802.11a, b, g
Radio Configuration / Diagnostic Utility
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
Page 58 of 109
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 18, 2009
4.5 Apply
Click the Apply Changes button to save your changes after editing radio
configuration in order for those changes to take effect. When you apply changes,
the radio will shut down and restart using the new settings. The following
illustration shows the Radio Configuration / Diagnostic Utility as the radio
4.6 Cancel
Click Cancel Changes to discard any settings you made during this session.
This button only applies to changes made in the Radio Configuration / Diagnostic window.
Changes made to individual configuration forms (for example, Spanning Tree, Parent Link, and
SNMP Agent settings) take effect when you click the Save button on each of those forms.
4.7 Factory
Click the Factory Defaults button to reset the radio to the default settings.
Important: This action discards all your radio configuration settings.
You will be prompted to confirm this action before it takes effect.