The weighing indicators from the series ADVANCE SUPER USB are specific for the management of loading and
unloading operations on Unifeed mixer wagons
This kind of electronics allows to program and manage up to 150 recipes, with a maximum of 99 components, and
30 components per recipe.
By means of the "PTM Multilink" connecting system, it is possible to connect different optional devices
simultaneously (e.g. printer, weight repeater, remote control, additional relays for Topcut management, mixer, etc.).
The series ADVANCE SUPER USB includes weighing computers with the following features:
Possibility to give a name to components
Memorization of 99 components
Possibility to give a name to groups
Memorization of 100 unloading groups
Possibility to give a name to recipes
Memorization of up to 150 recipes
Possibility to load up to 30 components per recipe
Possibility to unload up to 50 groups per recipe
Total weight screen with the following details: date and time, name of the recipe to load, recipe total, ration
per animal, number of animals
Recipe selection screen with the main details of each recipe: recipe total, ration per animal, number of
animals, mixing time and number of components
Quick selection of the recipe to load
Possibility to manage recipes by selecting the order of the components from a loading list
Management of a numeric keyboard, with the same writing mode of cell phones
Online Help for each screen/function of the scale
Automatic backup of the changes made on components, groups and recipes upon inserting the USB
Automatic backup of loading and unloading data upon inserting the USB pendrive
Possibility of digital printing in CSV format, for consumptions and loading and unloading operations.
Overcharge control system
Possibility to prevent the access to some menu, under menu and functions to unskilled and unauthorized
staff (through a PIN code). It is possible to manage to 20 users.
Zeroing through external input or keyboard
Loading break through external input or keyboard
Loading stop through external input or keyboard (optional)
Simultaneous connection of more repeater displays/optionals
Management of the recipe mixing during the loading
Possibility to specify for each component break time and alarm duration after the loading
Possibility to specify for each group the alarm duration after the unloading
Possibility to manage international measurement units
Available weight divisions: 1-2-5-10-20
Calibration through load cells data
Calibration through load cells chart
Calibration with sample weight
Possibility to set out a threshold for manual dosage
Connection of PTM Multilink peripheral devices
Possibility to use additional I/O modules
Control on possible programming conflict between outputs
Self-detection of the number of relay boards connected
Connection to the printer (by request)
Possibility to set out the automatic unloading
Management of component consumptions