Entry in LOG file
Caused by:
Effect of the action:
"Start/Stop" key
The circulating pump and the control vari‐
able values are started (automatically), if a
timer is active.
"Start/Stop" key
The circulating pump and the control vari‐
able values are stopped (manual stop), if a
timer is active.
"Circ. STOP MAN. !"
"Circ. stop" key
The circulating pump is stopped (manual
stop), if a timer is active.
"Circ. 1 MAN. !" ;
"Circ. 2 MAN. !"
"Manual" key
The circulating pump is switched from
manual to automatic.
"Circ. 1 AUTO. !" ;
"Circ. 2 AUTO. !"
"Auto" key
The circulating pump is switched from auto‐
matic to manual.
"Circ.1 N.O.
MAN. !" ; "Circ. 2
N.O. MAN. !"
"Circ. normal operation" key
The circulating pump is operated in
[Manual mode] ➨ [Normal operation].
"Circ.back wash 1
MAN. !" ; "Circ.back
wasch 2 MAN. !"
"Circ. backwash" key
The circulating pump is operated in Manual
mode ➨ Backwashing.
"FW. Lev. OK. FW.
Time Start !"
Liquid level, level measure‐
Fresh water top-up is also started with a
filling time.
"FW. Stop !"
Liquid level, level measure‐
Fresh water top-up is ended
"FW. Start !"
Liquid level, level measure‐
Fresh water top-up is started.
"FW. Checkout time!"
Liquid level, level measure‐
The control time of 180 minutes fresh water
top-up is exceeded.
"Level++ --> Circ. ON
10 Minutes."
[Level ++]
The circulating pump starts because the
[Level ++] is reached.
"+ Error --
>Deleted. "
[Level ++]
[Level ++] is no longer active.
"Niveau-- --> Circ.
[Level --]
Function: Dry running protection. Circulation
is stopped.
"Niveau- --> FW.
Start !"
[Level - ]
Fresh water top-up is started.
" --> FW. Stop
[Level +]
Fresh water top-up is stopped.
"No flow --> Circ.1
OFF. " ; "No flow -->
Circ.2 OFF. "
Paddle switch 1 and 2
Function: Dry running protection. Circulation
is stopped. Circulation must be manually
"Cleaning process
Gutter cleaning
Gutter cleaning is started.
"Clening process
Gutter cleaning
Gutter cleaning is ended.