HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 64 of 127
4.1.7 HART Custom Command
The module supports sending of custom HART commands to a field device. See the
Advanced Mapping setup
section for more details regarding the Custom Command
parameters. When adding a custom HART command (with a EtherNet/IP interface), a
Logix tag will need to be selected with the correct Logix UDT type
). See the PLX51-HART Logix example code for
the UDT.
Figure 4.9 – Custom HART command selected Logix Tag
Figure 4.10 – Custom HART command Logix Tag
When the user wants to start the execution of the custom HART command, the
MsgTrigger parameter must be set to 1. Once the message transaction has been
completed, the MsgTrigger parameter will be cleared back to zero. Once the
message has been completed, the status parameter will also be updated to indicate
the status of the transaction.