Quark-Elec Manual
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Figure 10 Display on HyperTerminal
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The QK-A031 multiplexer can be configured with a configuration program in Windows system.
This program can be found on the accompanying CD or downloaded from:
Before being able to configure QK-A031 multiplexer, a USB connection must be set up. To
check the status of the connection, just run the program and click ‘Connect’ button. If ‘Config’
changes to black then the connection has setup and is ready for configuration.
With the configuration program, operator can modify the SSID and password for WiFi
connection. The input/output data rate can also be selected through drop-down list on the page.
All configuration settings are stored in the internal flash memory and are retained without power
4 M
The QK-A031 is aimed at the small-commercial, leisure, fishing boat and vessel monitoring
markets. It is not waterproof so should be mounted in a dry place such as behind the
instrument panel on a flat surface.
QK-A031 uses an IP56 Insulation Class 2 plastic enclosure with 115 x 90 x 40 mm external