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Page 58
To delete a network, just select one network and press the Delete button. The
system will ask for a confirmation.
To end with, it is also possible to define the priority of the Wi-Fi networks. The
unit will try to connect first to the Wi-Fi network at the top of the list. The user
can change the order of the different networks in the list by means of the Move
Up and Move Down buttons.
Once all networks in the main list have been defined (password configured), and
the user has selected one of the available networks, just by pressing on the
Connect button the unit will try to connect to that network.
NOTE: In order for the user to configure the Wi-Fi interface, this
interface must be selected as one of the IP interfaces to be used for the
streaming, be it alone or along with others, like 3G/4G links for
3G/4G network’s configuration
Quantum units can stream over a bundle of up to four 3G/4G modems (4
internal SIM card slots) or two modems for Quantum Lite.
Different service providers can be used for this purpose, so every 3G/4G module
must be configured according to the data access settings for that specific