PAC25140 Users Guide Preview
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Rev. 1.0.0 28 February 2023 © 2023 Qorvo US, Inc.
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output signal.. If the comparator threshold is met, the comparator will set the
SOC.SIGFAULT.OCCFLT bit. An active OCC Fault can be configured to perform the following:
disable the CHG gate driver via the SOC.PROTEN.OCCPPROTEN bit,
Interrupt the MCU via the nIRQ2 signal connected to the PB7 GPIO signal if the
The OCC DAC value can be set by writing the SOC.OCCDAC register. The OCC comparator is
enabled by setting the SOC.SIGMGRCTL1.OCCEN bit. The OCC comparator blanking time and
hysteresis can be configured by writing the SOC.OCCCFG register. Once the OCC DAC value
is exceeded at the OCC Comparator input, an Over Current Charge event will be registered and
cleared by writing a 1d.
Over current charge protection comparator output can be polled in real time by reading the
7.4.7 Over-Current Discharge Protection
Over-Current Discharge protection (OCD) is designed to is implemented with the OCD DAC
(0.5V Vref) and OCD comparator (0.5V Vref) to compare the DAC setting to the differential
amplifier output signal.. If the comparator threshold is met, the comparator will set the
SOC.SIGFAULT.OCDFLT bit. An active OCD Fault can be configured to perform the following:
disable the CHG gate driver via the SOC.PROTEN.OCDPPROTEN bit,
Interrupt the MCU via the nIRQ2 signal connected to the PB7 GPIO signal if the
The OCD DAC value can be set by writing the SOC.OCDDAC register. The OCD comparator is
enabled by setting the SOC.SIGMGRCTL1.OCDEN bit. The OCD comparator blanking time and
hysteresis can be configured by writing the SOC.OCDCFG register. Once the OCD DAC value
is exceeded at the OCD Comparator input, an Over Current Discharge event will be registered
and the SOC.SIGFAULT.OCDFAULT flag will be set. The SOC.SIGFAULT.OCDFAULT flag is
cleared by writing a 1d.Over current discharge protection comparator output can be polled in
real time by reading the SOC.BATRTS.OCD_RTS bit.
7.4.8 Battery Over-Voltage Protection
Battery Over Voltage protection (BATOV) is designed to is implemented with the BATOV DAC
(2.5V Vref) and BATOV comparator (2.5V Vref) to compare the DAC setting to the scaled down
version (1/50) version of the battery pack's PACK+ terminal. If the comparator threshold is met,
the comparator will set the SOC.SIGFAULT.BATOVFLT bit. An active BATOV Fault can be
configured to perform the following:
disable the CHG gate driver via the SOC.PROTEN.BATOVCPPROTEN bit,