2017 Radiocrafts AS
RC16xxxx-SSM User Manual (rev. 1.00)
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Embedded Wireless Solutions
Power Management
The module will automatically enter SLEEP mode in order to reduce the power consumption
between transmissions and sensor accesses.
In SLEEP mode the module will not receive or detect incoming data, neither from the UART
port nor from the air. The module is awakened from the SLEEP mode by sending the wake-up
byte FFh on the UART RXD line (use a UART Baud rate > 4.8 kBd due to a maximum pulse
length requirement). After the module has woken up (see Timing Information) it is ready to
receive data on the UART.
All configuration settings and RAM values are retained during SLEEP.
If the module is shut completely off (supply power turned off), all configuration settings in non-
volatile memory is restored, but values in RAM are overwritten with default settings.
Temperature Reading
The module provides readings of a digital temperature monitoring sensor (TEMP) through the
‘U’ command. The module returns an 8 bit character (one byte) indicating the current
temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) followed immediately by a second character which is the
prompt (‘>’).
The TEMP value increases with increased temperature in 1 °C steps and has an accuracy of
+/- 2 °C. The temperature is given by:
T = TEMP(dec) - 128 [°C] (example: TEMP=0x98 24 °C)
Power Supply voltage Reading
The module provides readings of an internal power supply voltage monitoring sensor (VCC)
through the ‘V’ command. The module returns an 8 bit character (one byte) indicating the
current power supply voltage level followed immediately by a second character which is the
prompt (‘>’). The command can be useful for battery power monitoring.
The VCC value increases with increased supply voltage in 30 mV/step. The power supply
voltage is given by:
V = VCC(dec)*0.030 [V] (example: VCC=0x68 equals 3.12 V)