Страница 211: ...where the temperatures can reach more than 45 C or fall below 10 C The battery should never be exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations or humidity and always protect the battery during storage fr...

Страница 212: ...pleted to the level where there is risk it could fall into deep discharge the battery will signal that a recharge is needed by beeping Power Supply The delivered power supply is suitable for the volta...

Страница 213: ...r and recharges the battery When going downhill you can regulate your speed by varying the generate level This generate function provides a certain braking effect however it does not replace legally r...

Страница 214: ...y push The battery will beep 5 times After 10 minutes of no operation the system turns off automatically Select assistance generate level Push key for more less assist see bar fields 1 4 above display...

Страница 215: ...seconds Select the cycling computer functions Briefly push the key to change between Trip Distance DIST Odometer ODO Chronometer CHRONO Average Speed AVSPD To reset cycle computer functions Hold the...

Страница 216: ...he same manner until the desired program is displayed Code Description 2001 Select km h or mph 2002 Regeneration brake output for magnetic switch 0 40 ideally 30 40 2005 Tire circumference millimeters...

Страница 217: ...Do not pull the brake lever with the brake disc on the rear wheel removed from the caliper Insertion of the wheel can be difficult or impossible as the brake pads will prevent brake disc from sliding...

Страница 218: ...e the spoke tension of the rear wheel and the torque of all screws checked by your qualified dealer after the first 200km In order to ensure extended use of the propulsion system all plug in contacts...

Страница 219: ...y sure that the bike rack on your car is suitable for the increased weight and the unique frame style of your electric bicycle A rack that is not suitable can be damaged or even break during the trans...

Страница 220: ...it off and then on again If that does not solve the problem you can temporarily bypass it by removing the plug in connection from the console to the brake switch The motor is not as powerful after a...

Страница 221: ...mponents and or to replace such components at BionX discretion Service Replacement Unit 7 Warranty repairs have to be exclusively performed by BionX Any component to be repaired under the framework of...

Страница 222: ...s wetness and humidity and or if the battery suffers damages due to non compliance with the special instructions set forth in the chapter Handling and Charging of the Battery f The model serial or pro...

Страница 223: ...BionX BionX Design and powered by BionX are trademarks of BionX International Corporation 2011 BionX International Corporation All Rights Reserved BIO_Anleitung_OEM_DERBY_ENGLISCH indd 19 13 05 11 18...

Страница 224: ...bionxinternational com bionxinternational com Your dealer BIO_Anleitung_OEM_DERBY_ENGLISCH indd 20 13 05 11 18 25...

Страница 225: ...0 900 0 275 007 003 1 270 020 500 1 270 020 501 1 270 020 502 1 270 020 503 1 270 020 504 1 270 020 505 1 270 020 506 1 270 020 507 0 275 007 900 de Originalbetriebsanleitung en Original instructions...

Страница 226: ...ove Model designation Groove F3 Groove F8 Product description Raleigh BionX Model designation Blackburn 7 Blackburn 5 Blackburn 3 Product description Raleigh Bosch Pedelec Model designation Stoker B Y...

Страница 227: ...L Dover i Premium Dover i360 Dover i360 Harmony Product description Raleigh Groove Pedelec Model designation Groove F8 Product description Raleigh Xion Pedelec Model designation Blackburn 5 Blackburn...

Страница 228: ...1 Bosch eBike Systems 2 i n f o r e s e t mode l i g h t i n f o r e s e t mode l i g h t i n f o r e s e t mode l i g h t f b a 5 6 7 8 c d e g 4 3 2 1 OBJ_BUCH 1557 001 book Page 2 Wednesday Septemb...

Страница 229: ...ke Systems 0 276 001 X45 28 9 11 m o d e li ht i n f o r e s e t m o d e light 11 9 max 1 Nm 2 10 max 1 Nm 2 9 max 1 Nm 1 2 12 5 1 7 m m D C B A OBJ_BUCH 1557 001 book Page 3 Wednesday September 28 20...

Страница 230: ...0 276 001 X45 28 9 11 Bosch eBike Systems 4 FA ST SL O W 13 19 20 23 21 22 18 17 18 17 14 16 15 16 15 0 275 007 900 OBJ_BUCH 1557 001 book Page 4 Wednesday September 28 2011 11 39 AM...

Страница 231: ...5 Bosch eBike Systems 0 276 001 X45 28 9 11 20 17 18 20 22 21 19 18 13 14 17 19 18 17 21 F E OBJ_BUCH 1557 001 book Page 5 Wednesday September 28 2011 11 39 AM...

Страница 232: ...0 276 001 X45 28 9 11 Bosch eBike Systems 6 F A S T S L O W 230 27 28 24 25 24 26 23 29 30 31 OBJ_BUCH 1557 001 book Page 6 Wednesday September 28 2011 11 39 AM...

Страница 233: ...7 Bosch eBike Systems 0 276 001 X45 28 9 11 F A S T S L O W 230 15 31 32 20 32 14 27 25 26 H G OBJ_BUCH 1557 001 book Page 7 Wednesday September 28 2011 11 39 AM...

Страница 234: ...s mit dem Auto oder dem Flugzeug transportieren oder es aufbewahren Bei unbeabsichtigtem Bet ti gen des Ein Ausschalters besteht Verlet zungsgefahr f Die Funktion Anfahrhilfe darf ausschlie lich beim...

Страница 235: ...10 bzw 9 mit einem Anzugsdrehmoment von maximal 1 Nm fest Die Halterung 2 kann sonst be sch digt werden Halterung verschieben kippen siehe Bild A L sen Sie die beiden Schrauben 9 an der Unter seite d...

Страница 236: ...autorisierten Fahrradh ndler Betrieb Inbetriebnahme Voraussetzungen Der Antrieb Ihres eBikes kann nur aktiviert wer den wenn folgende Voraussetzungen erf llt sind Eine ausreichend geladene Batterie i...

Страница 237: ...er Anzeige f erscheint W hrend der Benutzung der Anfahrhilfe erlischt die Anzeige f der eingestellte Unterst tzungs modus wird gespeichert Unterst tzungsstufe einstellen Im eingestellten Unterst tzung...

Страница 238: ...encom puter Bei beiden Ausf hrungen dr cken Sie zum Ein schalten der Beleuchtung die Taste light 5 Im Display erscheint die Beleuchtungsanzeige b Zum Ausschalten der Beleuchtung dr cken Sie die Taste...

Страница 239: ...triebs einheit Antriebseinheit berpr fen lassen 101 Verbindungsproblem der Antriebseinheit Anschl sse und Verbindungen berpr fen lassen 102 Fehler des Geschwindigkeits sensors Geschwindigkeitssensor b...

Страница 240: ...e Wahl des richtigen Ganges k nnen Sie bei gleichem Krafteinsatz die Geschwindigkeit und die Reichweite erh hen Erste Erfahrungen sammeln Es ist empfehlenswert die ersten Erfahrungen mit dem eBike abs...

Страница 241: ...rt durch gewerbliche Benutzer oder beim Transport durch Dritte z B Lufttrans port oder Spedition sind besondere Anforderun gen an Verpackung und Kennzeichnung zu beach ten z B Vorschriften des ADR Bei...

Страница 242: ...Kurzschluss zwischen den Batteriekon takten kann Verbrennungen oder Feuer zur Folge haben Bei in diesem Zusammenhang entstandenen Kurzschlusssch den entf llt jeglicher Anspruch auf Garantie durch Bos...

Страница 243: ...rieschlosses 18 Batterieschloss 19 Obere Halterung der Standard Batterie 20 Standard Batterie 21 Untere Halterung der Standard Batterie 22 Tragegurt 23 Ladeger t Technische Daten Li Ionen Batterie Bat...

Страница 244: ...bensdauer der Batterie erreicht Ladezustandsanzeige Die f nf gr nen LEDs der Ladezustandsanzeige 15 zeigen bei eingeschalteter Batterie den Lade zustand der Batterie an Dabei entspricht jede LED etwa...

Страница 245: ...der Anzeige 15 erl schen Der eBike Antrieb wird damit eben falls ausgeschaltet Wird etwa 10 min lang keine Leistung des An triebs abgerufen z B weil das eBike steht schaltet sich die Batterie aus Ene...

Страница 246: ...ke com Transport Die Batterien unterliegen den Anforderungen des Gefahrgutrechts Die Batterien k nnen durch den privaten Benutzer ohne weitere Auflagen auf der Stra e transportiert werden Beim Transpo...

Страница 247: ...n auftretenden Erw r mung des Ladeger tes besteht Brandgefahr f Bei Besch digung und unsachgem em Ge brauch der Batterie k nnen D mpfe austre ten F hren Sie Frischluft zu und suchen Sie bei Beschwerde...

Страница 248: ...uch an 220 V betrieben werden Stecken Sie dann den Ger testecker 27 des Netzkabels in die Ger tebuchse 25 am Ladege r t Schlie en Sie das Netzkabel l nderspezifisch an das Stromnetz an Die Betriebsanz...

Страница 249: ...igt die Aufladung der n chsten 20 an Die Batterie ist vollst ndig geladen wenn alle f nf LEDs der Anzeige 15 dauerhaft leuchten Der Ladevorgang wird automatisch unterbrochen Trennen Sie das Ladeger t...

Страница 250: ...einen autorisierten Fahrradh ndler Kontaktdaten autorisierter Fahrradh ndler fin den Sie auf der Internetseite www bosch ebike com Entsorgung Ladeger te Zubeh r und Verpackungen sollen einer umweltger...

Страница 251: ...tion may only be used when starting or pushing the eBike Danger of injury when the wheels of the eBike do not have ground contact while using the start assistance function f Use only original Bosch ba...

Страница 252: ...ting it see Inserting and Removing the Drive HMI Retighten screw 10 again with a tighten ing torque of 1 Nm max Inserting and Removing the Drive HMI see figure C To insert the drive HMI place it turne...

Страница 253: ...battery also switches on the display of the drive HMI The drive HMI indicates the charge condition of the battery as well as the settings of the drive unit The drive is activated as soon as you step i...

Страница 254: ...a traffic light or when starting uphill It can also be used as a pushing aid when in the lowest gear f The start assistance function may only be used when starting or pushing the eBike Danger of inju...

Страница 255: ...set button 3 until the indication is reset to zero While using the start assistance function multi function indicator e goes out Error Code Indication The components of the eBike drive are continu ous...

Страница 256: ...e wear of the drive train By selecting the right gear you can increase the speed and range with the same pedaling effort Gathering First Experience It is recommended to gather first experience with th...

Страница 257: ...ntenance and Service Maintenance and Cleaning Keep all components of your eBike clean espe cially the battery contacts and corresponding holders Clean them carefully with a soft damp cloth All compone...

Страница 258: ...de line 2002 96 EC electrical devic es tools that are no longer usable and according to the European Guideline 2006 66 EC defective or used battery packs batteries must be col lected separately and di...

Страница 259: ...flush with wa ter If liquid contacts eyes additionally seek medical help Liquid ejected from the battery may cause skin irritations or burns f Vapours can escape in case of damage and improper use of...

Страница 260: ...ger The battery can be charged any time without re ducing the battery life Interrupting the charging procedure does not cause damage to the bat tery The battery is equipped with a temperature con trol...

Страница 261: ...older 13 Operation Initial Operation f Use only original Bosch batteries approved for your eBike by the manufacturer Using other batteries can lead to injuries and pose a fire hazard When using other...

Страница 262: ...recommended to have the battery con nected permanently to the charger Storage Conditions Store the battery in a dry well ventilated loca tion Protect the battery against moisture and water Under unfa...

Страница 263: ...more detailed national regula tions In case of questions concerning transport of the batteries please refer to an authorised bicycle dealer Bicycle dealers can also provide suitable transport packagin...

Страница 264: ...dren This will ensure that children do not play with the charger f Children or persons that owing to their physical sensory or mental limitations or to their lack of experience or knowledge are not ca...

Страница 265: ...sert the charger plug 27 of the power cord into the charger socket 25 of the charger Connect the mains cable country specific to the mains supply The operation indicator 30 on the charger lights up f...

Страница 266: ...s the charging of the next 20 The battery is completely charged when all five LEDs of indicator 15 light up continuously The charge procedure is automatically ended Disconnect the charger from the mai...

Страница 267: ...rised bicycle dealer For contact data of authorised bicycle dealers please refer to www bosch ebike com Disposal Battery chargers accessories and packaging should be sorted for environmental friendly...

Страница 268: ...voiture ou en avion ou de le stocker Appuyer par m garde sur l in terrupteur Marche Arr t peut provoquer des blessures f La fonction aide au d marrage ne doit tre utilis e que quand vous d marrez ou...

Страница 269: ...er rage de 1 Nm max La fixation 2 risque autre ment d tre endommag e D placer basculer la fixation voir figure A Desserrez les deux vis 9 se trouvant sur la face inf rieure de la fixation 2 D placez l...

Страница 270: ...p teur de vitesse la distance correcte Si l indica teur tachym trique a n affiche toujours pas de vitesse adressez vous un v lociste autoris Fonctionnement Mise en service Conditions pr alables L entr...

Страница 271: ...s Note Dans des versions individuelles le mode assistance est pr r gl et ne peut pas tre mo difi Il est galement possible que moins de modes soient disponibles qu indiqu s ici Quatre modes assistance...

Страница 272: ...t la lampe arri re et l clairage de l cran Seul l clairage de l cran peut tre allum ou teint la lampe avant et la lampe arri re du v lo lectrique sont ind pendantes de l ordinateur de commande Pour le...

Страница 273: ...e de connexion de l unit d entra nement Faire contr ler les raccords et connexions 102 Erreur du capteur de vitesse Faire contr ler le capteur de vitesse 103 Probl me de connexion de l clairage Faire...

Страница 274: ...d entra nement En choisissant la vitesse appropri e vous pou vez augmenter la vitesse et la port e en appli quant la m me force Faire les premi res exp riences Il est recommand de faire les premi res...

Страница 275: ...ex transport a rien ou entreprise de transport les exigences sp cifi ques l emballage et au marquage doivent tre respect es par ex prescriptions de l ADR Le cas ch ant lors de la pr paration de l envo...

Страница 276: ...ion d une borne une autre Un court circuit entre les contacts de batterie peut provoquer des br lures ou un incendie La garantie de Bosch est annul e dans en cas de dommages provoqu s par un court cir...

Страница 277: ...rie 19 Fixation sup rieure de la batterie standard 20 Batterie standard 21 Fixation inf rieure de la batterie standard 22 Sangle 23 Chargeur Caract ristiques techniques Batterie ions lithium Battery P...

Страница 278: ...r une longue dur e de vie de la batterie Voyant lumineux indiquant l tat de charge Les cinq LED vertes du voyant lumineux 15 indi quent l tat de charge de la batterie lorsque la batterie est mise en m...

Страница 279: ...t L entra nement du v lo lectrique est en m me temps galement teint Si l entra nement n est pas sollicit pendant 10 min par ex parce que le v lo lectrique est arr t la batterie s teint automatiquement...

Страница 280: ...teur priv peut transporter les batteries sur la route sans conditions suppl mentaires Lors d un transport par utilisateurs commerciaux ou par tiers par ex transport a rien ou entrepri se de transport...

Страница 281: ...augmente le risque d in cendie f En cas d endommagement et d utilisation non conforme de la batterie des vapeurs peuvent s chapper Ventilez le lieu de tra vail et en cas de malaises consultez un m dec...

Страница 282: ...onction ner sous 220 V Introduisez ensuite la fiche de l appareil 27 du c ble de secteur dans la prise de l appareil 25 Branchez le c ble de secteur diff rent selon le pays sur le r seau d alimentatio...

Страница 283: ...e quand les cinq LED du voyant lumineux 15 sont allum es en permanence Le processus de charge est automatiquement interrompu D connectez le chargeur du r seau lectrique et la batterie du chargeur Lors...

Страница 284: ...es de contact de v lo cistes autoris s sur le site internet www bosch ebike com Elimination des d chets Les chargeurs ainsi que leurs accessoires et em ballages doivent pouvoir suivre chacun une voie...

Страница 285: ...o avi n o al guardarla En caso contrario podr a accidentarse al accionar for tuitamente el interruptor de conexi n desco nexi n f La funci n de Asistencia al arrancar deber usarse exclusivamente al p...

Страница 286: ...0 o 9 con un par de apriete m ximo de 1 Nm En caso contrario podr a da arse el soporte 2 Desplazamiento o inclinaci n del soporte ver figura A Afloje ambos tornillos 9 en la parte inferior del soporte...

Страница 287: ...n marcha Requisitos El accionamiento de su eBike solamente puede activarse si se cumplen los siguientes requisitos Aplicaci n de una bater a suficientemente car gada ver instrucciones de uso de la bat...

Страница 288: ...antas veces como sea nece sario hasta visualizar el modo deseado en el indicador f Al utilizar la Asistencia al arrancar el indicador f se apaga y se memoriza el modo de asistencia ajustado Ajuste del...

Страница 289: ...luminaci n de la pantalla la luz delan tera y trasera de la eBike se conectan inde pendientemente del ordenador de control En ambas ejecuciones pulse la tecla light 5 para conectar la iluminaci n En e...

Страница 290: ...a unidad motriz 101 Problema de conexi n en la unidad motriz Deje verificar las conexiones y las uniones 102 Fallo en captador de velocidad Haga verificar el captador de velocidad 103 Problema de cone...

Страница 291: ...ccionamiento Seleccionando el cambio de marcha correcto Ud puede aumentar la velocidad y el alcance aplicando la misma fuerza muscular Acumulaci n de experiencia Se recomienda ir adquiriendo experienc...

Страница 292: ...erciales o env o por terceros p ej transporte a reo o agencia de transportes deber n considerarse las exigencias especiales en cuanto a su emba laje e identificaci n p ej prescripciones ADR Si fuese p...

Страница 293: ...ear sus contactos El cortocircuito de los contactos de la bater a puede causar quema duras o un incendio En los da os derivados de un cortocircuito por los motivos antedichos Bosch anula cualquier der...

Страница 294: ...ura de la bater a 19 Soporte superior de la bater a est ndar 20 Bater a est ndar 21 Soporte inferior de la bater a est ndar 22 Correa de transporte 23 Cargador Datos t cnicos Bater a de Iones de Litio...

Страница 295: ...anera se consigue una eleva da vida til de la bater a Indicador de estado de carga El nivel de carga de la bater a se se aliza me diante los cinco LED verdes del indicador de carga 15 Cada uno de los...

Страница 296: ...LED de la pantalla 15 se apagan Con ello se desco necta asimismo el accionamiento de la eBike Si en el transcurso de 10 min el accionamiento sigue inactivo p ej al estar detenida la eBike la bater a s...

Страница 297: ...jados en la legislaci n sobre mercanc as peligro sas Las bater as pueden ser transportadas por carretera por usuarios particulares sin m s impo siciones En caso de transporte por usuarios comerciales...

Страница 298: ...ntorno inflamable Puesto que el car gador se calienta durante el proceso de car ga existe un peligro de incendio f Si la bater a se da a o usa de forma inapro piada puede que sta emane vapores Ven til...

Страница 299: ...or Los cargadores para 230 V pueden funcionar tambi n a 220 V Introduzca entonces el enchufe 27 del cable de red en el conector hembra 25 del cargador Conecte el enchufe espec fico de cada pa s a la r...

Страница 300: ...er a se encuentra completamente cargada al encenderse permanentemente los cinco LED del indicador 15 El proceso de carga es inte rrumpido autom ticamente Desconecte el cargador de la red y la bater a...

Страница 301: ...icletas autorizada Las direcciones de tiendas de bicicletas autori zadas las encuentra en la p gina de internet www bosch ebike com Eliminaci n Los cargadores accesorios y embalajes deber n someterse...

Страница 302: ...i dal produt tore della bicicletta specificatamente per la Vostra eBike In questo modo l unit di azio namento viene protetta da sovraccarico e danneggiamento f Rimuovere la batteria dalla eBike prima...

Страница 303: ...lizzazione computer di controllo a Visualizzazione tachimetro b Visualizzazione illuminazione c Visualizzazione grado di assistenza d Visualizzazione aiuto all avviamento e Visualizzazione multifunzio...

Страница 304: ...iata affinch l aziona mento non possa essere utilizzato da terzi non autorizzati Senza il computer di con trollo l azionamento non pu essere inserito Controllo del sensore di velocit vedi figura D Il...

Страница 305: ...di controllo sono possibili solamente se la batteria eBike attivata Il computer di controllo non dotato di una propria alimentazione di corrente Indicatore dello stato di carica della batteria Oltre...

Страница 306: ...lizzata esclusivamente all avviamento oppure mentre si spinge l eBike Se durante l impiego dell aiuto all avviamento le ruote non hanno alcun contatto con il terreno esi ste il pericolo di lesioni Per...

Страница 307: ...alizzazione multifunzione e Visualizzazione codice errore I componenti dell azionamento dell eBike ven gono costantemente controllati automaticamen te Se viene individuato un errore compare nella visu...

Страница 308: ...marcia interrompere brevemente di pedalare In questo modo il cam bio di marcia diventa pi facile e si riduce l usura degli organi di azionamento Grazie alla selezione della marcia corretta pos sibile...

Страница 309: ...le del cambio marcia tanto inferiore sar l energia che l azionamento dell eBike consu mer e tanto maggiore sar l autonomia di una carica della batteria Tanto maggiore sar selezionato il grado di assis...

Страница 310: ...de relative al trasporto delle batterie rivolgersi ad un rivenditore autorizzato di biciclette Presso il rivenditore possibile or dinare anche un imballo per il trasporto adatto Smaltimento Avviare ad...

Страница 311: ...tatti della batteria pu causare ustioni oppure fuoco In caso di cor tocircuiti verificatisi in relazione a queste condizioni decadr qualsiasi pretesa di ga ranzia tramite Bosch f In caso di impiego er...

Страница 312: ...sura batteria 18 Dispositivo di chiusura batteria 19 Supporto superiore della batteria standard 20 Batteria standard 21 Supporto inferiore della batteria standard 22 Cinghia portante 23 Stazione di ri...

Страница 313: ...o di carica I cinque LED verdi dell indicatore dello stato di carica 15 indicano con batteria attivata lo stato di carica della batteria stessa Ogni LED corrisponde a circa il 20 della capa cit Quando...

Страница 314: ...si spengono In questo modo l azionamento dell eBike viene spento anch esso Se per ca 10 min non viene richiesto alcun in tervento dell azionamento p es poich l eBike ferma la batteria di spegne autom...

Страница 315: ...te ai requisiti di legge re lativi a merci pericolose Le batterie possono es sere trasportate su strada tramite l utente priva to senza ulteriori precauzioni In caso di trasporto tramite utente commer...

Страница 316: ...riscaldamento del caricabatteria che si ha durante la fase di ricarica si viene a cre are il pericolo di incendio f In caso di danneggiamento ed un uso non corretto della batteria possono fuoriuscire...

Страница 317: ...ibile selezionare tra 115 V e 230 V f Osservare la tensione di rete La tensione della rete deve corrispondere a quella indica ta sulla stazione di ricarica Stazioni di ricari ca previste per l uso con...

Страница 318: ...autela in caso di contatto con la stazione di ricarica durante l opera zione di ricarica Mettere i guanti di prote zione In modo particolare nel funziona mento di ricarica normale e a elevate tempe ra...

Страница 319: ...triche ed elettroniche RAEE ed all attua zione del recepimento nel diritto nazionale le stazioni di ricarica di ventate inservibili devono essere raccolte sepa ratamente ed essere inviate ad una riuti...

Страница 320: ...oud enz aan de eBike voordat u deze per auto of vliegtuig vervoert en voordat u deze opbergt Bij per ongeluk bedienen van de aan uit schakelaar bestaat verwondingsgevaar f De functie starthulp mag uit...

Страница 321: ...ven 9 aan de onderzijde van de houder 2 los Verschuif de houder op het stuur of verander de kantelhoek Draai de beide schroeven 9 met een aandraaimoment van maxi maal 1 Nm weer vast Houder draaien zie...

Страница 322: ...erkende rijwiel vakhandel Gebruik Ingebruikneming Voorwaarden De aandrijving van uw eBike kan alleen geacti veerd worden als aan de volgende voorwaarden is voldaan Er is een voldoende opgeladen accu g...

Страница 323: ...eld en kan deze niet worden gewijzigd Het is ook mogelijk dat er uit minder modi dan hier ver meld kan worden gekozen Maximaal vier ondersteuningsmodi zijn beschik baar Als u van ondersteuningsmodus w...

Страница 324: ...ver lichting in en uitgeschakeld worden Alleen de displayverlichting kan in en uitge schakeld worden Voor en achterlicht van de eBike zijn onafhankelijk van de bedienings computer Bij beide uitvoering...

Страница 325: ...terne fout van aandrijfeen heid Aandrijfeenheid laten controleren 101 Verbindingsprobleem van aandrijfeenheid Aansluitingen en verbindingen laten controleren 102 Fout van snelheidssensor Snelheidssens...

Страница 326: ...slijtage van de aandrijflijn beperkt Door de keuze van de juiste versnelling kunt u bij gelijke krachtsinspanning de snelheid en het bereik vergroten Eerste ervaringen opdoen Geadviseerd wordt om de e...

Страница 327: ...elijke gebruikers of bij ver voer door derden bijv luchtvervoer of vervoers bedrijf moeten bijzondere eisen ten aanzien van verpakking en markering in acht worden ge nomen bijv ADR voorschriften Indie...

Страница 328: ...en de accucontacten kan brandwonden of brand tot gevolg hebben Bij in dit verband ontstane schade door kortsluiting vervalt el ke aanspraak op garantie door Bosch f Bij verkeerd gebruik kan er vloeist...

Страница 329: ...e niet Neem contact op met een erkende rijwielhandel Accu opladen f Gebruik alleen het oplaadapparaat dat op de pagina met afbeeldingen vermeld staan Alleen dit oplaadapparaat is afgestemd op de bij d...

Страница 330: ...at de sleutel eruit valt of de accu van een geparkeerde eBike door anderen wordt meegenomen Als u de standaardaccu wilt verwijderen 20 schakelt u deze uit en opent u het slot met de sleutel 17 Kantel...

Страница 331: ...te laden Opmerking Als de accu lange tijd in lege toe stand wordt bewaard kan deze ondanks de ge ringe zelfontlading worden beschadigd en kan de opslagcapaciteit sterk worden verminderd Het is niet a...

Страница 332: ...beweegt Neem ook eventuele overige nationale voorschriften in acht Neem bij vragen over het vervoer van de accu s contact op met een erkende rijwielhandel Bij de rijwielhandel kunt u ook een geschikt...

Страница 333: ...het opladen optredende verwarming van het oplaadapparaat bestaat brandgevaar f Bij beschadiging en onjuist gebruik van de accu kunnen er dampen vrijkomen Zorg voor frisse lucht en raadpleeg bij klach...

Страница 334: ...220 V worden gebruikt Steek vervolgens de apparaatstekker 27 van het netsnoer in de apparaataansluiting 25 op het oplaadapparaat Sluit het netsnoer verschilt per land op het stroomnet aan De functie...

Страница 335: ...olgende 20 aan De accu is volledig opgeladen als alle vijf leds van de indicatie 15 continu branden Het opla den wordt automatisch onderbroken Koppel het oplaadapparaat los van het stroom net en de ac...

Страница 336: ...ielhandel Contactgegevens van de erkende rijwielhandel vindt u op de internetpagina www bosch ebike com Afvalverwijdering Oplaadapparaten toebehoren en verpakkingen moeten op een voor het milieu veran...

Страница 337: ...et Util sigtet betjening af start stop kontakten er forbundet med kv stelsesfare f Funktionen starthj lp m udelukkende bru ges til at starte eller skubbe eBiken Har eBikens hjul ikke nogen kontakt med...

Страница 338: ...tydeligt kan se p betjeningscomputeren 1 efter is tningen se Is tning og udtagning af cykelcomputeren Drej skruen 10 fast igen med et tilsp ndingsmoment p maks 1 Nm Is tning og udtagning af cykel comp...

Страница 339: ...uden belastning N r batteriet t ndes t ndes ogs samtidigt cy kelcomputerens display Cykelcomputeren viser batteriets ladetilstand samt drivenhedens ind stillinger Drevet aktiveres s snart du tr der i...

Страница 340: ...arthj lpen kan bruges som ekstra underst t ning de f rste meter hvis det er besv rligt at komme i gang som f eks ved lyskrydset eller oppe p bjerget Den kan ogs bruges som skubbehj lp i laveste gear f...

Страница 341: ...kift da til en af de to indikatorer og tryk s p tasten info reset 3 til indikatoren st r p nul N r starthj lpen er i brug slukker multifunkti onsindikatoren e Visning af fejlkode eBike drevets kompone...

Страница 342: ...driv strengen slides ikke s hurtigt V lges det rigtige gear kan du ved ensblivende kraftforbrug ge hastigheden og r kkevidden De f rste erfaringer Det anbefales at samle de f rste anbefalinger med eB...

Страница 343: ...em peraturer Vedligeholdelse og service Vedligeholdelse og reng ring Hold alle komponenter rene p din eBike is r kontakterne til batteri og tilh rende holder Reng r den forsigtigt med en fugtig bl d k...

Страница 344: ...i EU lande Iht det europ iske direktiv 2002 96 EF skal kasseret elektro v rkt j og iht det europ iske di rektiv 2006 66 EF skal defekte el ler opbrugte akkuer batterier indsamles separat og genbruges...

Страница 345: ...te kontakterne En kort slutning mellem batterikontakterne kan f re til forbr ndinger eller brand Opslutter der i den ne sammenh ng kortslutningsskader bortfal der ethvert garantikrav over for Bosch f...

Страница 346: ...ng f Oplad ikke et beskadiget batteri og tag det ikke i brug Kontakt en autoriseret cykelfor handler Opladning af batteriet f Brug kun det ladeaggregat der findes p grafiksiden Kun dette ladeaggregat...

Страница 347: ...Til udtagning af standard batteriet 20 slukkes det og l sen bnes med n glen 17 Vip batteriet ud af den verste holder 19 og tr k det vha b reremmen 22 ud af den nederste holder 21 Til udtagning af bag...

Страница 348: ...lst opbevares ved en stuetemperatur p ca 20 C S rg for at den maksimale opbevaringstempe ratur ikke overskrides S rg for at batteriet f eks om sommeren ikke opbevares bilen og opbevar det s dan at det...

Страница 349: ...op iske direktiv 2002 96 EF skal kasseret elektro v rkt j og iht det europ iske direktiv 2006 66 EF skal defekte eller opbrugte akkuer batterier indsamles separat og genbruges iht g ldende milj forskr...

Страница 350: ...ler i br ndbare omgivelser Pas p Lade aggregatet bliver varmt under opladningen Brandfare f Beskadiges batteriet eller bruges det for kert kan der sive dampe ud Tilf r frisk luft og s g l ge hvis du f...

Страница 351: ...tilsluttes 220 V S t s netkablets stik 27 ind i b sningen 25 p ladeaggregatet Tilslut netkablet landespecifik til str mnettet Driftsindikatoren 30 p ladeaggregatet lyser f Forbind f rst ladeaggregate...

Страница 352: ...af de n ste 20 Batteriet er helt opladt n r alle fem LED lamper i indikatoren 15 lyser hele tiden Opladningen afbrydes automatisk Afbryd ladeaggregatet fra str mnettet og batte riet fra ladeaggregate...

Страница 353: ...s stillet til en autoriseret cykelforhandler Kontaktdata for autoriserede cykelforhandlere findes p internetsiden www bosch ebike com Bortskaffelse Ladeaggregater tilbeh r og emballage skal gen bruges...

Страница 354: ...nns risk f r personskada f Funktionen f r starthj lp f r endast anv n das n r elcykeln startas eller leds Om elcy kelns hjul inte har kontakt med marken n r starthj lpen anv nds finns risk f r person...

Страница 355: ...se Ins ttning och borttagning av man verdatorn Dra ter fast skruven 10 med ett tdragningsmoment p h gst 1 Nm Ins ttning och borttagning av man ver datorn se bild C F r ins ttning av man verdatorn l gg...

Страница 356: ...samtidigt med batteriet Man verdatorn indikerar batteri ets laddningstillst nd och drivenhetens inst ll ningar Drivningen aktiveras s fort du trampar peda lerna f rutom vid starth lpfunktionen se Till...

Страница 357: ...r endast anv n das n r elcykeln startas eller leds Om elcy kelns hjul inte har kontakt med marken n r starthj lpen anv nds finns risk f r person skada F r inkoppling av starthj lpen tryck knappen 6 f...

Страница 358: ...ektive felkod p displayen f Beroende p felets typ kopplas drivningen even tuellt automatiskt fr n Fortsatt kning utan hj lpmotor r alltid m jlig F re l nga turer ska elcykeln kontrolleras f L t alltid...

Страница 359: ...r du r s ker p din sak kan du med elcykeln delta i trafiken som med en vanlig cykel Testa elcykelns r ckvidd under olika villkor innan du startar f r l ngre turer R ckvidden p verkas av Med fullt ladd...

Страница 360: ...ansport genom r relsedrivande person eller tredje person t ex flygfrakt eller spedi tion ska speciella villkor f r f rpackning och m rkning beaktas t ex f reskrifterna i ADR I detta fall m ste vid f r...

Страница 361: ...r att v tska rinner ur batteriet Undvik kontakt med v tskan Vid oavsiktlig kontakt spola med vatten Om v tska kommer i kon takt med gonen upps k dessutom l kare Batteriv tskan kan medf ra hudirritati...

Страница 362: ...lst laddas upp eftersom detta inte p verkar livsl ngden Batteriet skadas inte om laddning avbryts Batteriet r f rsett med en temperatur vervak ning som endast till ter laddning inom ett tem peraturomr...

Страница 363: ...lt ansvar In och urkoppling Kontrollera f re inkoppling av batteriet att l set 18 r st ngt Anvisning Elcykelns pedaler f r inte belastas vid inkoppling av batteriet i annat fall begr nsas driveffekten...

Страница 364: ...r ffande batterier kontakta en auk toriserad cykelhandlare f Anteckna nyckelns 17 nummer Om nyckeln g r f rlorad kontakta en auktoriserad cykel handlare Ange nyckelnumret F r auktoriserade cykelhandla...

Страница 365: ...br nnbar omgivning Vid laddningen v rms laddaren upp vilket kan medf ra brandrisk f I skadat eller felanv nt batteri kan ngor uppst Tillf r friskluft och upps k l kare vid kommor ngorna kan leda till...

Страница 366: ...skylt Laddare m rkta med 230 V kan ven anslutas till 220 V Anslut sedan n tkabelns stickkontakt 27 till apparathylsdonet 25 p laddaren Anslut landsspecifik n tkabel till str mn tet Driftsdisplayen 30...

Страница 367: ...laddat n r de fem lysdio derna lyser kontinuerligt p displayen 15 Ladd ningen avbryts automatiskt Bryt str mmen till laddaren och koppla bort bat teriet fr n laddaren Batteriet fr nkopplas automatisk...

Страница 368: ...rad cykelhandlare F r auktoriserade cykelhandlare kan du hitta kontaktadresser p internetsidan www bosch ebike com Avfallshantering Laddare tillbeh r och f rpackning ska omh n dertas p milj v nligt s...

Страница 369: ...y teren ved en feiltagelse f Starthjelp funksjonen m kun brukes n r du starter hhv skyver el sykkelen Hvis hjulene til el sykkelen ikke har bakkekontakt n r du bruker starthjelpen er det fare for skad...

Страница 370: ...etting og fjerning av styreenheten Skru skru en 10 fast igjen med et tiltrekkingsmoment p maksimalt 1 Nm Innsetting og fjerning av styreenheten se bilde C Til innsetting av styreenheten setter du den...

Страница 371: ...en belastning Med batteriet koples ogs displayet p styreen heten inn Styreenheten viser batteriets ladetil stand og innstillingene p drivenheten Drivenheten aktiveres n r du tr r p pedalene unntatt i...

Страница 372: ...f Starthjelp funksjonen m kun brukes n r du starter hhv skyver el sykkelen Hvis hjulene til el sykkelen ikke har bakkekontakt n r du bruker starthjelpen er det fare for skader Til innkopling av starth...

Страница 373: ...registreres en feil vises tilsvarende feilkode p indikatoren f Avhengig av feiltypen koples drivverket eventu elt ogs automatisk ut Videresykling uten st tte fra drivverket er alltid mulig el sykkelen...

Страница 374: ...oduser og st ttetrinn N r du f ler deg sikker kan du sykle med el syk kelen i vanlig trafikk som med en vanlig sykkel Test rekkevidden til el sykkelen under forskjellige vilk r f r du planlegger lengr...

Страница 375: ...som utf res av yrkesmessige bru kere eller ved transport av tredje personer f eks lufttransport eller spedisjon m det opp fylles spesielle krav til emballasje og merking f eks de tyske forskriftene A...

Страница 376: ...Unng kontakt med denne v sken Ved tilfeldig kontakt m det skylles med vann Hvis det kommer v ske i ynene m du i tillegg opps ke en lege Batteriv ske som renner ut kan f re til irritasjoner p hu den el...

Страница 377: ...mellom 0 C og 40 C Slik oppn s en lang levetid for batteriet Ladetilstandsindikator De fem gr nne LEDene p ladetilstandsindikato ren 15 viser batteriets ladetilstand ved innko plet batteri Hver LED t...

Страница 378: ...ing av batteriet er en av forutsetningene for igangsetting av el sykkel driften Les og f lg driftsinstruksen til drivenhet og styreenhet Til utkopling av batteriet trykker du p p av tasten 16 LEDene p...

Страница 379: ...ller kravene i loven for farlig gods En privat bruker kan transportere batte riene uten spesielle krav p vanlige veier Ved transport som utf res av yrkesmessige bru kere eller ved transport av tredje...

Страница 380: ...ler i brennbare omgivelser Ladeapparatet oppvarmes under oppladingen og det er der for fare for brann f Ved skader og usakkyndig bruk av batteriet kan det slippe ut damp Tilf r frisk luft og g til leg...

Страница 381: ...t med 230 V kan ogs brukes med 220 V Sett s apparatst pselet 27 til str mledningen inn i apparatkontakten 25 p ladeapparatet Str mledningen avhengig av landet koples til str mnettet Driftsindikatoren...

Страница 382: ...t er fullstendig oppladet n r alle fem LEDer p indikatoren 15 lyser kontinuerlig Opp ladingen avbrytes automatisk Adskill ladeapparatet fra str mnettet og batte riet fra ladeapparatet N r batteriet sk...

Страница 383: ...til en autorisert sykkel forhandler Kontaktinformasjoner til autoriserte sykkelfor handlere finner du p internettsiden www bosch ebike com Deponering Ladeapparater tilbeh r og emballasje m leve res i...

Страница 384: ...uk kaantumisvaaran f Toimintoa liikkeellel ht apu saa k ytt ai noastaan liikkeellel hd ss tai eBike a ty nnett ess Jos eBike n py r t eiv t kos keta maata liikkeellel ht apua k ytett ess on olemassa l...

Страница 385: ...k kent ss Kirist ruuvi 10 uudelleen 1 Nm kiristysmomentilla K ytt tietokoneen asennus ja irrotus katso kuva C Asenna k ytt tietokone asettamalla se noin 30 k nnettyn pidikkeeseen 2 ja kiert m ll sit...

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Страница 389: ...imm isten kokemusten hankkiminen On suositeltavaa hankkia ensimm iset koke mukset eBike n kanssa muualla kuin vilkkaasti liikenn idyill kaduilla Kokeile erilaisia tehostustiloja ja tehostusvaihei ta K...

Страница 390: ...en polkupy r kauppiaiden yhteys tiedot l yd t internetsivulta www bosch ebike com Kuljetus Akut ovat vaara ainelain m r ysten alaisia Yksi tyinen k ytt j saa kuljettaa akkuja kadulla ilman erikoistoim...

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Страница 392: ...data milloin vain lyhent m tt sen elinik Latauksen keskeytys ei vaurioita akkua Akku on varustettu l mp tilanvalvonnalla joka sallii lataamisen vain akun l mp tilan ollessa v lill 0 C ja 40 C T ten sa...

Страница 393: ...Tarkista ennen akun kytkemist ett lukko 18 on lukittuna Huomio eBike n polkimia ei saa kuormittaa kun akku kytket n koska se rajaa k ytt laitteen tehoa Kytke akku painamalla k ynnistyspainiketta 16 N...

Страница 394: ...erkitse muistiin avaimessa 17 oleva nume ro K nny valtuutetun polkupy r kauppiaan puoleen jos avain h vi Ilmoita t ll in avai men numero Valtuutettujen polkupy r kauppiaiden yhteystie dot l yd t inter...

Страница 395: ...talla esim paperi kangas jne tai pala vassa ymp rist ss Latauslaitteen kuume neminen latauksen aikana synnytt tulipalo vaaran f Jos akku vaurioituu tai sit k ytet n asiaan kuulumattomalla tavalla saat...

Страница 396: ...kun verkkoj nnitteen valintakytkimell 26 on valittu oikea j nnite Muussa tapaukses sa latauslaite saattaa vaurioitua Kytke pois akku ja poista se eBike n pidikkeest Lue ja noudata akun k ytt ohjetta...

Страница 397: ...tauslaite menee rikki Huolto ja asiakasneuvonta K nny valtuutetun polkupy r kauppiaan puo leen kaikissa latauslaitteeseen liittyviss kysy myksiss Valtuutettujen polkupy r kauppiaiden yhteys tiedot l y...
