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4.8 Current output
D/A - converter of the MDW / MDH 500 evaluation unit is 16-bit with data recovery
per second. The converter is isolated from the meter by optocouplers. If the current
output is passive, it is necessary to feed the current output from an external power
supply. External power supply Ue can be 12 - 24 V. The loop resistance must not
be higher than R = Ue / 0,02 (
As standard, it is set in such a way that with the maximum flow Qmax the loop cur-
rent is 20mA and with the zero or negative flow, the loop current is 4mA. The borders
can be set by buttons or user software for all flow directions. In case of loss of power
for the meter, it is indicated by 0mA current loop output.
In case of active current loop, an internal 16V galvanically isolated power supply is
used in MDW/MDH 500 meter.
Current loop wiring connection example:
Passive current loop
Terminal board wiring connection:
Active current loop
Terminal board wiring connection: