Customer Helpline
0845 034 2279
Customer Helpline
0845 034 2279
Operating the Lawnmower
Step 2 - Starting the Engine (continued)
2a Press the primer bulb (A) 3-5 times.
When starting a cold engine, press down the primer fully 3~5 times.
Pressing the primer button too many times could cause the engine to flood.
When starting a warm engine, the primer does not need to be used. If the engine stops
due to a lack of petrol, refill and press down the primer 3~5 times.
Operating the Lawnmower
2b Engage Start/Stop Bar Activation
2c Pull cord handle
With right hand, slowly but firmly pull the starter handle and rope from the pull cord guide until
you feel resistance, then pull briskly. If the engine fails to start after three pulls, repeat the start
process. When the engine starts, return the starter rope to the pull cord guide gently.
Pull the Start/Stop bar towards you.
2d Enage propulsion lever
the mowe will self drived running.
2e. To stop release stop/start bar
Failure to start
If the engine won’t start after you have operated the starter several times, the engine may be
flooded with excess fuel.
Use following procedure to clear and start a flooded engine:
A. Release the stop/start bar.
B. Remove the spark plug, dry it, and then reinstall it .
Install the spark plug carefully by hand, to avoid cross-threading. After the plug is seated, tighten
1/8 to 1/4 turn with socket spanner of spark plug to compress the washer.
C. Pull the stop/start bar towards the upper handle.
D. Operate the starter as described above.
Step 3 - Mowing
- Always observe the strictest safety procedures when using the lawnmower.
Start the engine and allow it run. See ”Step-2 Starting the engine”
Keep a firm grip on the upper handle with stop/start bar and walk bar closed and walk along with it
self-propelling, never run with the mower, be very careful when mowing uneven or rough ground.
Mow across slopes, never up and down. Be careful when changing the direction of the mower on a
slope. Do not use the mower on a steep slope of more than 15°.
- The best result will be achieved if the grass is dry. Wet grass will tend to clog the blade and the
grass collection system. Grass grows at different rates at different time of the year.
- Never use the lowest cutting height for the first cut of the season or in drought conditions. Only
about one thirds of the grass height should be cut.
- If the lawnmower will not collect the cuttings efficiently, the grass discharge chute may be
blocked. The grass bag may be full, or the underside of the mower deck may be clogged.