5.11 Flow control
If a flow meter is integrated, then the value of this flow can be inte‐
grated in the Dulcomarin
II, provided the value can be forwarded
using pulse frequencies, so that the actual circulation flow rates are
displayed. The advantage of this is that, if the output of the circu‐
lating pump declines or if there is an increase in the differential
pressure across the filter, this state is directly indicated. If the
desired flow can no longer be achieved, then using suitable meas‐
ures, e.g. through initiation of backwashing of the filter, this clog‐
ging can be removed and the original flow rate achieved again.
This digital input pulses are processed via terminal
[K01] or [K02].
You can parameterise the corresponding parameters in the
[Configuration] menu of the Dulcomarin
II (1 pulse = 25 litre circu‐
lation quantity). In this way you receive a precise indication of the
flow on the Dulcomarin
II display.
To achieve an overview of the quantity of the fresh water top-up,
there is an option permitting electronic measuring of the fresh
water quantity using a contact water meter integrated in the swim‐
ming pool water system. Using an electronic meter, the water con‐
sumption since the installation or since resetting of the values is
displayed. This function indicates a possible water loss, e.g. due to
defective valves/piping or leaks in the swimming pool. The water
meter pulses must be matched to the installation situation. 1 pulse
= 100 litre water, e.g. 10 pulses = 1m
fresh water top-up.
5.12 Control variables for disinfection and pH-control
These can be activated under
Here the following control variable can be set:
Combined chlorine
Actual measurement of the circulation
Measurement of the fresh-water top-
Application examples for the F module functions