ul. Starorudzka 9
93-403 Łódź Edition 1/18/06/2021
Page 1 of 3
Universal steel climbing spikes
Reference number DR100
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1. General
Climbing spikes are designed for use in arborist works as an
auxiliary equipment for ascending during works at a height.
Climbing spikes are not Personal Protective Equipment.
Climbing spikes are not mountaineering equipment.
Climbing spikes are intended for use only as auxiliary
equipment for ascending during works at a height in arborist
Works with use of climbing spikes are dangerous and bear a
risk of a fall if additional personal protective equipment is not
The device should be used only as intended.
The right climbing spike is different from the left one. Each of
them is marked with letters R or L on the inner side of the
It is obligatory to check the set of climbing spikes for
completenes Figure 1.
When in use, all straps and velcro strips should be well
tightened and properly secured. Improper use may cause an
accident and serious injuries.
Figure 1. Elements of complete set
A - Adjustable velcro strips of upper binding
B - Main stirrup
C - Padding
D - Height adjustment gear
E - Composite framing
F - Gaff protective guard
G - Hardened steel gaff
H - Adjustable velcro strips of lower binding
2. Working Load Limit
The product is designed to be used for ascending and
descending of workers, and works in suspension with a
weight, including auxiliary equipment, of not less than 130 kg.
3. Height adjustment
Before use make sure to adjust the height of padding to your
The adjustment is done by detachment and removal of the
padding and loosening of the adjustment gear. By moving up
and down, set the framing in an optimum position for your leg
as indicated below:
Detach padding from adjustment gear velcro strip;
Loosen adjustment gear;
Put leg in working boots through and fasten lower binding
Move the composite framing along the stirrup so the top
edge of the upper binding is positioned 5cm below your
knee. Push the stirrup through the framing and remove the
climbing spike from the leg. Tighten the adjustment gear
as screws M5. Torque screws to 4kN.
To check the climbing spike for correct fit, tighten it
properly and fasten all straps. Bend your knee at 90°. With
optimum height settings, movements of knee and foot
should not be restricted.