Congratulations to your new #rgb unicycle!
First, you should start by unpacking the
box-content and identify the following (19“ ver-
sion w/o brake-components):
1) seatclamp in black, red, green or blue
2) seatpost in black, red, green or blue
3) wheelset with tire, cranks and brake-rotor
with rim in black, red, green or blue
4) frame in black, red, green or blue, bear-
ing-shells, 4 screws
5) Shimano-brake incl. two fixing bolts
6) brake-caliper adapter IS > PM incl. 2 bolts,
2 thin washers for adjustment
7) brake-lever-mount, partialy mounted unter
the saddle already
8) pedals
9) saddle
To assemble, you will need
the following tools:
15 mm wrench, a 4 and a
5 mm hex-key, flat screw-
driver or tire-lever.
1) Take the frame and
find out where the
backend is: the slot
is the rear side. The
disc-brake-mount is
then left.
6) tighten them in a
way that both sides
show an equal slot
between cup & frame.
The wheel should still
turn smoothly.
2) Have a look at the
bearing clamps - they
also have a direction to
put on.
7) slide the seatclamp
with the slotted side on
the slotted side of the
frame until it stops.
3) Put the frame on the
wheel, On the inside of
the left cranks should
be an „L“, the disc
should be lefthanded.
8) now it is time to
mount the handle
mount brake bracket
on the saddle
4) Put the frame with
the seattube on the
ground (just turn it
round the wheel) to ac-
cess the bearing-shells.
9) take out the two
bolts on the front fixing
the saddle handle with
a 4 mm hex-key
5) Put the shells on the
counterpart like in 2),
and insert the M6x25
screws with the blue
nylok on.
10) slide the brake-le-
ver on the brake-lever
mount and tighten it
in a way that it can
still move in case of
a crash but firmly
enough that it dows
not move while riding /
rgb Anleitung.indd 1
16.04.19 09:12