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Initialising the Control Cards

The Primera PASSPORT Access Control System operates on a shadow card system.
The system uses 5 different types of cards:


Programming Card (Navy Blue)


System Restore Card (Red)


Passage Set Card (Green)


User Cards (Light Blue) 


User Cards can be substituted with Fobs or Wristbands.


Shadow Cards (Grey)

Each lock has a maximum capacity of 70 Users. 

In an environment where there are multiple PASSPORT systems it is recommended that each unit is programmed using the same 

control cards (Programming, System Restore & Passage Set). All cards can be used to control or operate as many PASSPORT 
locks as are required. Each User Card must have a Shadow Card (for deletion purposes).

Initialising the Programming Card:

 From the factory each PASSPORT system is 

delivered so that when batteries are installed a red LED will indicate a readiness 
to receive the Programming Card (See Fig.1). The first card presented to the 
reader will be registered as the Programming Card regardless of its markings. 
This will be confirmed by an audible tone of 3 bleeps and both red and amber 
LED’s will illuminate in preparation for receiving the System Restore Card (See 


Under normal operating conditions the Programming Card puts the system in 

to the learn mode which is signalled by a continuous Red LED (See Fig.1). Only 
during the initialisation procedure will the red and amber LED illuminate in 
preparation for programming the System Restore Card (See Fig.2). Programming 
sessions are closed using the Programming Card again which extinguishes all 
LED’s leaving the system in the user mode (See Fig.4).


Initialising the System Restore Card:

 Following the procedure detailed above and 

with both red and amber LED’s illuminated, the next card presented to the reader 
regardless of its markings will be registered as the System Restore Card (See 
Fig.2). This is confirmed by an audible tone of 3 bleeps after which all LED’s (red, 
amber & green) are illuminated (See Fig.3) in readiness for learning on the 
Passage Set Card. When both the Programming and System Restore Cards have 
been learned on to the system, the lock is now ready to be programmed with the 
Passage Set Card. 



The System Restore Card should be kept secure. It should be used with 

caution and only when there is a need to fully erase the lock memory for complete 

Initialising the Passage Set Card:

 With all LED’s (red, amber, green) illuminated, the 

next card presented to the reader regardless of its markings, will be registered as 
the Passage Set Card. This is confirmed by 3 +1 rapid bleeps, after which all the 
LED’s will be extinguished (See Fig 4). The Passage Set Card is used to unlock 
the door for indefinite periods.

        Programming & Operating Instructions Shown Overleaf...


(Fig 1)  Red LED

(Fig 4) No LED’s

(Fig 2) Red and

amber LED’s

(Fig 3) Both red

and amber LED’s


To avoid confusion when programming the PASSPORT system with existing cards, please ensure all cards are clearly identified and 
