Copyright © 2020, Qardio, Inc. All rights reserved.
QC Patient Instructions
iPhone 1.0
1: Fitting QardioCore
If your doctor has prescribed you to wear QardioCore for 24 hours, keep wearing it at all times and do not get it wet.
ll need to remove the device for one hour
Wrap the strap around chest and
connect it.
Please note:
Ensure the strap is tight enough and all
the electrodes are touching the skin, but
not too tight to be uncomfortable.
Place QardioCore below the sternum.
Adjust the length of the strap so you are
able to comfortably fit two fingers
Comfort for female
The area around the chest should be clean, with no blemishes or other types of
skin irritations on your chest.
When you connect the strap to the left side (or right side in upside down mode) of
QardioCore you will see a green light blink once to indicate that QardioCore has
switched on.
We recommend that female patients
wear the QardioCore upside down
and below the sternum.
Connecting QardioCore and iPhone
How to report a symptom
If QardioCore bar is showing
yellow, please reposition your
If QardioCore bar is showing
red, please connect your strap
If QardioCore is connected a
green dot will appear with
” on the left side.
Reporting your symptoms is easy and will assist your doctor.
Open the Qardio app and tap the green button
Tap here to
add a note
” each time a symptom is felt
- such as palpitations,
chest pain etc.
Select from the list of common symptoms or enter a custom symptom
Patient Instructions
Ambulatory ECG monitor
If your doctor has prescribed you to wear QardioCore for more than 24 hours, you wi
each day to recharge the battery.