The easy way of waking up in time
The intelligent enuresis wake-up trainer
Enutrain Mobil
User´s Guide
Wake up in time easily – with innovative sensor technology
Forget conventional wearable alarms and bell-and-pad alarms, and whatever good or bad
things you’ve heard about them. The innovative sensor technology in Enutrain
Mobil is proven to work better and make wake-up training considerably easier.
What advantages does Enutrain
have over wearable alarms?
Wearable alarms cannot distinguish properly between urine and sweat, as they always trigger
the alarm as soon as the pants develop a higher electrical conductivity when wet. The modern
sensor inside Enutrain
is constantly assessing the moisture on its surface and can thus
distinguish between increased perspiration or drops of urine. This minimises false alarms and
simplifies the therapy.
How will my child learn to wake up in time with Enutrain
First a bit of theory: Many factors are involved in bedwetting, among others the delayed
maturation of the “sleep-wake switch“ in the central nervous system. Here the ability to wake
up is limited and those affected are often not woken up by loud noises. Essentially one can
differentiate between light sleepers and deep sleepers:
Light sleepers switch to a light sleep before bedwetting, but without a wake-up signal do not
wake up in time. With light sleepers the receiver can usually be kept in the children’s room
from the beginning.
Deep sleepers don’t react to noises and usually need to be woken up. This is where your
support is required for training. In the beginning place the receiver in your bedroom and rouse
your child as quickly as possible when the alarm sounds to accompany it to the toilet in time.
As soon as your child reacts more spontaneously, you can try to set up the alarm in the child’s
room. If your child wakes up alone and carries out the practiced steps, the alarm can remain
there. If there are still problems, continue providing support.
Note: Experience shows that with boys the urethra still contains a few drops of urine, which
could trigger the sensor again. Teach your son how to properly wipe away the residual urine
from the urethra.
How long does wake-up training usually take?
In principle, the following applies: every case is unique. Bedwetting will by no means disap-
pear overnight; rather, getting up in time will be learnt. Decisive for successful training and the
maturation of the „sleep-wake-switch“ in the brain is the shortest possible time lapse between
bedwetting and waking up. Helpful with this is also the so-called premicturition, which occurs
with about 80% of children with enuresis nocturna: about 1-2 minutes before completely
emptying the bladder a few drops are released, triggering the alarm. Should your child make
it to the toilet quickly, the wake-up training period will be shorter.
How can I successfully complete the wake-up training?
If your child no longer wets the bed and wakes up alone to go to the toilet, for safety you
should continue the wake-up training for another two weeks. If your child remains dry, you can
end the training. If there is another incident, repeat the wake-up training.
Procon GmbH,
Bramfelder Chaussee 41
, D-
Tel. 0049 40 600 198 50 Fax: 0049 40 600 198 75
E-mail: [email protected] Homepage: www.enutrain.de
How to prepare your child and yourself for the night
In order to carry out wake-up training successfully, you should begin by practicing all necessa-
ry steps several times with your child.
1. Get up
2. Go to the toilet
3. Empty the bladder properly
4. Exchange the sensor briefs with dry ones
5. Place the rinsed and dried sensor in the pouch of the clean briefs
In the beginning you should support your child with all the steps, until it manages alone. And
don’t worry if it takes a while before your child is able to get up in time and go to the toilet. It’s
a very normal process.
What should I do if my child is a deep sleeper?
Place the receiver in your bedroom, rouse your child as quickly as possible when the alarm
sounds and under your supervision allow it carry out all the practiced steps.
How do I clean and dry the sensor properly after a wake-up alarm?
Rinse the sensor under running water and clean it with a mild soap. Afterwards dry it carefully
with a paper towel. The sensor is sufficiently
dry when the LED stops flashing.
Please do not use
a hairdryer, as this can
be too hot, or towels,
as they often contain
residual moisture.
How do I place the sensor in the sensor
The sensor must be pushed properly into the
pouch with the gold side facing towards the
body. When the flap is folded the sensor is
secured to prevent it from slipping out.
Warning: Never place the sensor directly
on your child’s skin.
You must use the supplied briefs.
How can I support and motivate my child?
Wake-up training doesn’t work overnight. It
can take several months before your child is
able to master waking up in time to empty its
bladder. Never give your child the feeling that
it is not learning fast enough but rather praise
it for every success, however small. Only
children with a strong sense of
self-confidence can achieve long-term
success with wake-up training.