Editing the residents list
In KDC3915 keyboards the residents list is used only to display the list or to allow connection
to the premises with a letter suffix.
After entering submenu, the keyboard displays the currently entered residents list. Tabs with first
letters from the
field are displayed above the list. You can quickly switch to a given
letter by pressing the corresponding button on keyboard (e.g. to skip to entries starting with a
it is necessary to press key 5). The layout of letters is printed on the number plate and
corresponds to the layout known from mobile phones.
After selecting the premises and pressing button a list of possible actions will be displayed.
Adding/editing an entry:
name displayed in the list
Property number
a number which will be entered from the keyboard by the user
(including typed suffixes, e.g. 11a).
Target number
the physical number that will be passed on for further analysis (see
Błąd! Nie można odnaleźć
źródła odwołania.
) or, in a simpler case, it will be the
number by which the apparatus will be addressed.
Access code
a code enabling the resident to edit
Lock code
Lock code
lock bolt control code
number of the group to which the entry is to belong. This field is only relevant if
schedules are used.
takes the value 0/1. If the value is set to 1, the property will not be shown in the
residents list accessible from the main screen under the button
Ringtone type
Ring type
individual ring tone, in order to use the global setting, enter
the parameter, delete the content and confirm with button
Ringtone volume
individual ringtone volume for the property. Switching to the global
parameter is as in the case of ringtone type.
Property flags
see chapter 10.5Program A4
proximity IDs. In order to add IDs, press and select
and then apply
subsequent IDs. Keyboard will communicate the correct addition of ID. If it has already
been assigned,
will be displayed, if it was assigned to another property, the keyboard
will display its logical number. Deleting IDs removes all IDs assigned to a list entry. You can
delete individual keys either from the ResidentsList3900 software or through A-1