Chart Scaling Sets
The preferred method of graph scaling involves the creation of a Chart Scaling Set. A Chart Scaling Set
is universal, in that it has the ability to override all current scaling values and insert user defined values.
The Chart Scaling Set applies the values to all selected channels, for all files, until removed by the user.
Select Settings, then Select Chart Scaling Set from the Main Menu selection.
The following dialog box will be displayed.
Enter the name you wish to call the new scaling set into the text entry box located directly below the
Select Name heading. For the purpose of our example, we will use the name “New Scaling”.
Enter the name of the channel and the minimum and maximum graph values to be displayed. For this
example we will rescale the GPS_MPH data channel to graph from 0 to 100 MPH. The data will be
entered as shown below.
Select the Insert button to accept the rescaling values. The dialog box will appear as shown below:
Enter the remaining data channels to be rescaled in the same manner.
When you are finished, select the OK button.
To load a Graph Scaling set for use:
Select Settings, then Select Graph Scaling Set from the main menu selection.
Select the name of the desired scaling file to use by positioning the mouse cursor over the name of the
Scaling Set and click the left mouse button, the select the OK button.
NOTE: Channel names must be entered exactly as they appear on the Channel Button.