QM1013-101 0.001-6 GHz Single Channel Upconverter
User Manual
Program Data
inserted ’
non ’ char
inserted "
non " char
Response Data
inserted "
non " char
1.7 Input Message Terminators
Program messages sent to a SCPI instrument
terminate with a
character. The IEEE.488
EOI (end or identify) signal is interpreted as a
character and may also be used to terminate a
message in place of the
character. A
carriage return
followed by a
is also accepted. Many programming languages allow you to specify a message terminator character
or EOI state to be automatically sent with each bus transaction. Message termination
sets the
current path back to the root-level.
1.8 Compliance Information
1.8.1 IEEE-488.2 Compliance
The 0.001-6 GHz Single Channel Upconverter complies with the rules and regulations of the of the IEEE-
488.2 standard which are applicable to USB controlled devices.
1.8.2 USBTMC Compliance
The QM1013-101 0.001-6 GHz Single Channel Upconverter complies with the rules and regulations of the
of the USBTMC (USB Test and Measurement Class). When connected to a USB bus, the QM1013-101
will configure as a USB Test and Measurement device.
Quonset Microwave
Revision 1.0.1