Prestigio PSP5530 DUO Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


Содержание PSP5530 DUO

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Страница 3: ...bleon thecurrentscreen Toopenthelist ofrecent apps tapandhold Tap toreturntothehomescreen Tap toreturntothepreviousscreen Do notcovertheantennaareawith yourhandsorotherobjects This may causeconnectivi...

Страница 4: ...prestigio com catalogue MultiPhones www prestigio com support 2 3 SIM SIM Micro SIM 1 Pres gio Pres gio www prestigio com catalogue MultiPhones www prestigio com support 2 3 SIM SIM Micro SIM Nano SI...

Страница 5: ......

Страница 6: ...Press and hold the power button for a few seconds...

Страница 7: ...wallpaper Pickyour favouritephotoas yourHomewallpaper Choosefromtheavailablewallpapers or useany photo youhavetakenwiththecamera 1 Onthehomescreen tap Wallpaper 2 Selectanimageandtap Setwallpaper Adda...

Страница 8: ...e screens Listmenu Listmenu All yourapps iconscanbefoundonthelist menu Onthehomescreen tapto openthelist menu Tap or toreturntothehomescreen Your phone slistmenu consistsofthefollowing Menu Back Troub...

Страница 9: Next Tapandhold Toopenanapplication to selectamenuitem topressanon screenbutton ortoentera characterusingtheon screenkeyboard tapit withafinger Tapandholdanitemformorethan2seconds toaccessavailable...

Страница 10: ...r text Systemupdate Statusicons Menu Troubleshooting Back Next Zoomout Spreadtwofingersapartonawebpage map orimagetozoominapart Pinchtwo fingerstogether onaweb page map orimagetozoomoutapart Flick lef...

Страница 11: ...evice andthenunplug itfromtheelectric socket Always useauthenticaccessories to optimiseyourbatteryperformance Non authenticaccessories eg chargers candamageyourbatteryandevenyour phone Optimise yourba...

Страница 12: ...PCwiththeincluded USBcable 2 Openthenotifications panel andthentap Connectedasamediadevice Mediadevice MTP 3 TransferfilesbetweenyourphoneandthePC Rotatethescreen Formany screens youcanautomaticallych...

Страница 13: ...k Unlock Setscreenlockpattern Protectyourpersonalinformationandprevent others fromusingyourphonewithout your permissionbysettingascreenlock pattern PIN or password Onthelistmenu tap Settings Security...

Страница 14: ...tion youcanopenittoseewhateventor newinfo you havereceived Youcanalsoquickly accesssettings fromit It allows youtoeasilyturn airplanemode Wi Fi and Bluetoothonand off It alsoprovidesashortcut toset th...

Страница 15: ...eyouwantto pastethetext Tap Paste Systemupdate Yourphonecancheck andnotifyyouifthereisa newupgradeavailable Youcanalsomanuallycheck ifthereisanavailableupdate Youcanset this optionin Settings Aboutpho...

Страница 16: ...the incomingcallscreenappears Topickup thephone Slide to Silenceanincomingcall Whenacallcomes in pressthepowerbuttonor volumebuttonto mutetheringingsoundwithout rejectingthecall Setupaconference call...

Страница 17: ...heUK it is 999 Contacts Contactsarestoredinoneofthetwo available phonebooks SIM phonebook locatedonyourSIM card ortheSmartphonebook located onyour phone Toviewyourcontacts tap Peopleonthe homescreenor...

Страница 18: ...eopletoviewthecontact list 2 Tap Deletecontact 3 Choosethecontactsyouwishtoremove 4 TapOKtodeletethecontacts Contactgroups Youcangroupyourcontactsasdifferent groups For differentgroups youcanusediffer...

Страница 19: ...honenumber Sendamessage Onthehomescreenorlist menu tap Messaging Andthentap tostartcomposinga newmessage 2 3 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 Enteraphonenumber Addpicture video audio slideshow Moreoptions Addarecipient...

Страница 20: ...ap Messaging Tocheckamessage tapa conversation Reply toa message 1 Onthemessagesscreen taptheconversation containingthemessage 2 Inthetext box enteryourmessage 3 Tap tosendthemessage Forwardordeleteam...

Страница 21: ...first timeaddinganemailaccount inMail movetothenextstep Ifyouhavealreadyaddedanemailaccount thentap Settings addaccount 2 Entertheemailaddressandpasswordforyour emailaccount When youfinishsettingupthe...

Страница 22: ...elete mails Searchfor amail 1 Tap todisplaythesearchbar 2 Chooseasearchoptioninthedrop down list 3 Enterthefirst fewlettersofthemailsenderor subjectinthesearchbar 4 Selectthemail fromthelist Reply toa...

Страница 23: ...nttocapture 4 Tap tocapturethephoto Takeaphotoofyourself 1 Turnonthecamera 2 Onthescreen tap 3 Tap tocapturethephoto Takeapanoramicphoto Youcancaptureanything wideortallobjects ina singlephotowithyour...

Страница 24: ...ith themotionofacameraduringexposure Set thetime lapseintervaltoadjustthespeed Menu Back Troubleshooting Next GPSlocationinfo AttachaGPSlocationtagtothe photo Exposure Thisdetermineshowmuchlightthe ca...

Страница 25: ...enu tap 3 2 Videoplayer Musicplayer FMradio 2 3 Gallery Browseanalbum oragroupofphotos Tapaphototoviewit full screen Zoominandout Spreadtwo fingersapartonanyplacetozoomin Pinchtozoomout ordouble tapto...

Страница 26: ...esound 5 Tap toselectmoreoptions Musicplayer Youcanlistentoyourfavouritemusicwiththe musicplayer Themusicappisacentral hubfor yourfavouritemusicwhetherit isstoredinyour phoneorstreamedthroughamusicser...

Страница 27: ...gtheFMradioonyourphone Listentoaradiostation 1 Onthesomescreenorlistmenu tap Radio 2 Tap Search Itwillstart scanning automaticallyandsavetheavailablechannels 3 Usetheon screenkeystocontrolplayback 4 P...

Страница 28: ...result inadditional fees Contactyourmobileoperatorfor details Turnondataroaming Connect toyourmobileoperator spartner networksandaccessdataserviceswhenyouareout ofyourmobileoperator scoveragearea 1 Go...

Страница 29: youwantto connectto Ifyouselectedasecured network youwillbe askedtoenterthenetworkkeyorpassword Webbrowse Youcanuseyourphonetobrowsewebsites Before 1 2 3 4 Menu Back Troubleshooting Next brows...

Страница 30: ...Webpage preview 2 1 Connect tothe Internet Webbrowse 3 1 2 3 ViewBookmarks Openanewpage Closethewebpage Menu Back Troubleshooting Next www prestigio com...

Страница 31: ...ableBluetoothdevices will appear 4 Tapthedeviceyouwishtoconnectwith 5 Thepairingismadeifyourpairingrequestis acceptedbytheotherdevice Receivedata viaBluetooth 1 MakesureBluetoothisswitchedtoOn 2 Tapyo...

Страница 32: ...thodofpaymentwhen you purchaseanapp TheavailabilityofStoreandthe selectionofitemsavailablefor download dependon yourregion Searchandinstallanapp 1 Onthelist menu tapPlaystore 2 Browseapplicationsbycat...

Страница 33: ...ivedetaileddirectionstoyourdestination Italsoprovidesasearchtoolwhereyoucanlocate placesofinterestoranaddressonamap orview locationsatstreet level Onthehomescreenorlist menu tap 1 3 2 4 Maps Finda loc...

Страница 34: ...n tap 2 Entertheplaceyouwanttosearchfor 3 Selectthedesiredplaceintheresult list Getdirections Getdetailed directionstowhereyouwant togo 1 OntheMapsscreen tap togetdirections 2 Enteryourstart pointande...

Страница 35: Alarm Youcanset uponeormorealarms Setanalarm 1 Onthehomescreenor list menu tap 1 Ontheclockscreen tap 2 Tap toaddanewalarm 3 Setthealarmtime andthentapDone 4 Ifyouwantthealarmformultipledays tap R...

Страница 36: menu tap Calendar 2 Selectadate andthentap Newevent 3 Editremindersettings 4 TapDonetosavetheevent Manageyour events Editanevent Youcanonlyedit eventsyou havecreated 1 Whileviewingyourcalendar tapt...

Страница 37: ...isplay 8MP 13MP 156g 145 9 73 2 8 3 H W D 2600mAh GPS A GPS Wi Fi 802 11b g n 3G Bluetooth4 0 A2DP UMTS 900 2100MHz GSM 850 900 1800 1900MHz Quad Core 1 3GHz MicroSDHC SDXC 32GB Android 6 0 Marshmallo...

Страница 38: ...lowlyorimproperly Ifyourdevicehasatouchscreenandthetouch screenisnot respondingproperly trythefollowing Removeanyprotectivecoversfromthetouch screen Protectivecoversmaypreventthe devicefromrecognizing...

Страница 39: ...ethebatteryandtrytoswitch thephoneon Thedevicerebootsautomatically Ifthisdoesnotsolve theproblem performafactory datareset Onthelist menu tap Settings Backup reset Factorydatareset Otherscannothearyou...
