Off Delay Time
Enter the delay time for relay deactivation in hours:minutes:seconds. Set the time
to 00:00:00 to immediately deactivate the relay.
Select if activation or deactivation of the Boolean Logic output should produce an
alarm or not.
Daily Max Time
Enter the maximum amount of accumulated on-time, in Hand or Auto modes, that
the relay can have between midnight and midnight the next day. If the time is
exceeded, the relay will deactivate, and a Daily Max Timeout alarm will be trig-
gered. The alarm will clear, and relay allowed to reactivate at midnight the next
If the relay was in Hand mode when the alarm was triggered, it will revert to
whichever HOA state it was in prior to being set to Hand.
To override the Daily Max Limit for the rest of the day, press Reset Output
Relay or Analog Output, Lag Control Mode
The Lead Lag control mode allows a group of outputs to be controlled by a single control algorithm using a variety
of configurations. The control mode support backup pumps operation, alternate pump with wear leveling, and the
activation of additional outputs after a time delay, or based on alternate set points, or based on digital state changes.
A Lead Lag group consists of a single Lead output and one or more Lag outputs. The Lead output can be set to any
control mode. The new Lag control mode can be selected for any number of additional outputs (limited only by the
number of outputs available within the controller). A setting for each Lag output allows selection of a Lead output
that is used to create an ordered group of Lead Lag relays.
Example: R1 is an On/Off relay, R2 is set for Lag mode with a Lead output of R1. R3 is set as an additional
Lag mode relay with a Lead output of R2, thus creating an ordered chain of three relays in the Lead Lag group
(R1←R2←R3). After the group is defined, the Lead output (R1) operates with the standard On/Off Control func
tionality. The last Lag mode relay in the chain (R3) offers various settings that are used to define the desired control
operations for the entire Lead Lag group. Selectable Lead Lag control options include backup, wear leveling, and/
or activating additional outputs based on various criteria.
Backup Pump Control
By default, Lead Lag groups always provide backup operation if the Lead control mode determines that its output
should be energized but it is disabled due to a Flow Verify alarm and/or because the Lead output HOA setting is
Off or Hand (not in Auto mode).
Wear Leveling Modes
The order of Lead and Lag output activation can be changed based on configurable wear leveling modes. This
option is intended to allow users to manage the usage of primary and secondary pumps within a system. One wear
leveling mode selects a different output each time the group is activated. Additional modes vary the activation of
the pumps within the group based on the time-on for each output, with the intent to either balance the usage of
each pump or to energize the primary output most often and periodically exercise auxiliary pumps to insure proper
operation when they are needed.
Output Activation Modes
Depending on the control mode selected for the Lead output, Lag output(s) can be configured for activation of
additional outputs based on one or more of the following criteria:
On-time (for example, energize a second relay 10 minutes after the primary relay is turned on)
Control set points (for example, energize a second relay if the pH continues to rise)