Quectel UC200T-GL Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1








Date: 20







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Содержание UC200T-GL

Страница 1: ...UC Ha UMTS Rev Date 20 Statu C20 rdw S HSPA UC200T 19 10 14 s Releas 0T war Module GL_Hard 4 sed GL re D e Series dware_De L Des esign_V1 sign 1 0 n w www quectel com ...

Страница 2: ...t our compa Co Ltd Park Phase informati les htm report doc chnical htm MATION AS STOMERS THE INFOR HE INFORM Y LOSS O ATION ALL CE ED HERE NS CO LTD UMENT AS SSION OFF E RESERV ODEL OR D ss Solution th timely any headq e III Area ion please cumentati A SERVICE REQUIRE RMATION IT MATION CO R DAMAGE L INFORMA IS PROP D TRANSM S WELL A FENDERS W VED IN TH DESIGN ns Co Ltd and com uarters B No 101 e v...

Страница 3: ...bou History Revision 1 0 L_Hardware ut the y Date 2019 1 e_Design2 e Doc A 0 14 Jo A 84 cume Author ouni YANG Andrea ZHAN nt Des NG Initi scription ial UMTS H UC200T HSPA Mod T GLHardw dule Series ware Design s n ...

Страница 4: ...ription res Diagram Board faces escription ment ption Modes ving p Mode UART App USB Appli USB Appli USB Appli ane Mode pply er Supply Pi ease Voltag rence Desig off Reset Sc on the Mod off the Mod Turn off th Turn off M et the Module erface ace rfaces 2C Interface nterface aces tatus Indicat 84 plication cation with U cation with U cation witho ns e Drop gn for Power cenarios ule Using th ule e M...

Страница 5: ... Interface Definition rating Freque rence Desig rence Desig stallation nna Require ommended R ility and Ra Maximum Ra pply Ratings and Storage onsumption Power ing Sensitivi ic Discharge nsions l Dimension nded Footpr ottom View o cturing and ring and Sol rences S Coding S S Multi slot E Modulatio 84 _RI Interface e ency gn of RF Ant gn of RF Lay ement RF Connecto dio Charac atings e Temperatu ity...


Страница 7: ...UC200T GL TABLE 41 E L_Hardware EDGE MODU e_Design6 ULATION AN 84 ND CODING SCHEMES UMTS H UC200T HSPA Mod T GLHardw dule Series ware Design 88 s n 8 ...



Страница 10: ... relate customers c e and fixed be met to OEM inst ations of this n and cable ntain at leas eously with a ents must be L imiting both ain including nd describes derstand m ed informati can use UC device is de tallation for m s transmitter loss must sa st a 20 cm se any other an e attached to maximum R g cable loss s its air inte module inter ion of UC2 200T GL m escribed in P mobile and f r includ...

Страница 11: ...r with a st if the host is cess to remo bel referring Contains FC ntain clear in usly with any manual that c compliance itions 3 thro FCC Part 2 t separate a ons with res provided with on 8 Page 6 permanently t be labeled The OEM ments optio tandard fixe s marketed s ove the mod to the enclo CC ID XMR nstructions o y other anten clearly define with current ugh 6 descr 1093 approval is re spect to ...

Страница 12: ...under t module is ad d operationa s so need to be perly authori an intention essly approv e equipment uter disk or n that alterna formation in C Rules Ope ference and use undesire roved by the functions the lly operation he Declarat dded the ho al the host c e evaluated ized for ope nal or uninte ved by the p t In cases w over the Inte ative form p that form eration is su d 2 this dev ed operation...

Страница 13: ... aircr s If the dev ing an airc of wireless d cause inte he restrictio r healthcare mobile conta radio freque dio comput g all phases UC200T GL users and o roduct If no ing at all tim driving eve dent Please es while driv obile before raft is forbi vice offers a raft Please evices on bo rference on ons on the facilities ains a transm ency signals ter or other e UMTS H UC200T of operatio module Ma ...

Страница 14: ...rticles su ially explosi ch as your mospheres sfer or stor uch as grain ve atmosph phone or o include fue rage facilitie n dust or me UMTS H UC200T heres obey other cellula lling areas es areas w etal powders HSPA Mod T GLHardw all posted s ar terminals below deck where the s etc dule Series ware Design signs to turn Areas with ks on boats air contains s n n h s s ...

Страница 15: ...nce reless comm PA WCDM omers spec riants UC200 the following cy Bands cy Bands dule which A pins Wit M2M appl bile computi pt munication m MA EDGE G cific applicat 0T GL EM a g tables can be em th a compac ications suc ng device P Frequen B1 B8 900 1800 Frequen B1 B2 B 850 900 module Itsge GSM and GP tions and UC200T mbedded in ct profile of 2 ch as autom PDA phone ncy Bands 0MHz ncy Bands 5 B6 B...

Страница 16: ...e Authe ction nd PDU mo to point MO cell broadcas storage U S ort USIM SIM ures of UC20 e 4V 4 5V tage 3 8V 2dB for GSM 2dB for DCS 3dB for GS 3dB for DC 1 3dB for W 7 HSDPA HS 6 QAM mod bps DL 6Mbps UL 4Kbps DL RS multi slot mes CS 1 C s DL Max E multi slot SK and 8 PS ing scheme g schemes C ps DL Ma P PPP NTP SMTP MMS ssword Auth ntication Pro des and MT st SIM card cu M card 1 8V 00T GL mod M85...

Страница 17: ...antenna inte 29 0 0 15 m t approx 4 tion tempera ded tempera ge temperatu nterface and rdware comp al audio inter R AMR AMR MR WB cellation and nction with a ear data form me synchron nd slave mo SB 2 0 spec ommand c mware upgr al drivers for 8 1 10 5 0 6 0 7 0 0 x 6 x 7 x 8 x command co ach up to 1M and CTS ha x console lo aud rate otocol 3GPP TS d NET_STA s rface ANT_ mm 32 0 0 3g ature range at...

Страница 18: ... emergenc ectrum and n and exceed t ure levels th diagram of PA PAM ANT_MAIN 32K XO ontrol I Duplex Tx PRx RESET_ Figure 1 the module the module cy call etc no harm to ra the specifie he module w UC200T GL Transceive N USB U S Q x _N Functiona is 3GPP co remains the There is no adio networ d tolerances will meet 3G L and illustra Baseban er SIM PCM I2 Control l Diagram UMTS H UC200T mpliant e abil...

Страница 19: ... d e_Design18 Board mers to dev RS 232 conv details pleas 8 84 velop applic verter cable se refer to d cations with earphone a document 4 UC200T G antenna and 4 UMTS H UC200T GL Quectel d other perip HSPA Mod T GLHardw provides an pherals to co dule Series ware Design n evaluation ontrol or tes s n n st ...

Страница 20: ...C inter d interface nterfaces indication E_USB_BOO unction of th e_Design19 cation scription ed with 80 The following rfaces OT interface he SD card i 9 84 n Inte LCC pins a g sections p e nterface is u erface and 64 LGA rovide detai under develo es A pins whi led descript opment UMTS H UC200T ch can be ions of pins HSPA Mod T GLHardw embedded interfaces li dule Series ware Design into cellula ist...

Страница 21: ...outdes of UC200T 23 24 25 26 27 68 67 66 65 64 SD DET MAIN_TXD MAIN_DTR MAIN_RTS MAIN_CTS 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 100 101 102 9 9 9 9 99 Pins PCM_DIN PCM_DOUT PCM_SYNC PCM_CLK n Assignme t be pulled u SCL are no s to prevent ns should o ground RE sign and the GL module 28 29 30 31 32 63 62 61 60 59 SD_SDIO_DATA3 SD_SDIO_DATA2 SD_SDIO_DATA1 SD_SDIO_DATA0 SD_SDIO_CLK MAIN_DCD MAIN_RI ST ATUS VBAT...

Страница 22: ...48 56 1 84 terface is un definition of on scription alog Input alog Output ital Input ital Output irectional en Drain wer Input wer Output Descriptio Power sup the module baseband Power sup the module part Ground nder develop UC200T GL on pply for e s part pply for e s RF pment L module DC Charac Vmax 4 5V Vmin 3 4V Vnorm 3 8 Vmax 4 5V Vmin 3 4V Vnorm 3 8 UMTS H UC200T cteristics V V 8V V V 8V HSP...

Страница 23: ...n he network n mode he network atus he operation on rential data rential data DC Charac Vnorm 1 8 IOmax 50m DC Chara VILmax 0 VILmax 0 DC Chara VOHmin 1 VOLmax 0 VOHmin 1 VOLmax 0 DC Chara UMTS H UC200T cteristics 8V mA cteristics 5V 5V cteristics 35V 45V 35V 45V cteristics HSPA Mod T GLHardw Comment Power supp external GP circuits If unused k Commen If unused open VBAT pow Commen 1 8V pow If unus...

Страница 24: ...9V Vmin 1 7V For 3 0V Vmax 3 0 Vmin 2 7V For 1 8V VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VOLmax 0 VOHmin 1 For 3 0V VILmax 1 VIHmin 1 9 VOLmax 0 VOHmin 2 For 1 8V VOLmax 0 VOHmin 1 For 3 0V VOLmax 0 VOHmin 2 For 1 8V VOLmax 0 VOHmin 1 UMTS H UC200T 5V V 0V cteristics 3V 6V 2V 0V mA U SIM V V U SIM 5V V U SIM 6V 2V 45V 35V U SIM 0V 95V 45V 55V U SIM 45V 35V U SIM 45V 55V U SIM 45V 35V HSPA Mod T GLHardw Typical 5 If ...

Страница 25: ...Lmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 VILmin 0 VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 VOLmax 0 VOHmin 1 VILmin 0 VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 DC Chara VILmin 0 VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 VOLmax 0 VOHmin 1 UMTS H UC200T U SIM 45V 55V cteristics 45V 35V 45V 35V 45V 35V 3V 6V 2V 0V 3V 6V 2V 0V 45V 35V 3V 6V 2V 0V cteristics 3V 6V 2V 0V 45V 35V HSPA Mod T GLHardw Commen 1 8V pow If unused open 1 8V pow If unused open 1 ...

Страница 26: ...min 1 2 VIHmax 2 VOLmax 0 VOHmin 1 VILmin 0 VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 UMTS H UC200T cteristics nge AT_BB nge AT_BB cteristics 3V 6V 2V 0V 45V 35V 45V 35V 3V 6V 2V 0V 45V 35V 3V 6V 2V 0V HSPA Mod T GLHardw Commen If unused open If unused open Commen 1 8V pow If unused open 1 8V pow If unused open 1 8V pow In master itserves a signal In slave m itserves a signal If unused open 1 8V pow In master ...

Страница 27: ...O data DIO data DIO data DIO clock DIO DIO DC Chara UMTS H UC200T cteristics HSPA Mod T GLHardw capacitor pin An extern pull up re required If unused open Commen 1 8V 2 8V domain If unused open 1 8V 2 8V domain If unused open 1 8V 2 8V domain If unused open 1 8V 2 8V domain If unused open 1 8V 2 8V domain If unused open 1 8V 2 8V domain If unused recomme mount a 3 capacitor pin 1 8V 2 8V domain If...

Страница 28: ...Chara VILmin 0 VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 VILmin 0 VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 VILmin 0 VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 VILmin 0 VILmax 0 VIHmin 1 2 VIHmax 2 DC Chara UMTS H UC200T cteristics cteristics 3V 6V 2V 0V 3V 6V 2V 0V 3V 6V 2V 0V 3V 6V 2V 0V cteristics HSPA Mod T GLHardw If unused open Commen 50Ωimped Commen 1 8V pow If unused open 1 8V pow If unused open 1 8V pow Pull up by In the low le...

Страница 29: ...ent ode the mo a from the n the power s inactive an d VBAT_BB under develo ng modes to nsumption t procedure of UART interf active The nd and receiv onnection is y the netwo an set the m ly In this ca r W_DISABL will be inval consumptio odule can sti etwork norm manageme nd the seria pins are stil opment be mention to an ultra l f UC200T G face the fol module has ve data s ongoing In rk settingan ...

Страница 30: ...he con 9 84 able sleep m vel nection betw RXD TXD _RI DTR DY ND re 3 Sleep vel by host w C to report ls about MA SB Remote pend Resum e module en and to enab t at a high le connected w nection betw mode ween the mo Mode Appl will wake up the URC w AIN_RI beha e Wakeup Fu me and rem nter sleep m ble the sleep evel or kept o with the mod ween the mo odule and th TX R E G G G ication via p the module...

Страница 31: ...ode Ap hrough USB to report th SB Suspen Resume bu ost t the module able the slee t at a high le connected w nection betw BUS _DP DM ADY ND _RI 5 Sleep Mo pplication w B will wake u he module w d Resume a ut does not s e enter the s ep mode evel or kept o with the mod ween the mo ode Applica VD US US GP GN with USB Re up the modu will send rem and MAIN_ support remo sleep mode open dule s USB i od...

Страница 32: ...er sleep mo and to enabl at a high le nection betw B_VBUS USB_DP USB_DM _READY ule MAIN_RI GND ep Mode Ap upply power atch shown mode the R an be set via by default 1 can be ode B will wake u he URC will pend Funct unction plea de le the sleep evel or keep ween the mo Power Switch pplication w r to USB_VB in the dotte F function w a the followi Its control fu used to ena up the modu trigger the b ...

Страница 33: ...s for V s for the mo s for the mo ws the deta ND Pins o 22 54 56 112 2 84 oice of the fu nality mode mode by d RF function ins dedicate VBAT odule s RF p odule s base ils of power Description Power supp module s R Power supp module s ba Ground unctionality l both U SI default is disabled ed to connec art band part supply and n ply for the RF part ply for the aseband pa level through M and RF fu ct...

Страница 34: ...f voltage he star struc C2 0nF C3 33pF C4 10pF e 8 Star St m 3 4V to 4 5 shows the etworks n Drop y Limits dur or of about rray should s 100nF 33 BB and VBA source and d be no les onger the VB y of power e is 4 7V an cture of the p C 100 C5 100uF ructure of t 5V Please m voltage dro Burst Transmiss ring Burst T 100µF with also be res 3pF 10pF f AT_RF pins d can be exp s than 1mm BAT trace is r sou...

Страница 35: ...EN 2 1 1K 4 7K 47K e 9 Referen Scenario sing the P definition of KEY wn mode it c s It is recom t is illustrate pply as the perf able to provi ut and outpu ule If there converter is n for a 5V load current MIC29302WU OUT GND ADJ 3 5 nce Circuit os PWRKEY PWRKEY can be turne mmended to ed in the follo Descrip Turn on formance of ide sufficien ut is not too e is a big vo s preferred to V input powe ...

Страница 36: ... of T KEY is using er Therefore ference circu S1 ce Circuit o 7K 4 Turing on t g a button d e a TVS co uit is shown Close to S TVS of Turing on 47K the Module directly Whe omponent is in the follow S1 n the Modu UMTS H UC200T PWRKEY 10nF Using Driv en pressing indispensab wing figure PWRKEY ule Using Ke HSPA Mod T GLHardw Y ving Circuit the key an ble to be pla eystroke dule Series ware Design ele...

Страница 37: ...Y pin Dcommand 6 84 e is illustrate V NOTE 1 re 12 Timin is stable bef n directly to matically and sed to turn o ed in the foll VIL 0 5V 500ms I nactive Inactive 100 high le 5ms About 22m About ng of Turnin fore pulling o GND with d shutdown off the modu owing figure 0ms After this evel by an ext 10s 10s 10s ms ng on the M down PWRK a recomme is not neede ule UMTS H UC200T e time the pin c ternal ...

Страница 38: ...tag eased The 650ms ING re 13 Timin AT Comman OWDcomma KEY pin etails about ernal flash p module is s with the AT therwise the RKEY Pin e for at leas timing of tur Pow ng of Turnin nd and to turn o AT QPOW please do no shutdown by command e module wi st 650ms th rning off the 2s wer down proc ng off the M off the modu WD command ot switch off y PWRKEY please keep ll turn itself b UMTS H UC200T he ...

Страница 39: ...set the m n releasing i ween the RE ground trace ET_N ar to the P RESET_N 4 7K Circuit of R S2 module The it The RES ESET_N pin es PWRKEY co K Resetting the Close to TVS D R Ac module can ET_N signa n and custom ontrol circuit 47K e Module b R S2 escription eset the mo ctive low UMTS H UC200T n be reset b al is sensitive mers device t An open RESE by Using Dri ESET_N odule HSPA Mod T GLHardw by pu...

Страница 40: ... 84 nce Circuit o lustrated inth unning Ba gure 16 Tim s no large ca rnal baseba SET_N only s ETSI and SIM Card In Description Dedicated g U SIM card of Resetting he following VIL 0 5V aseband resetti 300ms ming of Res apacitance w and chip of th when fail to IMT 2000 S terface n ground for U d detection g the Modu figure Base ing setting Mod with the max he module a o turn off the SIM interface U...

Страница 41: ...SIM not needed U SIM card c Power supp U SIM data U SIM cloc U SIM rese a the USIM_ and can be for U SIM pF 33pF 33pF GND IM_VDD 15K M Interface d please kee connector is ply for U SI a ck et _DET pin T e configured interface wit 100nF GND with an 8 p ep USIM_D illustrated in M card UMTS H UC200T The function d via AT QS th an 8 pin VCC RST CLK U SIM Card C pin U SIM C ET unconne n the followi Eit...

Страница 42: ...r the in U SIM card ed Universa speed 12Mb e and is us upgrade Th 1 33pF 33pF GND VDD IM Interface bility of the n r as close to and VBAT tra and the U less than 0 B USIM_GN A and USIM s recommen F The 0Ω re tedebugging e that the U improve ant nterference s d connector al Serial Bus bps and hig sed for AT e following t 100nF GND e with a 6 p U SIM card o the module aces SIMcard co 5mm to ma ND ca...

Страница 43: ...u e must be as e followed w B signal trace Desc USB USB USB Grou ons please erface for fir e USB interf Module NM_0R NM_0R nce Circuit o to be added mission Mea est points so the integrity ule and also s short as p when design es as differe cription differential d differential d connection nd visithttp ww rmware upg face Test Poin ESD Array of USB App in series be anwhile the as to facilita y of t...

Страница 44: ... terfaces the own below ports 4800bp 600bps and smission and pports 1152 definition of ain UART In O De O Ri O Da O DT DT Da O Tr Re s oscillators ces in inner bove and be the ESD c hould be pla e main UAR ps 9600bps 1Mbps ba d AT comma 200bps baud main UART nterface escription ng indicatio ata carrier d TE clear to s TE request t ata terminal ransmit data eceive data s magnetic layer of the elow ...

Страница 45: ...Min 0 3 1 2 0 1 3 4 84 ebug UART e following t I O RT interface ce A level tr e shows a re VCCA OE A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 K 10K 0K O De De O De n 3 2 35 T Interface table e A level tr ranslator TX eference des A V Translator escription ebug receive ebug transm ranslator sh XS0108EPW sign VCCB GND B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 5 0 1u e data mit data Max 0 6 2 0 0 45 1 8 UMTS H UC200T hould be us WR prov...

Страница 46: ...at chronization vice pertaini pled on the f dge represe 2048kHz P _SYNC Circuit with tion cuit is shown but please V 4 7K 4 7K 1nF 1nF e Circuit wit r application tion PCM d n and UC20 ng to I2C in falling edge nts the MS PCM_CLK a Level Tra n below For pay attentio VDD_EXT 10K VDD_EXT th a Transis s with baud digital interfa 00T GL work terface of the PCM B In this m at 8kHz UMTS H UC200T anslato...

Страница 47: ... input data output data frame ronization clock owing figure LK LSB 25us 255 LSB ode Timing I2C interfac UMTS H UC200T e shows the MSB 256 5 MSB g ces which c Commen 1 8V pow If unused 1 8V pow If unused 1 8V pow In master output sig In slave m input sign If unused 1 8V pow In master output sig In slave m input sign If unused mount a 3 HSPA Mod T GLHardw eprimary m can be appli nt wer domain d keep...

Страница 48: ...a PCM in BCLK LRCK DAC ADC SCL SDA t of PCM A C 22pF circ rial clock for al codec rial data for and the de z PCM_SYN nterface with MICB LOU LOU Codec pplication w cuit on the P r an an external UMTS H UC200T efault config NC h external co BIAS INP INN UTP UTN with Audio PCM lines e the pin An extern is require If unused mount a 3 the pin An extern is require If unused HSPA Mod T GLHardw guration i...

Страница 49: ... card SD SD card SD SD card SD s with SD 3 d interface n tect DIO data bit 3 DIO data bit 2 DIO data bit 1 DIO data bit 0 DIO clock DIO comman DIO power UMTS H UC200T 0 specificat Com 1 8V If unu 3 1 8V If unu 2 1 8V If unu 1 1 8V If unu 0 1 8V If unu 1 8V If unu to mo close nd 1 8V If unu 1 8V If unu HSPA Mod T GLHardw tion ment 2 8V power used keep i 2 8V power used keep i 2 8V power used keep i...

Страница 50: ...ypass capa rs should be otection it is nction capac rom other se uch as clock DIO signal t spacing is 15pF e traces of S ce among th of the SD c 0 R11 NM 4 M D4 C5 NM D5 ce Circuit o ure good co with y VDD_3V i tput current al power su re needed to and the rec mmended to acitors C1 C e placed clos s recommen citance less ensitive circu k signals DC traces with t two times o SD_SDIO_C hem is less t...

Страница 51: ... c tic of the A se a resisto n No M 0 0 0 84 ard interface o digital con T QADC 1 mands pleas f ADC the tr DC Interface characteristic DC r divider circ Descripti General p General p Min 0 0 e is under de nverter ADC can be use se refer to th races of ADC es c of the ADC cuit for ADC ion purpose ana purpose ana Typ 12 evelopment C interfaces ed to read t he documen C interfaces C function applicat...

Страница 52: ... regi O Indi acti Changes 200ms hig 1800ms hi y 125ms hig rive network TATUS for n in different tion Status nnection St scription cate the mo istration mod cate the mo vity status gh 1800ms lo igh 200ms lo gh 125ms lo k status indi network stat network stat Activity In tatus Activit odule s netw de odule s netw ow ow ow UMTS H UC200T ication LEDs tus indicatio tus dication ty Indicatio C ork 1 If ...

Страница 53: ...twork Indicator ference Circ output for the resistor or S will prese US Description Indicate the ure 4 7K cuit of the N e module s o as an LED ent the low n e module s o K 47K VB 2 2K Network Sta operation st indication ci w state Oth operation sta UMTS H UC200T BAT K atus Indica tatus indicat ircuit as belo herwise the Com atus An e is req If un HSPA Mod T GLHardw tion ion It can b ow When th e S...

Страница 54: ...fault port is 3 84 nt circuit de nds D_MCU K MCU_ ure 26 Refe an indication AIN_RI cal comma presented t e UART por s USB AT po esigns of ST _GPIO erence Circ n of module and can be u he URC will rt USB AT p ort TATUS and Mod ST cuits of STA shutdown st used to conf l trigger beh port and US UMTS H UC200T d customers dule TATUS 2 ATUS tatus when V figure MAIN_ aviors of the B modem p HSPA Mod T GL...

Страница 55: ...RI anged via AT OT Interfa USB_BOOT and the m ule supports CE_USB_BO eeps at a hig utputs 120m Description Force the emergency figured flexib T QCFG u ace pin Custom module will s firmware u OOT Interfac gh level s low pulse n module t download m bly The defa urc ri ring mers can pu enter emer upgrade ove ce when a new C to enter mode 1 I p UMTS H UC200T ault behavio Please re ull up FORC rgency d...

Страница 56: ...com y connect th of FORCE_U Test points VS Close to test p cuit of FOR 0 5V ms prox 5ms RCE_USB_BO ore VDD_EXT enter emerge wered on Approx 22m for Enterin ore pulling d ng down PW er the forced mmended to he two test p USB_BOOT 4 7K points RCE_USB_B OOT can be p T Is powered u ency download ms g Emergen down PWRK WRKEY pin d emergenc pull up FOR points as sho UMTS H UC200T T interface VDD_EXT BOO...

Страница 57: ...UC200T GL force th L_Hardware he module to e_Design56 o enter down 6 84 nload mode UMTS H UC200T HSPA Mod T GLHardw dule Series ware Design s n ...

Страница 58: ...7 nna In one main ant na Interfa n e main anten on of the RF requency EM Module in No 9 Tra 880 171 192 880 7 84 nterfa tenna interfa ace nna interface F Antenna e Operating I O IO nsmit 915 0 1785 0 1980 915 ace ace with an e is shown b g Frequenci Descriptio Main anten impedance below ies on nna Receive 925 960 1805 18 2110 21 925 960 UMTS H UC200T of 50Ω e 0 880 170 0 HSPA Mod T GLHardw Comment...

Страница 59: ...tenna pin The capacito NT_MAIN dule Reference ents R1 C1 nsmit 850 915 0 1785 50 1910 0 1980 52 1908 6 847 838 915 g Frequenci na Interfac n is shown ors are not m R1 C1 NM e Circuit of C2 and R2 es ce as below It mounted by d 0R C2 NM RF Antenna 2 C3 C4 as Receive 869 894 925 960 1805 18 1930 19 2110 21 1932 19 871 892 877 883 925 960 UMTS H UC200T t should res default Main antenna a Interface cl...

Страница 60: ... o the signal ideis typica e designs of e 30 Micros Coplanar W nce of all R ned by the tr layer H an lly used in f microstrip strip Design aveguide D RF traces s race width W nd the spaci RF layout to line or copl n on a 2 lay Design on a UMTS H UC200T should be c W the mate ing between o control ch anar waveg yer PCB 2 layer PC HSPA Mod T GLHardw controlled to erials dielec n RF traces a haracter...

Страница 61: ...ign aces should ground could should be n out please re n on a 4 lay n on a 4 lay ility the follo urately cont not bedesig e RFconnec urved ones al pin of the d be complet d help to im no less than efer to the d yer PCB La yer PCB La owing princi trol the char gned as the ctor should b e antenna co te Meanwhi mprove RF p two times a document 3 UMTS H UC200T ayer 3 as Re ayer 4 as Re ples should rac...

Страница 62: ... re 34 Dime 1 84 n irements on s nnector fo ntenna conn ensions of t Requirem VSWR Efficiency Max input Input impe Cable inse GSM850 Cable inse DCS1800 n the main a or Antenn ection it is the U FL R ments 2 30 t power 50W edance 50Ω ertion loss EGSM900 ertion loss 0 PCS1900 ntenna a Installat recommend SMT Conne W Ω 1dB WCDMA B 1 5dB WCDMA B UMTS H UC200T tion ded to use ector Unit 5 B6 B8 1 B2 HS...

Страница 63: ...Hardware rial connecto e_Design62 ors listed in Figure 2 84 the followin 35 Mechan g figure can nicals of U n be used to FL LP Con UMTS H UC200T match the U nectors HSPA Mod T GLHardw U FL R SMT dule Series ware Design T s n ...

Страница 64: ...are ng figure des F etails pleas e_Design63 scribes the s Figure 36 S e visithttp h 3 84 space factor Space Facto hirose com r of mated c or of Mated onnectors Connector UMTS H UC200T rs Unit mm HSPA Mod T GLHardw m dule Series ware Design s n ...

Страница 65: ... ent of VBAT ent of VBAT Digital Pins ADC0 ADC1 e_Design64 rical dioCh aximum ings for pow able aximum Ra T_BB T_RF 4 84 Relia aract Ratings wer supply a tings Min 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 ability terist and voltage n 3 3 3 y and tics e on digital a M 6 5 0 1 2 V V UMTS H UC200T d and analog Max 6 0 5 5 0 8 1 8 2 3 VBAT_BB VBAT_BB HSPA Mod T GLHardw pins of the Un V V A A V V V dule Series ware Design ...

Страница 66: ... 5 84 gs pply Rating age Temp atures are lis e Temperatu ature range ature range n etc There m to radio ne specified to Conditi The act must be minimu values g Maximu on GSM nt Maximu on GSM Min 35 40 40 s peratures sted in the fo ures the module the module is no unrec etwork Only olerances W ions tual input vo e kept betwe m and maxi um power co M850 EGSM um power co M850 EGSM Typ 25 s ollowing t...

Страница 67: ...B sus WCDMA USB disc WCDMA USB disc WCDMA USB disc EGSM900 USB disc will meet 3G ption n ower off N 0 USB di 0 DRX 2 connected 0 DRX 5 connected 0 DRX 5 pend 0 DRX 9 connected 0 DRX 2 connected 0 DRX 5 connected 0 DRX 5 pend 0 DRX 9 connected PF 64 connected PF 64 pend PF 128 connected PF 256 connected PF 512 connected 0 DRX 5 connected GPP specific isconnected UMTS H UC200T cations again Typ 14 1...

Страница 68: ... 0 1DL 4UL 0 4DL 1UL 0 3DL 2UL 0 2DL 3UL 0 1DL 4UL 0 4DL 1UL 0 3DL 2UL 0 2DL 3UL 0 1DL 4UL B1 HSDPA B1 HSUPA B8 HSDPA B8 HSUPA 0 PCL 5 3 0 PCL 12 32 58dBm 32 28dBm 30 8dBm 28 78dBm 29 28dBm 29 1dBm 27 51dBm 25 47dBm 26 78dBm 26 57dBm 24 99dBm 22 12dBm 25 13dBm 25 13dBm 23 54dBm 21 45dBm 23 2dBm 22 56dBm 23 37dBm 22 79dBm 32 52dBm 19 27dBm UMTS H UC200T 33 1 34 8 34 9 m 262 m 432 520 m 543 208 320 ...

Страница 69: ... WCDMA USB susp WCDMA USB disco WCDMA USB disco ption 0 PCL 19 0 PCL 0 2 0 PCL 7 1 0 PCL 15 B1 23 24d B8 22 93d wer off 0 USB dis DRX 2 onnected DRX 5 onnected DRX 5 end DRX 9 onnected DRX 2 onnected DRX 5 onnected DRX 5 end DRX 9 onnected PF 64 onnected PF 64 end PF 128 onnected PF 256 onnected 5 34dBm 29 33dBm 6 11dBm 1 34dBm dBm dBm sconnected UMTS H UC200T 96 7 199 112 94 0 492 438 Typica 17 1...

Страница 70: ...64 nected 4DL 1UL 3DL 2UL 2DL 3UL 1DL 4UL 4DL 1UL 2 3DL 2UL 2 2DL 3UL 2 1DL 4UL 2 4DL 1UL 3DL 2UL 2DL 3UL 1DL 4UL 4DL 1UL 2 3DL 2UL 2 2DL 3UL 2 1DL 4UL 2 1 HSDPA 1 HSUPA 2 HSDPA 32 97dBm 32 7dBm 31 19dBm 28 95dBm 29 89dBm 29 71dBm 28 18dBm 26 05dBm 27 05dBm 26 89dBm 24 96dBm 22 93dBm 25 67dBm 25 8dBm 24 01dBm 22 17dBm 23 68dBm 22 51dBm 23 29dBm UMTS H UC200T 1 75 31 67 28 71 33 89 30 95 272 6 451 ...

Страница 71: ... 8 HSDPA 8 HSUPA PCL 5 32 PCL 12 1 PCL 19 5 PCL 0 29 PCL 7 16 PCL 15 0 1 23 63dB 2 23 47dB 5 22 91d 6 23 3dB 8 22 96d 22 18dBm 22 82dBm 21 81dBm 22 96dBm 22 62dBm 22 96dBm 22 04dBm 2 92dBm 19 54dBm 5 27dBm 9 9dBm 6 61dBm 0 33dBm Bm Bm dBm Bm dBm UMTS H UC200T 483 5 454 1 442 6 458 9 465 3 474 4 463 3 266 5 124 6 94 4 199 2 110 5 90 8 520 2 496 5 450 0 465 2 474 4 HSPA Mod T GLHardw dule Series war...

Страница 72: ...bed in ng Sensit tivity of UC2 EM Condu 8 PSK 8 PSK 6 B8 Primary 109 5dBm 109dBm 110dBm 110dBm 1 84 output powe ximum outp Chapter 13 tivity 200T GLislis cted RF Re Max 33dBm 2 30dBm 2 27dBm 3 26dBm 3 24dBm 1 D m N N N N r of UC200T ut power is 3 16of 3GPP stedinthe foll eceiving Se dB dB dB dB 3dB Diversity NA NA NA NA T GL module reduced by P TS 51 010 lowing table nsitivity SIM NA NA NA NA UMTS...

Страница 73: ...m 111dBm 110dBm Co 8 s 8 0 2 84 ucted RF Re arge st electrosta ypically app applied thro odule ule electros ge Characte Dive m NA m NA m NA NA m NA m NA NA NA NA ontact Disc 8 8 0 5 eceiving Se atics discharg ly to ESD se oughout the tatics discha eristics Te Re ersity charge ensitivity ge ESD in ensitive com processing arge charac mperature ceive sens SIMO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Disch 12 ...

Страница 74: ... the mech e dimension Dimensi Figure 3 84 al Dim hanical dime nal tolerance ions of th e 37 Modu mensi ensions of es are 0 05 he Modu le Top and ions the module 5mm unless ule Side Dimen UMTS H UC200T e All dimens otherwise s nsions HSPA Mod T GLHardw sions are m specified dule Series ware Design measured in s n n ...

Страница 75: ...UC200T GL L_Hardware e_Design74 Figure 38 4 84 Module Bo ottom Dime ensions Bo UMTS H UC200T ottom View HSPA Mod T GLHardw dule Series ware Design s n ...

Страница 76: ...in the e_Design75 ded Foot Figure 117 140 icsand PCB ance of the host PCB 5 84 tprint 39 Recom includedinth layout e module p mended Fo he keepo please keep ootprint To out area p about 3m UMTS H UC200T op View should m between HSPA Mod T GLHardw not be the module dule Series ware Design usedwhen e and othe s n n r ...

Страница 77: ... from Quect e_Design76 tom View F Fig of UC200T G tel 6 84 wofUC20 Figure 40 T gure 41 Bo GL module 0T GL Top View of ottom View For authent f the Modul of the Mod tic appearan UMTS H UC200T e ule nce please HSPA Mod T GLHardw refer to the dule Series ware Design module tha s n at ...

Страница 78: ...g sealed bag ag 12 mont is opened d ust be s at the facto mounting if rature is 23º e vacuum s be finished w may be baked e subjected C baking ng procedur factur It is rated a ths at 40ºC devices that ory environm any circums ºC 5ºC and sealed bag within 168 ho d for 8 hours to high tem If shorter re ring a at MSL 3 a C 90 RH t will be sub ment of 30º stances belo the humidity ours at facto s at 1...

Страница 79: ... ow tempera damage to ould be mou ded reflow s ow pe 1 3 C sec re 42 Reflow Profile Par C and 200 g e on the su PCB The ce on a singl mmended to ature is 238 the module unted after soldering th w Soldering rameters C rface of ste force on t e pass To e be 0 18mm ºC 245ºC e caused b reflow solde hermal profi Re B M 2 g Thermal P Recomme 1 C sec 3 60 sec 12 2 C sec 3 UMTS H UC200T encil thus m the s...

Страница 80: ...s still read ndreel carrie ules The de 5 5 2 00 0 1 44 00 ny other pro n with orga therwise the e of Cupro ngraved labe dable althou ers Each ree etailed pack 32 5 33 5 4 00 0 1 0 1 ocesses tha nic solvents e shielding m Nickel base el informatio ugh white rus el is 330mm age informa 0 15 0 15 1 50 0 40 sec 60 238 C 24 1 C sec 4 1 UMTS H UC200T at may cont s such as may become e material I n on th...

Страница 81: ...44 5 0 0 0 48 5 Figu dule F 0 84 13 20 00 ure 43 Tap 1083 igure 44 Ta pe and Reel ape and Re Specificati eel Direction UMTS H UC200T D i r e c C o v e ions ns HSPA Mod T GLHardw c t i o n o f f e e d e r t a p e Carrier unfoldin dule Series ware Design d tape ng s n ...

Страница 82: ...ding Clear Downl Data T Data T Enhan Enhan 1 84 A Ref s ary_SMT_U _Commands ication_Note B_User_Gui ription g to Digital C ive Multi rat er Second enge Handsh g Scheme To Send link Terminal Equ Terminal Rea nced Full Ra nced GSM feren ser_Guide s_Manual e ide Converter e hake Authen uipment ady ate nces Remark Module Se UC200T G RF Layout UMTS LT modules ntication Pro UMTS H UC200T econdary SM GL ...

Страница 83: ...e ransfer Proto over SSL sian Minimu l System for Rate Speed Packe Speed Down Speed Uplin rtext Transfe Emitting Dio e Equipment Term Evolut media Messa age Queuing ure Sensitivi ork Identity a ork Time Pro word Authen d Circuit Bo col Data Uni g Frame harge Resistance on Duplex ocol m Shift Keyi r Mobile Com et Access nlink Packet k Packet Ac er Protocol ode t ion aging Servic g Telemetry ty Leve...

Страница 84: ...n Con Division Dup rsal Asynch Datagram P k rsal Mobile T icited Result ersal Subsc mum Voltage al Voltage V um Voltage mum Input H um Input Hi mum Input Lo um Input Lo mum Output um Output H otocol ng tude Modula e Shift Keyin ervice sfer Protoco Layer ntrol Protoco plexing ronous Rece rotocol Telecommun t Code criber Identit e Value Value Value igh Level Vo gh Level Vo ow Level Vo ow Level Vo Hi...

Страница 85: ...axim Minim Voltag Wideb Wirele 4 84 mum Output um Output L ge Standing band Code D ess Local Are Low Level V Low Level V Wave Ratio Division Mult ea Network Voltage Valu Voltage Valu o tiple Access UMTS H UC200T ue e s HSPA Mod T GLHardw dule Series ware Design s n ...

Страница 86: ...ion e d USF ock excl US ts d Bits Kb s e_Design85 ndix B of Differen F and BCS 5 84 B GP t Coding Sc C 1 3 3 1 4 4 4 0 9 PRS C chemes CS 1 2 81 0 56 05 Codin CS 2 2 3 3 6 268 16 4 588 132 13 4 UMTS H UC200T ng Sc CS 3 4 3 6 312 16 4 676 220 15 6 HSPA Mod T GLHardw heme 3 6 dule Series ware Design es CS 4 1 3 12 428 16 456 21 4 s n ...

Страница 87: ... 1 or 2 2 th s the amou can use sim ot classes is es ink Slots GPRS des are def e the maximu e first numb nt of uplink ultaneously s shown in t Upl 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 4 3 S Mult fined for MS um achievab ber indicates timeslots T for both upl he following ink Slots UMTS H UC200T ti slo S in GPRS ble data rate s the amoun The active s ink and dow g table A 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 N HSPA Mod T GLH...

Страница 88: ... 33 L_Hardware e_Design87 4 5 6 7 8 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 7 84 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 4 6 2 3 4 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 UMTS H UC200T N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 6 6 6 6 HSPA Mod T GLHardw NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6 6 6 6 dule Series ware Design s n ...

Страница 89: ... A B A A EDGE mes hemes g Family U E Mod 1 Timeslot 9 05kbps 13 4kbps 15 6kbps 21 4kbps 8 80kbps 11 2kbps 14 8kbps 17 6kbps 22 4kbps 29 6kbps 44 8kbps 54 4kbps 59 2kbps UMTS H UC200T GL dulati t 2 Tim 18 1 26 8 31 2 42 8 17 6 22 4 29 6 35 2 44 8 59 2 89 6 108 118 HSPA Mo EM Hardw onan meslot kbps 8kbps 2kbps 8kbps 60kbps 4kbps 6kbps 2kbps 8kbps 2kbps 6kbps 8kbps 4kbps odule Sires ware Design nd 4 ...
