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Instruction Manual 




System Description 

The dry film thickness gauge 




 is a combination gauge for 

a large variety of applications. Optionally it can be supplied with memory 
and statistic functions. 




 consists of the basic gauge and a miniature probe 

that can be taken out of the basic gauge. The gauge has two special fea-
tures. First no operating keys are required. Neither a calibration nor a zero 
adjustment has to be performed by the user. The zero adjustment is auto-
matically done while the probe is taken out of the basic gauge. Second, the 
readings taken by the miniature probe are transmitted wirelessly to the ba-
sic gauge. No troublesome and delicate cables impede the measurements. 
When the basic gauge, inserted in the pouch, is fixed e.g. to an arm, one-
hand operation is possible even under difficult conditions, e.g. on scaffolds 
or masts. 
The Fe-probe measures all non-magnetic coatings such as lacquer, plastic, 
enamel, powder coating, chromium, copper, zinc etc. on steel or iron. 
The NFe-probe measures all insulating coatings such as lacquer, plastic, 
enamel etc. on metallic substrates, e.g. on aluminum, copper, brass or non-
magnetic steel. 
Via the RS232-interface, which is standard in all gauges, readings can be 
transferred online to a PC or to our mini-printer 

PT 7

In the gauge with memory the readings can be stored and divided into 
blocks. Up to 4000 readings can be stored. For further processing, our 




-software or the mini-printer 

PT 7

 is optionally available. 





 conforms to national (DIN) and international 

(ISO,BS, ASTM) standards: 
 DIN 50981, 50984  ISO 2178, 2360, 2808 
 BS 5411 (3,11), 3900 (C,5) ASTM B499, D1400 


This instrument for a large variety of measuring tasks has been designed 
with the latest electronics. Despite its precision it is handy and rugged. 
However do not let it drop and protect it from dirt, dust, humidity, chemicals 
and aggressive vapors. After use please insert it into the pouch supplied 
with the instrument. 
As with all precision instruments large temperature variations can influence 
the measuring result. Please avoid direct solar irradiation and temperature 




Due to the physical measuring principles the measurements can be influ-
enced by strong electromagnetic fields. Please stay away from e.g. trans-
formers, high voltage lines or discharge sources. Strong emitters in the fre-
quency band used for the data transmission between miniature probe and 
basic gauge can jam receiving in the basic gauge. 
The housing is resistant against most solvents. Just use a soft damp cloth 
to clean the housing. 
Proper results can only be achieved with clean probes. Please regularly 
check the probe tips and remove any dirt and paint from the rubies  
If the gauge is not used for a longer period, please remove the batteries 
from the basic gauge in order to prevent leakage that can damage the 
In case of a malfunction of the instrument please do not try to repair it on 
your own. Our customer service will be happy to be of assistance. 

Operating and Change of Batteries 





 is powered by two 1,5 Volt AA batteries (Alkali). The 

battery compartment is on the rear side of the gauge. The battery should be 
exchanged when the "BAT"-sign appears on the right side of the display. 
However quite a number of readings can still be taken before the gauge 
shuts off. In gauges with memory stored data will not be deleted when 
changing the battery. 
The miniature probe is powered by an integrated Lithium battery which is 
automatically charged when the probe is inserted in the basic gauge. When 
the probe battery is getting weak the sign "Accu" appears in the display. 
Also in this case several readings can still be taken. The probe battery 
needs about 3 hours to be recharged. 
Empty batteries should be disposed of properly. If possible, please use the 
special services of your council.



To switch on the gauge the miniature probe must be taken out of the basic 
gauge. To do so please turn the probe by 90 degrees and take it out of the 
fixture. During this procedure both integrated probes are automatically ini-
tialized. Then measurements can be started immediately. The Fe-probe 
with the blue ring is used to measure on steel or iron substrates; the NFe-
probe with the red ring is used for non-magnetic substrates such as alumi-
num, copper etc. 
Place the probe evenly on the object to be measured such that the ring 
around the probe is in full contact with the surface. The display of the read-
ing is accompanied by a beep. Simultaneously the display shows which 
probe, Fe or NFe, has been used. The sign "Err" (error) indicates incorrect 
placement of the probe or lift-off before the measurement is finished. The 
sign "I


FI" (infinite) indicates readings beyond the measuring range. 

Insertion of the Probe: 

red ring

 of the miniature probe must be on the 


 side with the 

red mark

 of the basic gauge

Wrong insertion of the miniature probe will damage the gauge. 

Special Applications: 

In most cases the automatic zero adjustment of the two probes insures cor-
rect measuring results. In those few applications where an individual zero 
adjustment is required please proceed as follows: Place the appropriate 
probe on a piece of uncoated substrate. After a reading is displayed press 
the probe which is not used for measuring. A control number is displayed 
and a beep sounds. Lift off the miniature probe at least 5 cm (2"). Another 
control number is displayed and a beep sounds again. Now the special zero 
adjustment is done. Note: The special zero adjustment is replaced by the 
standard zero when the miniature probe is inserted into the basic gauge 
and taken out again. 

Do not take measurements on magnetized parts

. Magnetic fields can af-

fect the Fe-measurements. Strong electromagnetic radiation can affect the 







 gauges are equipped with an RS232-interface. This 

allows the transfer of all readings directly to a PC or our mini-printer 

PT 7

For the online display of the data on the PC monitor, the 





can be used to immediately provide a comprehensive statistical evaluation,  
or standard-editing programs such as HyperTerminal found in Windows-
software works as well. The instrument must be connected with the PC or 
the printer via the interface cable, and it must be switched on. The interface 
socket is on the right side of the basic gauge. Each reading or each statisti-
cal value is immediately sent to the PC or is printed by the mini-printer. 

Change of Unit µm/mil 

The display of the readings by the 




 is factory set to the 

unit which is common for the user (generally µm). Changing the unit can be 
performed with our optionally available 



–software or with the mini 


PT 7

. Regarding the procedure, please see the instruction manual of 




-software or the printer respectively. 


Scope of Supply 

The dry film thickness gauge 




 is delivered with a carrying 

pouch, 2 batteries AA (1.5 V), and an instruction manual. Optionally the 




 can also be supplied with data memory. 






- Software for evaluation of the readings in the PC 

- Mini-printer 

PT 7


- RS232-interface cable for connecting the 




 to a PC or 

the mini-printer 

PT 7


