Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
is activated, the automation system takes the following steps: turns off the feeder and turns on the
fan, in order to stop the flame.
Picture 9. Contact thermostat
Thermal safety valve (TSV)
Picture 10. Thermal safety valve
This safety element also has a role of temperature limiter. In some extremely dangerous
situations, change of water into water vapour is such that pressure safety valves are not sufficient
to ensure the safety of hydraulic system. For this reason, it is mandatory to install the thermal
safety valve. Depending on the legislation of the country in which the boiler is being assembled,
thermal safety valve should be installed only for powers higher than those specified or it should
be installed for boiler of any power. Place for installation is shown on the boiler assembly scheme
and on
picture 10.
Copper coil is delivered with the boiler, so it is necessary to use the thermal
safety valve with exchanger, as in the
picture 10.
Cold sanitary water is supplied to the thermal
safety valve. When the probe of the valve receives information that the temperature is over 95°C,
the valve opens and water passes through the copper coil. After some time, the temperature of
water in the boiler drops to normal. One connection of the coil is used for the thermal safety
valve, and the other for draining of water that has passed through the coil. It is irrelevant which
connection is for the valve and which for draining. It is mandatory to adhere to the instructions
provided by the manufacturer of the thermal safety valve. The function of the thermal safety