promesstec GmbH
I Niedersachsenstraße 4 I D-48465 Schüttorf I Tel.:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 0 I Fax:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 29
E-Mail: [email protected] I Internet: www.promesstec.com
1. General
1.1 Description measuring principle
The MDW/MDH 500 meter is based on measurement principle by a well-known Far-
aday's electromagnetic induction law according to which an electric voltage is in-
duced during the flow of a conductive liquid through the flow meter magnetic field.
This is picked up by two electrodes in direct contact with the measured medium and
evaluated in the electronic unit.
The MDW/MDH 500 type of induction meters are suitable exclusively for measure-
ment of volumetric flow of electrically conductive liquid substances with a minimum
conductivity of 20 µS/
сm (at a lower conductivity, upon agreement with the manu-
Meters are designed for flow measurement where the velocity of liquid is in the range
of 0.01 - 12 m/s. The best measurement accuracy can be obtained in the range of
1 - 10 m/s.
1.2 Drawings, shortcut
A non-observance can cause injuries to persons and/or the demoli-
tion of the device. There can be a dangerous to life.
A non-observance can cause a faulty operation of the device or lead
to property damage.
A non-observance can have influence on the operation of the device
or cause unintentional reactions of the device.
When not observing the safety instructions, there is a risk of serious
or fatal injuries caused by electrical power.
Possibly a dangerous situation can occur, which results in burns be-
cause of hot surfaces or liquids, if not avoided.
Flow meter MDW/ MDH 500