Jun. 2020 / Rev.0.1 DS-UB40.241-EN All values are typical figures specified at 24Vdc input voltage, 40A output current in
power supply mode at 25°C ambient, no charging and after a 5 minutes run-in time unless otherwise noted.
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The following guidelines provide instructions for fixing the most common failures and problems. Always start with the most likely and
easiest to check condition. Some of the suggestions may require special safety precautions. See notes in
chapter “Installation
Explanation / Action:
Single flash on the
“Error” LED
Check input voltage.
The input voltage must be at least higher than 23V and smaller than 30V.
“Error” LED is solid on
- Check correct wiring between the battery and the DC-UPS
- Check battery fuse. Is the battery fuse inserted or blown?
- Check battery voltage (must be between 14V and 30V)
- Check battery polarity
DC-UPS did not buffer
- Inhibit-input was set.
- Input voltage of the DC-UPS did not reach the minimum voltage of 23V.
- Battery voltage is below 23V.
DC-UPS stopped buffering
- Deep discharge protection stopped buffering. Use a larger battery or allow sufficient time for
charging the battery.
- End of service life of the battery
- Battery did not have enough time to be charged.
- Inhibit-input was activated
- Buffer time limiter stopped buffering. Change the settings of the buffer time limiter on the
front of the unit.
- At too high temperatures of the battery or DC-UPS
- Too large output capacitors. The resulting peak current can trigger the current limiter, which
switches off the output of the DC-UPS. See also chapter 5.
- Critical low input voltage. Due to excessive voltage drops between the power supply and the
DC UPS, the input voltage can exceed the 23V threshold several times during load changes,
which is recognized by the DC UPS as a restart.
- Center-tap connection opens (or other center-tap connection problems) during battery mode
The DC UPS stops buffering and
prevents re-buffering for 5
Too many buffering events in too short of a time can lead to a 5 second lock for further buffering
For example, if there are multiple 0.2s buffer requests over a duration of 3.3s or multiple 0.3s
buffer requests over a duration of 9.2s or multiple 0.4s buffer requests over a duration of 14s,
further buffering requests can be blocked for 5 seconds.
Multiple buffer events longer than 0.5s do not lead to such a 5s lock for further buffering events.
DC-UPS constantly switches
between power supply mode and
battery mode
- The supplying source on the input is too small and can not deliver sufficient current. Use a
larger power supply or reduce the output load.
- The output voltage of the power supply dips to a too low value. The input voltage must always
be at lower than 22.2V or higher than 23V. Each transition through 22.2V and 23V switches
between power supply mode and battery mode.
Increase the output voltage of the power supply.
- Too high voltage drops on wires. Increase the output voltage of the power supply or increase
the wires cross section from the power supply to the DC-UPS.