The diagram above shows an example interface and microcontroller configuration, to use
the USB to Serial converter for connecting a host computer to a QCX-series transceiver for
CAT control. The JP6 jumper must be cut from its default UPPER position, and install a
connection (jumper) at the LOWER position. This selects the external RXD pin as input to
the USB to Serial converter receive signal. Additionally a jumper must be installed at PA0 to
configure the microcontroller USART peripheral for 38400 baud operation to suit QCX.
3.12 Connecting an LCD module
An LCD module may be connected to the QLG2 module directly. The standard 16 x 2
alphanumeric LCD module such as used in the Ultimate3S, VFO, Clock, QCX and QCX+
kits (blue colour) or the QCX-mini (yellow/green colour) can be used here; these types of
LCD are available from many vendors. If it is HD44780 compatible (99% are) and has the
row of 16 pads along the top edge, it will work.
The kit is not designed to drive display
sizes other than 16 x 2.
Installation of the LCD module is on the UNDER-side of the QLG2 module and is done in
the same way as on the Ultimate3S, VFO and Clock kits and with the same components,
16 x 2 LCD module, 80 x 36mm HD44780 compatible
16-way male pin header connector (soldered with the short side of the pins to the
underside of the QLG2 board)
16-way female pin header connector (soldered to the underside of the LCD module
as shown)
4pcs 12mm hex nylon M3-threaded spacer
8pcs 6mm M3 nylon screw
QLG2 manual for firmware 1.00a