Web programming international GB
KAP side:
- 2 - af 6
dato: 03. marts 2021
Step 1.1 - Mobile Phone -> Device:
First prepare the SIM card so that the PIN is 1234 or deactivated.
Insert the SIM card into the device.
Turn on the unit and wait for one flash every 2. seconds
Send a sms to the device with 1234 EG access point name ( is space)
Defines APN * for the Internet connection.
-and send a sms to the device at 1234 EG APN user password, if required by the
relevant mobile operator on the location *.
In this example, the text should be as follows:
1234 EG Imse plus.
Remember the spaces!
Send a sms to the device with 1234 EA xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy
where xxxxxxxx = device username and yyyyyyyy = device mobile number without
preset countries self-dialing codes.
Profort recommends using the same username as the mobile phone number.
The instruction enables Internet access with EH User name and creates
N0 own number.
Wait for the unit to flash again every 2. seconds
The unit is then ready for the next
Step 2