4.1 Introduction to DNS
After each host on the Internet is assigned a domain name, you can set up a mapping between
the domain name and IP address of a host through. In this manner, you can use domain names,
which are easy to memorize and are of significance, instead of complicated IP addresses.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a host naming mechanism provided by TCP/IP, with which
hosts can be named in the form of character string. This system assumes a hierarchical naming
structure. It designates a meaningful name for the device in the Internet and associates the name
with the IP address through a domain name resolution server. In this manner, you can use domain
names that are easy to remember instead of memorizing complex IP addresses.
4.2 DNS Supported by the S2700
Domain name resolution can be performed in either dynamic mode or static mode.
DNS has two resolution modes: dynamic DNS resolution and static DNS resolution. To resolve
a domain name, the system first uses static DNS resolution. If this mode fails, the system uses
dynamic DNS resolution. To improve resolution efficiency, you can put common domain names
in a static domain name resolution table.
The S2700 supports static resolution and dynamic resolution.
4.3 Configuring DNS
By configuring the DNS, you can set up a mapping between a domain name and an IP address.
In this manner, you can enable the device to communicate with other devices.
4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for configuring the DNS.
Applicable Environment
If local users accessing devices need to communicate with other devices by using domain names,
you can configure DNS on the device. An DNS entry is an mapping between a domain name
and an IP address.
If local users communicate with other devices hardly through the domain name or if the DNS
server is unavailable, configure static DNS. Prior to configuring static DNS, you must know the
mapping between the domain name and the IP address. In case of a change in the mapping, you
must modify the DNS entry manually.
You can configure dynamic DNS on the device if local users frequently use domain names for
communicating with other devices and the DNS server is available.
Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring DNS, complete the following tasks:
Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - IP Service
4 DNS Configuration
Issue 01 (2011-07-15)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.