MultiPad PMP5785C_QUAD
4. Web & network
You can connect your tablet to Internet and browse a webpage on the website.
Connect to Internet
Your tablet connects to the Internet whenever necessary, using a Wi-Fi
connection (if available) or 3G Dongle's data connection.
Connect your tablet with 3G Dongle by OTG cable.
Data connection
You can use 3G Dongle's data connection. Some apps and services may transfer data over your 3G
Dongle's cellular network, which may result in additional fees. Contact your network operator for
Turn on or off data connection
1. On the home screen or list menu, tap
Or, tap
on Quick Setting list.
2. Tap
Mobile networks
Data connection
3. Tap to turn on or off data connection.
If you don’t have the data connection turned on and you’re also not connected to a Wi-Fi
network, you won’t receive automatic updates to your email, social network accounts, and
other synced information.
Add a new access point
Access Point Names (APNs) connect your tablet to data networks for services such as web
Before you add another data connection, have the access point name and settings from
your network operator ready (including username and password if required).
1. On the home screen or list menu, tap
Or, tap
on Quick Setting list.
2. Tap
Mobile networks
Access Point Names
3. On the APNs screen, tap
4. Enter the APN settings.
5. Tap
6. Select the new APN on the APNs screen.
Turn on or off data roaming
Connect to your operator’s partner networks and access data services when you’re out of your
network operator’s coverage area.
Using data services while roaming may be costly. Check with your network operator for
data roaming rates before you use data roaming.
1. On the home screen or list menu, tap