promesstec GmbH
I Niedersachsenstraße 4 I D- 48465 Schüttorf I Tel.:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 0 I Fax:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 29
E-Mail: [email protected] I Internet: www.promesstec.com
4.6 System Modes
The controller works as a closed control loop in nor-
mal operation. If you call up the "User Menu",
"Setup Menu" or "Display Mode" in control mode,
the control loop is not interrupted. This also applies
to the activation of the event input.
Under certain conditions, the controller leaves nor-
mal operation and enters an exception mode. The
exception modes are: Sleep mode, Manual regula-
tion mode, error mode, calibration mode and Auto-
tuning mode. These modes operate in open loop
except for Auto-tuning mode, which operates in
ON-OFF plus PID loop.
The operating modes are staggered in the following
priorities. A low priority mode cannot affect a higher
priority mode, see picture.
Priorities of the operating modes
Calibration mode, auto-tuning mode and normal control mode have the same priority.
The sleep mode has the highest priority.
System Modes
sleep mode
see chapter 4-11
manual regulation mode
see chapter 3-22
error mode
see chapter 3-16
calibration mode
see chapter 6
auto-tuning mode
see chapter 3-19
Normal control mode
see chapter 3-23, 3-25, 4-1