MPMS Service Note 1014-305
Quantum Design
MPMS Service Note 1014-305, Rev. C-1
October 20, 2005
Removing and Installing the Sample Tube
The MPMS sample-tube assembly contains all the MPMS thermometry and the sample-space
heaters. Hence, you will need to replace the sample tube in the event a thermometer or heater fails.
Additionally, some MPMS options, such as the Enhanced Temperature Control (ETC) option,
require the installation of a sample tube that has specialized components.
In preparation for removing and reinstalling the MPMS sample tube, you will remove or disconnect
various related components, such as the sample, sample transport, top plate, and head-cover
assembly. However, you will leave the probe in the dewar.
The preparatory procedures are described in Section I. Section II has the instructions for reinstalling
the components and the sample tube, and Section III has instructions for restoring the system and
its software.
We strongly recommend that you gather your tools and review all the instructions before you begin
so that you can prepare for the different steps. Your preparation is especially important for removing
and working around parts with fragile components and for performing the replacement quickly.
You must complete these procedures as quickly as possible (no more than 20 min) to
minimize the chance that an ice plug will form in the impedance.
Tools and Supplies
Allen wrench, sizes 1/16, 3/16, 3/32, 5/64, 7/64
vacuum grease (Apiezon M)
Removing the Sample Tube
I.A Remove the Sample
1. Set the system to room temperature (298 K) and the field to zero (H=0 Oe). Wait for the
system temperature to stabilize.
2. Remove the sample.
3. Exit from MultiVu (or MPMSR2).
4. Disconnect the gas lines from the probe. Leave the lines leaning against the connectors.