SNMP Interface
Application Interfaces
code of the company standard route (if configured, see
starting on page 145) the own prefix and the own base call number is
deleted as necessary.
Via the LDAP server you can also query another communications system
from the family / Forum 500 / Forum 5500. If, for example, you connect
multiple communications systems into a network (see
starting on page 133) you can then manage call number information on a
central communications system. Please note that information queried via
LDAP cannot be forwarded via the LDAP server of the same communica-
tions system.
Use the Forum Name program for more advanced LDAP configuration, for
connecting additional data sources or for additional call number conversions.
After authorisation via a license key, the Forum Name program offers a LDAP
service which can be queried by the Forum 523/524 communications system.
The Forum Name program provides you with the following features:
Bundling multiple data sources: Querying one or multiple LDAP servers
and file sources in the CSV and LDIF formats.
Rule-based call-number conversion, separate configurable rules for the
call-numbers-to-name search and for conversion of call numbers for
outgoing calls.
SNMP Interface
Components connected to the network are monitored using network
management software in many companies. The management software
(“SNMP-Manager”) communicates with the network components via SNMP
(Simple Network Management Protocol).
You can integrate the Forum 523/524 communications system into the
SNMP-based network management. There is a Windows service program for
this (“SNMP Agent”). The SNMP Agent communicates with the Forum 523/
524 communications system via the CSTA interface. The status information
queried via the CSTA interface is forwarded by the SNMP Agent to the
network management software.