PS Engineering
PAC24 Series Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-16
Rev. 29, Sept. 2021
Post Installation Checkout
After wiring is complete, verify power is ONLY on pin 25 of the J3 and airframe ground on bottom con-
nector pin A. Failure to do so will cause serious internal damage and void PS Engineering's warranty.
Unit Installation
To install the PAC24, gently slide the unit into the mounting rack until the hold-down screw is engaged.
While applying gentle pressure to the face of the unit, tighten the 3/32" hex-head in the center of the unit
until it is secure. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.
W a r n i n g
: D o n o t o v e r - t i g h t e n t h e l o c k d o w n s c r e w w h i l e i n s t a l l i n g t h e u n i t i n t r a y .
Internal damage will result.
2.10.1 Operational Checkout
® is designed for ambient noise levels of 80 dB or above. Therefore some clipping
may occur in a quiet cabin, such as without the engine running, in a hangar. This is normal
Apply power to the aircraft and avionics.
Plug headsets into the pilot, copilot, and occupied passenger positions.
Verify fail-safe operation by receiving and transmitting on com 1 from the pilot position, with the au-
dio panel power off.
Switch on the unit by pressing the volume (VOL) knob.
Check intercom operation.
Push the Com 1 Xmt select button (lower row).
Verify that both of the
Com 1
buttons light. Verify that transmit button LED (Light Emitting Diode)
near the mic selector is not blinking. If the LED is blinking, stop testing and troubleshoot the micro-
phone PTT installation.
Verify proper transmit and receive operation from the copilot position, noting that the copilot PTT
switch allows proper transmission on the selected transceiver. Verify that the Com 1 Xmt button blinks
when transmitting.
Verify that pushing the
button causes the button to illuminate, and the Com 2 receiver to be
heard. Verify operation on Com 1 from the pilot position.
Repeat for other transceivers and standard Com 5, (if installed).
Press and hold the Com 1 Xmt button. While holding the Com 1 button, press the Com 2 Xmt button.
This places the unit in “Split Mode;” Verify that the pilot can transmit and receive on Com 1, while the
copilot transmits and receives on Com 2.
If the audio panel is configured for duplex operation on Com 5 (SW4 Dip switch 4 selected “on”), ver-
ify that the pilot headset is connected to the cellular telephone system (if installed). Verify that by us-
ing the pilot side PTT, the pilot can transmit on the other selected radio (Com 1 or Com 2). Verify that
the Com 5 Xmt LED blinks at about twice the rate of com 1, to indicate a duplex mode. The copilot
has radio transmit capability in Com 5 duplex mode, on the selected Com ( 1 or 2).
Verify proper operation of all receiver sources by selecting them using the appropriate button. The
button illuminates to show which source is in use.
Switch the SPR control to SPR. Verify that all selected audio is heard in the cockpit speaker. Verify
that the audio mutes when the mic is keyed.
Switch the SPR control to PA, an verify that the pilot mic is connected to the cabin or external speaker,
(if installed).
Verify that the appropriate LED in the lower right side blinks when either push to talk is keyed.
Verify proper Intercom system operation in the
, I
modes (see Table 3-1).
Verify that the audio selector panel system does not adversely affect any other aircraft system by sys-
tematically switching the unit on and off, while monitoring the other avionics and electrical equipment
on the aircraft.