Mounting of G2X and Components
Data Logger Orientation
Direction of travel: The data logger must be mounted with the X in the G2X logo
towards direction of travel.
Level front to rear and left to right: Attempt to mount as close to level as possible.
It is not necessary to be dead level, but consistently mount the same, each time.
Easy Access: Remember, it will be necessary to access the compact flash card for
downloading data and attaching the serial cable if updating the setup of the data
logger. Hiding the logger typically creates problems for the user.
Power: 12-18 Volts / 1 amp draw
Cigarette Adapter: The easiest way to obtain power, with no tach input.
Red, Black and Yellow Pigtail: Enables user to install switched power to the G2X
and obtain a tach input (yellow wire) for dash display and data analysis.
Engine RPM (tach input tips)
Signal requirement: 50% duty cycle, 5-18 volt square wave signal. This is typically
the type of signal provided by an aftermarket ignition.
Late model vehicle tach signal: Depends upon the vehicle. Some have tach outputs
that are compatible with the G2X. Related information can typically be found
using an online search relevant to your vehicle.
GMR Sensor: The GMR sensor is the best option to obtain a tach signal for
coilpak, coil on plug or diesel vehicles. Use of the GMR sensor requires a Power
RPM Cable (Racepak PN: 680-CA-PWR-4P).
GPS Antenna
Unobstructed view: Mount the antenna on top of the vehicle or in a location that
will not block signal reception. The dash, trunk lid or hood is acceptable locations.
Avoid Electrical Interference: Avoid mounting the antenna or routing the cable
near ignition components, tach wires, radios or even vehicle mounted cameras. If
the GPS is working when the vehicle is stationary or at idle, but loses satellite data
when the vehicle accelerates, electrical interference is the culprit.
Display Dash
1. In reach of driver. Driver will need to access dash to set start finish, review laptimes or
toggle through display channels.