802.11a, b, g
RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Browser
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
Page 80 of 109
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 18, 2009
To view the online help, start the RadioLinx IH Browser, open the Help menu,
and then choose Help Topics.
The RadioLinx IH Browser Help System
The RadioLinx IH Browser has an online help system that works like a web
browser. Each dialog box has its own page in the help system, which explains
each item on the dialog box.
To view the online help, open the Help menu and choose Help Topics.
Many help pages have
that lead you to more information if you need it.
Links are always
. Use your mouse to click the underlined text to
"follow a link" and open a help page with more information.
You can use the Search tab to search for words or phrases inside a help file. The
help system shows you a list of help topics that contain the words you typed in
the Search field. Click a topic from the list to view the help page.
You can also use the Index button to see an index of keywords. You can type the
first few letters of a keyword to jump directly to the part of the index you would
like to view. Each keyword is linked to one or more help topics. Click a keyword
to see a list of topics, and then click a topic from the list to view the help page.
5.6.2 About RLX-IH Browser
Use this command to view version information about the RadioLinx IH Browser.
You may be asked to provide this information if you contact ProSoft Technical