4 Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ printer
Unlike the printer kit, the printer comes completely assembled and almost ready to print.
After plugging in, and running the necessary calibration, you can print a 3D object in a matter
of minutes after unpacking the printer. Keep in mind, you can use our support email or live
chat when you purchase the assembled printer. Do not hesitate to write to us if you need any
advice or help. See the contact information on page 2.
3D printers use two different diameters of filament: 2.85 mm and 1.75 mm (you can
find more in the chapter
). The 1.75mm version is used more frequently
worldwide, although there is no difference in printing quality. The filament is provided
on a spool, which should feature a list of basic information - filament maker, material
(ABS, PLA, etc.) and filament diameter. 2.85 mm filament is commonly called 3 mm.
This printer supports only a 1.75 mm filament
. Please check that the filament diameter is
1.75 mm before inserting it into the extruder. Do not try to insert wider filament; it could
damage the extruder.
Pict. 1 - Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ printer description: (1) Filament spool; (2) Spool holder;
(3) Z-Axis; (4) Power supply; (5) X-Axis; (6) Z2 Stepper; (7) Heatbed with spring steel sheet;
(8) LCD Knob; (9) Reset Button; (10) Threaded Rod; (11) Printer Frame; (12) USB Port;
(13) Einsy Rambo Board; (14) Extruder Stepper; (15) X-Stepper; (16) Z1 Stepper;
(17) Y-Axis; (18) LCD Panel; (19) SD Card Slot