PRESONUS Studio 24c Скачать руководство пользователя страница 57



Live (MCU)

Channel Strip


Owner’s Manual


Transport Controls


Channel Strip




Pressingthe Arm button will allow youto arm the

currentlyselectedtrack. Press withSHIFTtoarmthe

currentlyfocused bank of tracks for recording




Mutes thecorrespondingchannel’soutputsignal.

Presswith SHIFT to clear all mutes for the currentlyfocused





inthemix.PresswithSHIFTto clearallsolosfor the

currently focusedbank.


Bypass / Bypass All.

Press to Show/Hide the Detail View.


Touch-Sensitive Fader.

This 100 mm motorized fader can



See Section 8.4 for details








































Содержание Studio 24c

Страница 1: ...ioStation 24c Audio Interface and Production Controller 兼容音频接口和制作台 Owner s Manual 用户手册 ...

Страница 2: ... www presonus com English ...

Страница 3: ...ols 19 5 4 The Session Navigator 20 5 5 Automation Controls 20 6 1 Getting Started 21 6 2 Channel Strip 23 6 3 Transport Controls 23 6 4 The Session Navigator 24 6 5 Automation Controls 25 6 6 Bypass 25 7 1 Getting Started 26 7 2 Channel Strip 28 7 3 Transport Controls 28 7 4 The Session Navigator 29 7 5 Automation Controls 30 8 1 Getting Started 31 8 2 Channel Strip 32 8 3 Transport Controls 32 8...

Страница 4: ...dows 8 3 1 2 Loopback Recording Windows only 环回录制 仅Windows 10 3 2 Installation for macOS macOS 的安装 11 3 3 Using the ioStation 24c with Popular Audio Applications 使用流行的音频应用程序 ioStation 24c 11 4 Studio One 13 4 1 Getting Started 入门 13 4 2 Channel Strip 声道控制排 14 4 3 Transport Controls 传输控制 14 4 4 The Session Navigator 会话导航器 15 4 4 1F1 F4 Functions 1F1 F4功能 16 4 5 Automation Controls 自动化控制 16 4 6 Cont...

Страница 5: ...ting Started 开始工作 31 8 2 Channel Strip 声道控制排 32 8 3 Transport Controls 传输控制 32 8 4 The Session Navigator 会话导航器 33 8 5 Automation Controls 自动化控制 34 8 6 Bypass 旁通 34 9 Studio One Artist Quick Start 35 9 1 Installation and Authorization 安装和授权 35 9 2 Setting Up Studio One Studio One 设置 36 9 2 1 Configuring Audio Devices 配置音频设备 37 9 2 2 Configuring MIDI Devices 配置 MIDI 设备 37 9 3 Creating a New Song 创建一...

Страница 6: ...peration Modes 操作模式 48 10 2 ioStation 24c Multichannel Controller MIDI Protocol ioStation 24c多通道控制器MIDI协议 48 10 2 1 SysEx 48 10 2 2 Fader 音量控制器 49 10 2 3 Session Navigator Encoder 会话导航编码器 49 10 2 4 Buttons and LEDs 按钮和LED灯 49 ...

Страница 7: ... headroom Class A XMAXmicrophone preamplifiers robust metering high definition24 bit 192kHzconversion andmore theioStation 24cbreaksnewboundariesformusicperformanceandproduction Allyou need is a computerwith a USB C 2 0 or 3 0 connection a fewmicrophones and cables poweredspeakers andyourinstruments andyouarereadytorecord ioStation 24c 配备了高净空 A级别XMAX麦克风前置放大器 强大的计 量 高清24位 192kHz转换等 为音乐表演和制作打破了新的界限 ...

Страница 8: ...ion and setup 关于本手册 我们建议您在尝试将 ioStation 24c 连接到您的计算机之前 使用本手册 熟悉产品的功能 应用和正确的程序连接 这将帮助您避免在安装和设置过程中出现问题 ThismanualdescribestheioStation24c behavior intheDAWs forwhicheachoperationmodewasdesigned PleaseseeSection 10 1 for applications not listed in the Table of Contents 本手册描述了 ioStation 24c 在DAW中的特性 每个操作模式都是围绕它设 计的 请参阅第 10 1中未列出的应用 Throughoutthis manual youwillfindPowerUserTipsthatcanquicklymakeyou an...

Страница 9: ...s des plugins et du www PreSonus com 上 提 供 with ease of use at its core mucho más Studio One kostenlos herunterladen contenu supplémentaires 的 的 完 整 信 息 请 查 看 确 操 作 和 安 装 so you can quickly bring es un DAW con todas las Studio One ist eine Studio One est une station ioStation 24c用 户 手 册 musical ideas to sonic funciones diseñado con vollwertige DAW die mit de travail audio numérique reality It s ou...

Страница 10: ...ataddfeatures improve functionality andresolveissuesthatarediscoveredinthefield Because ofthis itishighlyrecommendedthatyoudownloadUniversalControl fromyourMyPreSonusaccountafterregisteringyourioStation24c PreSonus 一直致力于不断改进产品 作为我们承诺的一部分 会定期提供固件更新 以增加功能 改善功能 并解决发现的 问题 因此 您要特别注意 强烈建议从您的 My PreSonus 账 户下载 Universal Control 在您注册完成 ioStation 24c 以后 Note At the time of this manual s publication a firmw...

Страница 11: ...ess Thisprocesscantakeuptofiveminutes Attheendofthe firmwareupdate you will be promptedto rebootyour ioStation 24c Once rebooted your ioStation 24c fader may require recalibration This is an automatedprocess Donotinterferewithorinterruptthefadercalibrationprocess Note One of the Operating Modes must be selected to perform a firmware update 如果您的 ioStation 24c 有可用的新固件 Universal Control 会 提醒您 点击 更新固件...

Страница 12: ...g forsynthesizers signalprocessors etc a passive instrument cable forguitar bass etc or an XLR plug Pleasenote Aswithanyaudioinputdevice plugginginamicrophoneoraninstrument or turning phantom poweron or off will createa momentary spikein the audio output Because of this we highly recommend that you turn down the channel trim before changingconnectionsorturning phantom poweron oroff Thissimple step...

Страница 13: ...nections UsetheUSBCtoAcablethatcamewithyourioStation24cifyour computerhasa USB 2 0 or 3 0 connection ratherthan a USB C connection Do not connectyourioStation24ctoaUSB1 1orlowerconnectiononyourcomputer USB C端口 使用此端口将您的ioStation 24c连接到您的计算机 虽然 ioStation 24c使用USB C连接 但它与USB 2 0 和 3 0 连接完全兼容 如果您 的电脑有USB 2 0或3 0连接 而不是USB C连接 请使用 ioStation 24c 附带的 USB C 转 A 电缆 请不要将您的 ioStation 24c 连接USB 1 1或更低的接口到 您计算机...

Страница 14: ... 为线路提供40dB 的范围 20至 20 剪辑指示灯 当您的输入信号达到 0 5dBFS时 红色的剪辑指示灯将亮起 在 这个电平上 信号将开始超过模数转换器的负荷 并表现出削波的迹象 使用增 益控制来保持信号低于这个电平 Line Use the Line switch to toggle between instrument level andline levelsources Itwilllightupbluewhenselected lightoff indicateshigh impedence instrument levelcompatibility 线路 使用线路开关在乐器级和线路级信号源之间进行切 换 当选择时 它将亮起蓝色的灯 灯灭表示高阻抗乐器级 的兼容性 48VTheioStation24cprovides48Vphantompowerforthemicrophon...

Страница 15: ...onsultthe user documentation that came with your microphone before engaging phantom power 警告 只有电容式话筒才需要幻象电源 而且会严重损坏一些动态话筒 特别是带状话 筒 因此 在不需要幻象电源时 请将其关闭 在使用幻象电源之前 请查阅您的话筒 附带的用户文件 XLR connector wiring for phantom power 用于幻象电源的XLR连接器接线 Pin 1 GND Pin 2 48V Pin 3 48V SyncLED ThislightindicatesifyourioStation24cisinsyncwithyourcomputer When no sync is available this light will flash red Sync LED 这个灯指示您的 i...

Страница 16: ...turningtotherightwillincrease theleveloftheplaybackstreamrelativetotheinputsignalasillustratedbelow 混合 混合旋钮可以使您的输入信号与电脑的播放流混合 这样您就可以在 没有任何延迟的情况下监测您的输入信号 如果旋钮位于12点位置 输入信 号和回放流将是同等的平衡 向左旋转旋钮将增加输入信号相对于播放流的 电平 向右旋转将增加播放流相对于输入信号的电平 如下图所示 Inputs Mixer Playback Inputs Playback Headphone Level This knob controls the level of the rear panel headphone output 耳机电平 这个旋钮控制后面板耳机输出的电平 Main Themainknob controlsth...

Страница 17: latency delay and improve overall performance 在将您的 ioStation 24c 连接到计算机之前 请访问 www presonus com 来验证最新的系统要求 注意 您的处理器的速度 内存的数量以及硬盘的容量 大小和速度 将极大地影响您的录音系统的整体性能 更快的处理器和更多的内存可 以减少信号的延迟 提高整体性能 TheWindowsASIOdriver andUniversalControlinstallerformacOSand WindowsareavailablefordownloadfromyourMyPreSonususeraccount Tobegin youmustfirstvisithttp my presonus com createorlogintoyour user account and register...

Страница 18: ...制安装程序从您的MyPreSonus账户下载 请将您的 ioStation 24c连接一个可用的USB C 2 0或3 0端口 并启动安装程序 安 装程序过程中 会带您完成安装每一步 这个应用程序将安装ASIO和 WDM驱动 以及Universal Control 请仔细阅读每条信息 It is recommended that you quit all applications before you start the installation 建议您在开始安装前退出所有的应用程序 The Universal Control installer will take you through each step of the installation process Please read each message carefully so that you do not connect y...

Страница 19: ...s launched you will see the Launch window Fromthiswindow youcanmanagealltheASIO driversettings Universal Control 通用控制是一个强大的硬件管理应用程序 适 用于所有的 PreSonus 接口产品 它允许查看连接到您计算机或 网络的任何 PreSonus 接口产品 当Universal Control 通用控制启动时 您将看到启动窗口 从这 个窗口 您可以管理所有的 ASIO 驱动设置 Sample Rate Changes the sample rate Youcansetthesamplerateto44 1 48 88 2 96 176 4 or192kHz Ahigher sampleratewillincreasethefidelityoftherecordingbutw...

Страница 20: ...rom one application to another See Section 3 1 2 for more information 程序块大小 设置缓冲区大小 从这个菜单中 您可以设置缓冲区大小 缓冲区大小降低将降低延迟 然而 这样也会增 加对您计算机性能的需求 通常 缓冲区大小将设置为系统能够安全支持的最小值 如 果您开始听到弹出 点击 或在您的音频路径失真 请尝试提高缓冲区的大小 环回 仅用于 Windows ioStation 24c ASIO 驱动程序提供两个环回流从一个应用程序录制 音频到另一个地方 更多信息请参见第3 1 2节 File Menu Manages devices connected to Universal Control ShowAll Devices Launches all control windows for all supporteddevi...

Страница 21: ...tion or not RunatStartup LaunchesUniversalControl automaticallywhen yourcomputerboots Preferences Sets language and appearance options see below RescanNetwork Scansthenetworkandlocaltransportbus USBorFireWire forallsupportedPreSonusproducts Language Sets the language English French German Korean Simplified Chinese or Spanish 设置菜单 提供定制选项 向您的通用控制提供个性化选择 总在顶部 保持通用控制启动窗口在顶部 无论它是否是当前活动的应用程序 启动运行 当您的电脑启...

Страница 22: ...tualstreamsarenotavailableinmacOS However thereareseveralthird party applicationsthat provide this functionality in macOS FromUniversal Control youcan enable or disable Loop backand pick the streams on which the loop back audio will be recorded When Loop back is enabled and Merge Loop back with 1 2 is selected the audio from another application will be recorded with the audio sourceconnectedtoanal...

Страница 23: ...he audio fromanotherapplicationwillberecordedonthe lastpairofdriverinputs 3 4 PowerUserTip Whenusingeitheroption youwillneedtoselectOutputs1and2inthe audioapplicationyouwantto record Makesure toselectOutputs3and4inthe audio application in which you rerecording to avoid a feedback loop 当启用环回功能并选择 专用环回输入 时 另一个应用程序的音频将被记录在最 后一对驱动输入 3 4 上 强大的用户提示 当使用这两个选项时 您需要在您要录制的音频应用程序中选 择输出1和2 请确保在您要录音的音频应用程序中选择输出...

Страница 24: ...rsoftware Below are basic driver setup instructions for a few popular audio applications Studio One Artist 的完整设置说明和其功能的简要教程 您可以在本手册的第9部分找 到 然而 您可以在任何支持Core Audio或ASIO音频录制应用程序中使用您的ioStation 24c 关于如何选择ioStation 24c驱动作为软件的音频设备驱动 请查阅音频应用的相关 文档 以下是一些流行的音频应用程序的基本驱动设置说明 1 Launch Cubase 启动Cubase 2 Go to Devices Device Setup 转到设备 设备设置 3 Select VST AudioSystem from the Devices columnin the DeviceSetup 在设备设置...

Страница 25: ...erfaceandProductionControllers 5 Go to Output Config Enable and select the desired Output channels 转到输入配置 启用并选择所需的输入通道 6 Youmay now select your ioStation 24c inputs and outputs foreach track createdin Live 现在您可以为Live中创建的每个音轨选择您的ioStation 24c输入和输出 ...

Страница 26: ...Click try re launch 您会被问到是否要重新启动Logic 点击 尝试 重新 启动 7 YourioStation24cfeaturescustomI Olabelsforfasterworkflow To enabletheselabelsforuseinLogic gotoOptions Audio I OLabels 您的 ioStation 24c 具有自定义I O标签 以加快工作流程 要启用这 些标签以便在Logic中使用 请进入选项 音频 I O标签 8 Thesecondcolumninthepop upwindowwillbe named Provided by Driver Activate each of these labels for your ioStation24c Whenyouaredone closethiswindow 弹出窗口中的第二栏...

Страница 27: ...erences 进入 编辑 首选项 3 IntheDevicestab unchecktheoutputdriverfortheGeneric LowLatencyDriver Thisisusuallyonbydefault andwill not let you check anything unless it s unchecked 在 设备 选项卡中 取消对 通用低延迟驱动程序 输出驱 动程序的选择 通常是默认打开的 并且不会让您勾选任何 东西 除非勾选取消 否则不会让您检查任何东西 4 Check all the ioStation 24c input and output driver boxes 勾选所有ioStation 24c的输入和输出驱动框 5 Click the Apply and OK buttons 点击 Apply 和 OK 按钮 6 Click the Dr...

Страница 28: ...on 24c support A complete list of native support DAW applicationsis availableat www presonus com 默认情况下 您的ioStation 24c已被配置为Studio One 不需要进一步 的设备设置 如果您已经改变了 ioStation 的操作模式 并希望回到使用Studio One 请在开机时按住NEXT按钮 然后按 Solo 按钮来启用 Studio One 注意 除了Studio One之外 这种操作模式应该与其他提供本地 ioStation 24c支持的DAW一起使用 在 www presonus com有原生支持 的DAW应用程序的完整列表 Studio One will auto configure when an ioStation 24c is recognized Intheev...

Страница 29: ...4 StudioOne ioStation24cAudioInterfaceandProductionControllers 3 Fromthemanufacturerslistattheleft clickon PreSonusandthenselectioStation24c 从左边的制造商列表中 点击PreSonus 然后选择 ioStation 24c ...

Страница 30: ...or Mute Clear 3 Solo Isolatesthecorrespondingchannel soutputsignal inthemix Pressandholdtosolomomentarily Presswith SHIFT forSolo Clear 4 Bypass BypassAll PresstheBypassbuttontobypass everyplug inontheselectedchannel PressSHIFT Bypasstodisableeveryplug inintheSession 5 Touch Sensitive Fader This 100 mm motorized fader can beusedtocontrolvolumelevelsandpanninginPanFlip mode See Section 4 4 for deta...

Страница 31: ...yback at the current playback cursor position Press again to pause playback 播放 暂停 在当前的播放光标位置开始播放 再按一次可以暂停播放 4 Rewind Press and hold for continuous rewind Press the Rewind and Fast Forward buttons simultaneously to Return to Zero 倒带 按住不放可以连续倒退 同时按倒带和快进按钮可以返回到零点 5 Fast Forward Press and hold for continuous fast forward 快进 按住不放可以连续快进 6 Record Press to start recording at the current playback cursor po...

Страница 32: ...一步 和 上一步 按钮的功能 按 SHIFT Prev 可以撤销上一个动作 按 SHIFT Next 将 重做上一个动作 链接 编码器控制您鼠标下面的任何参数 导航按钮分别 选择下一个和上一个轨道 要把一个参数锁定在这个编码 器上 按SHIFT Link PowerUserTip TheChannelEditorisapowerfulfeatureinStudioOneProfessionalthat allowsyouto map multiple parametersto the same control with independentrange polarity curve controls Additional XY vector pads can be assigned with individual parameters and much more 强大的用户提示 通道编辑器...

Страница 33: ...on Encodernudgestheselectedevent Usethenavigation buttons tonavigatethroughtheeventsontheArrangertrack Press SHIFT Section to enable F3 User function See Section 4 4 1for details 节 编码器对选定的事件进行点动 使用导航按钮在编曲 轨道上的事件中导航 按 SHIFT Section 键 启用F3用 户功能 详见第4 4 1节 Power User Tip Enable Snap to Grid for coarse nudging Disable it for fine tuning 强大的用户提示 启用 捕捉到网格 以进行粗略的调整 禁用它来进行微调 6 Scroll Zoom Encodercontrolsti...

Страница 34: ...n 24c的备用功 能 默认情况下 这些功能被分配如下 F1 打开检查器 F2 打开编辑器 F3 打开混合器 F4 打开浏览器 高级用户提示 功能按钮的默认分配可以使用 ioStation 24c 设备编辑 器进行自定义 更多信息见第4 6节 1 2 3 1 Touch Latch Engages Touch Automation on the currently selectedtrack PresstheSHIFTandTouchbuttonssimultaneously toengage LatchAutomationonthe currentlyselectedtrack 2 Write Trim EngagesWriteAutomationonthecurrentlyselectedtrack At thetimeofpublication TrimAutomationis no...

Страница 35: ... 6 Control Link Owner sManual Clickonthepull downmenuintheControlLinkdisplay to launch the ioStation 24c editor window 点击控制链接中显示的下拉菜单 启动 ioStation 24c 编辑窗口 Right click on any ioStation 24ccontroland select Assign Command to customizeyour ioStation 24c 点击控制链接显示的下拉菜单 启动 ioStation 24c 编辑窗口 ...

Страница 36: ...tion 24c to your computer launchProToolstosetuptheioStation24casaHUIdevice 默认情况下 ioStation 24c 处于 Studio One 操作模式 要切 换到 Pro Tools 操作 请在开机时按住 NEXT 按钮 然后按 触摸按钮来启用 Pro Tools HUI 操作 一旦您将 ioStation 24c 连接到您的电脑 启动 Pro Tools 将 ioStation 24c 设置为 HUI 设备 1 Go to Setups Peripherals 进入 设置 外围设备 2 Create one HUI device under MIDI Controllers 在 MIDI 控制器下创建一个HUI设备 3 Set the ReceiveFromand SendTomenus to ioStation...

Страница 37: ...signal inthemix PresswithSHIFTclearsoloesontheactive bank 4 Bypass Bypass All At the time of publication this button has no functionality in ProTools 5 Touch Sensitive Fader This 100 mm motorized fader can beusedtocontrolvolumelevelsandpanninginPanFlip mode See Section 5 4 for details 1 配备 按 配备 按钮 可以配备当前选定的轨道进 行录音 按 SHIFT 键 可以将所有的音轨配备起来进行 录音 2 Mute 静音 将相应通道的输出信号静音 按 SHIFT键可以清除活动库的静音 3 独奏 在混音中隔离相应通...

Страница 38: ...ments Press theRewindandFastForwardbuttonssimultaneouslytoReturntoZero 倒退 按一次可以按小节 秒 帧或基本采样率回放 具体取决于模式 按 住不放可以以更细的增量回放 同时按倒带和快进按钮可以返回到零点 5 FastForward Pressoncetoadvanceplaybackbybar second frame orbase sample rate depending on mode Press and hold to advance in finer increments 快进 按一次可以按小节 秒 帧或基本采样率推进播放 具体取决于模 式 按住不放可以以更细的增量推进 6 Record Press to enable record ready Press with Play to start recordin...

Страница 39: pan control between Left and Right for stereo channels 4 Click Turnsthemetronomeon off Themetronomecanbeengaged or disengaged while any mode is active Note This only functions if a click track has been created for the Pro Tools session 5 Channel Encoderandnavigationbuttonsselectthepreviousornextchannel PressSHIFT Channeltolockthechannelcontrolstothecurrentlyselectedtrack 6 Section This function...

Страница 40: ...循环使用这些工具 1 2 3 1 Touch Latch Engages Touch Automation on the currently selectedtrack PresstheSHIFTandTouchbuttonssimultaneously toengage LatchAutomationonthe currentlyselectedtrack 2 Write Trim EngagesWriteAutomationoncurrentlyselected track PresstheSHIFTandWritebuttonssimultaneouslyto engageTrimAutomationonthe currentlyselectedtrack 3 Read Off Engages Read Automationon the currentlyselected track...

Страница 41: ... 24c to your computer launch Logic The ioStation 24c will auto configure as a Mackie ControlUniversal device If forsomereasonthisdoesnothappen youwillneedtoenableitmanually 默认情况下 ioStation 24c处于Studio One操作模式 要切换到逻辑操 作 请在开机时按住NEXT按钮 然后按静音按钮启用逻辑 MCU 操 作 一旦您将ioStation 24c连接到您的电脑 Logic会启动 ioStation 24c 将自 动配置为 Mackie Control Universal 设备 如果由于某些原因没有配置成 功 您需要手动启用它 1 If you do not have Advanced preferen...

Страница 42: ...菜单中 进入 新建 安装 5 Fromthe list of devices select Mackie Control 从设备列表中 选择Mackie Control 6 Click Add 点击添加 7 Right click on the Mackie Control in the ControlSurface Setup and select Show Hide Inspector 点击右侧控 制面设置中的 Mackie 控制 选择显示 隐藏检查器 8 In the Inspector set the Input and Output ports to ioStation 24c Your ioStation 24c is now ready to use Enjoy 在检查器中 将输入和输出端口设置为 ioStation 24c 您的ioStation 24c现在就可以使用了 使...

Страница 43: ...ouch Sensitive Fader This 100 mm motorized fader canbeusedtocontrolvolumelevelsandpanninginPan Flip mode See Section 6 4 for details 1 配备 按 Arm 按钮 可以配备当前选定的轨道进行 录音 按下SHIFT键 可以将所有的音轨配备起来进行 录音 2 Mute 静音 将相应通道的输出信号静音 按 SHIFT键 可以清除静音 3 独奏 在混音中隔离相应通道的输出信号 按SHIFT 键可以清除独奏 4 Bypass Bypass All 旁通 按下显示 隐藏细节视图 5 触摸感应推进器 这个100毫米的电动推进器可以用 来控制音量大小和翻转模式下的平移 详见第6 4节 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Stop Stops playback Press again t...

Страница 44: ... the cursor backward through the timeline 5 FastForward Pressand holdtomovethe cursorforwards through the timeline Repeatedpressing will accelerate speed 6 Record Startsrecordingatthecurrent playback cursorposition forrecord enabledtracks 1 停止 停止播放 再按一次就可以返回到零点 2 循环 启用 取消循环 回环播放 同时按住 循环 和 回放 按钮 将循环的起点设置在当前的时间线位置 同时按住 循环 和 快进 按钮 将循环的终点设置在当前的时间线位置 3 播放 暂停 在当前的播放光标位置开始播放 再按一次 在前一个播放位置重新开 始播放 按住 Shift...

Страница 45: ... control panning Pressthe encoder to reset panning to C 4 Click EngagesthePunch inswitch PressSHIFT Click triggers Logic ScreenSet 2 5 Channel Encoderandnavigationbuttonscontrolindividualchannelscrolling PressSHIFT Channel tolockthe channelcontrolstothe currentlyselectedtrack 6 Section EngagesPunchInswitch PressSHIFT Section triggers Logic ScreenSet 3 7 Scroll Zoom WhileinArrangerview theencoderco...

Страница 46: ...剪辑 场景启动模式 8 标记 编码器在编排器视图中滚动时间线 使用导航按钮 跳到下一个或上一个标记 逻辑屏幕设置 4 6 5 Automation Controls 自动化控制 1 2 3 1 Touch Latch Engages Touch Automation on the currently selectedtrack PresstheSHIFTandTouchbuttonssimultaneously toengage LatchAutomationonthe currentlyselectedtrack 2 Write Trim EngagesWriteAutomationoncurrentlyselected track PresstheSHIFT andWritebuttonssimultaneouslyto toggle Trimautomationwhen Latcho...

Страница 47: ...6 6 5 Logic MCU Automation Controls ioStation24cAudioInterfaceandProductionControllers Owner s Manual Bypass 旁通 Switch faders to control Return tracks 旁路 切换推进器来控制返回音轨 ...

Страница 48: ...o enable Cubase Nuendo MCU operation Once you have connected your ioStation 24c to your computer launch Cubase orNuendotosetuptheioStation24casaMackieControlUniversaldevice 默认情况下 ioStation 24c处于Studio One操作模式 要切换到 Cubase Nuendo操作 请在开机时按住NEXT按钮 然后按Bypass按钮 启用Cubase Nuendo MCU 操作 一旦你将ioStation 24c连接到你的电脑 启动Cubase或Nuendo 将 ioStation 24c设置为Mackie Control Universal设备 1 Go to Studio Studio Setup 2 ntheS...

Страница 49: ...n 24c 5 Click Apply 6 SelectMIDIPortSetup and makesure that In All MIDI boxisuncheckedandthenclick OK 7 YouwillneedtoswitchtheMackieControldevicetoCompatibility mode Todo this select the Mackie Control from the Devices menu 8 Fromthe pop up windows select Cubasefrom the menu Your ioStation 24c is now ready to use Enjoy 您的 ioStation 24c 现在可以使用了 使用愉快 ...

Страница 50: ...oductionControllers Owner s Manual 1 到Studio 工作室设置 2 在安装窗口中 单击 添加 删除 菜单添加第一个Mackie Control设备 3 从下拉菜单中选择 Mackie Control 4 将MIDI输入和输出设置为 ioStation 24c 5 点击 应用 6 选择MIDI端口设置 并确保 在所有MIDI 框未选中 然后单击 确定 7 您需要将Mackie Control设备切换到兼容性模式 为此 从设备菜单中选择Mackie Control 8 在弹出窗口中 从菜单中选择Cubase ...

Страница 51: ... Clear 3 Solo Isolatesthecorrespondingchannel soutputsignal inthemix Pressandholdtosolomomentarily Presswith SHIFT forSolo Clear 4 Bypass Bypass All At the time of publication this button has no function in Cubaseor Nuendo 5 Touch Sensitive Fader This 100 mm motorized fader can beusedtocontrolvolumelevelsandpanninginPanFlip mode See Section 7 4 for details 1 配备 按下Arm按钮将允许您配备当前选择的轨道录 音 按下 SHIFT 以配备...

Страница 52: ...ailablein Cubase 4 Rewind Pressandholdtomovethecursorbackwardthroughthetimeline Pressthe Rewindand FastForwardbuttons simultaneouslyto Return to Zero 5 FastForward Press and hold to movethe cursor forward through the timeline 6 Record Startsrecordingatthecurrent playback cursorposition forrecord enabled tracks 1 停止 停止播放 按两次返回初始播放位置 2 循环 engage disengage循环 3 播放 暂停 在当前播放光标位置开始播放 Cubase 中无法使用暂停 4 倒带 ...

Страница 53: ... 链接 按Link按钮切换频道设置窗口 按 SHIFT Link将安排 为关注焦点 2 Master TheEncodercontrolstheMasterbuslevel Navigationbuttons switch between the left right panning and front rear panning Press SHIFT Master to open Channel Visibility Configuration 1 控制 编码器控制主总线级别 导航按钮在左右平移和前后平移之间切换 3 Pan Encodercontrolspanning Navigationbuttonsscrollthrough tracklist PressSHIFT Pantousethefadertocontrolpanning 移动 编码器控制平移 导航按钮滚动跟踪列表 按SH...

Страница 54: By default Scrollmode issetto Coarsetune scrolling press the Scrollbutton a secondtimetoengage Finetunescrolling Press SHIFT Scroll to enable Zooming While Zoom is active encoder controls horizontalzooming Navigationbuttonscontrol verticalzooming 滚动 缩放 编码器和导航按钮可控制时间轴滚动 默认情况下 滚动 模式被设置为 粗调 滚动 按滚动按钮第二次进入 细调 滚动 按 SHIFT 滚动可启用缩放 当Zoom处于激活状态时 编码器控制水 平缩放 导航按钮控制垂直缩放 8 Marker Encoder and navigation butto...

Страница 55: ...tion Controls 自动化控制 1 2 3 1 Touch Latch PressTouchtoopenthedialogpromptinCubase to revert to the last savedversion of your session 2 Write Trim Engages WriteAutomationon the currently selected track 3 Read Off Engages Read Automation on the currently selected track Pressagaintoturnautomationoffonthecurrentlyselectedtrack ...

Страница 56: ...uter launch LivetosetuptheioStation24casaMackieControlUniversaldevice 一旦您把 ioStation 24c 连接到您的电脑上 启动 Live 将您的ioStation 24c 设置为 Mackie Control Universal设备 1 Go to Live Preferences 进入 Live 首选项 2 Choose the LinkMIDItab and setControlSurface 1 to Mackie Controland the Input and Output to ioStation 24c 选择链接MIDI选项卡 设置控制面1为 Mackie Control 输入 和输出为 ioStation 24c 3 MakesurethatTrack Sync andRemoteareallenab...

Страница 57: ...tes forthe currentlyfocused bank 3 Solo Isolatesthecorrespondingchannel soutputsignal inthemix PresswithSHIFTto clearallsolosfor the currently focusedbank 4 Bypass Bypass All Pressto Show Hide the DetailView 5 Touch Sensitive Fader This 100 mm motorized fader can beusedtocontrolvolumelevelsandpanninginPanFlip mode See Section 8 4 for details 1 配备 按 Arm 按钮将允您配备当前所选的轨道 按下 SHIFT 以配备当前集中的轨道记录 2 静音 静音相...

Страница 58: ...on Pressagaintorestartplaybackatthepreviousplayposition 4 Rewind Pressand hold to move the cursor backward through the timeline 5 FastForward Pressand hold to movethe cursor forwards through the timeline 6 Record Startsrecordingatthecurrentplayback cursor position for record enabled tracks 1 停止 停止播放 再按一次返回 0 2 循环 engage disengage循环 3 播放 暂停 在当前播放光标位置开始播放 再次按下 重新开始 上一次的播放 4 倒带 按住不放可将光标在时间轴上向后移动 5 快进...

Страница 59: ...turn to Arrangement 链接 按返回 安排 2 Master Encoder controls the Master Level Navigation buttons control Channelmode PressSHIFT MastertriggersMIDINote F 2 主控 编码器控制主级别 导航按钮控制频道模式 按 SHIFT Master键触发MIDI Note f 2 3 Pan Encoder controls panning Navigation buttons scroll through track list PressSHIFT Panto use the fader to control panning Pressthe encoderto reset panning to C 移动 编码器控制平移 导航按钮滚动跟踪列表 按 SHIFT 平移...

Страница 60: ... 滚动 缩放 而在排列器视图中 编码器控制水平缩放 导航按钮控制当前选定轨道的垂直缩放 在Session视图中 按Zoom一次将进入剪辑 场景启动模 式 缩放和滚动都将亮起 Encoderselectsthe next previousscene Navigation buttons select the next previous track PressZoom to launch the currently selected clip PressScroll to launch the currently selected scene Pressany other mode to leave clip scene launch mode 编码器选择下一个 上一个场景 导航按钮选择下一个 前一个轨道 按Zoom启动当前选择的剪辑 按下滚动启动当前选择的场景 按任何其他模式离开剪辑 场景启...

Страница 61: ...8 8 6 Live MCU Automation Controls ioStation24cAudioInterfaceandProductionControllers Owner s Manual 8 6 Bypass 旁通 Bypass Show Hide detail view 旁通 显示 隐藏细节视图 ...

Страница 62: ...rods 所有注册的 ioStation 24c的用户会收到 Studio One Artist 录音和制作软 件 无论您即将录制您的第一张专辑还是您的第五十张 Studio One Artist 会提供所有必要的工具来为您捕捉和混合一个超赞的演出 超级用户提示 作为一个有价值的PreSonus客户 您有资格享受折扣升级到 Studio One Professional 欲了解更多关于Studio One升级计划的详细信息 请访问 https shop presonus com products software studio One prods Once you have installed the drivers for your audio interface and connected it to your computer you can use the included Pre...

Страница 63: ... Mac DragtheStudioOneArtistapplicationinto the Applications folderon your Mac hard drive Windows 启动Studio One Artist安装程序 并按 照屏幕上的说明操作 Mac 将Studio One Artist应用程序拖到Mac硬盘上 的Applications文件夹中 Authorizing StudioOne 授权 Studio One When Studio One is launched for the first time on your computer it will communicatewithyourMyPreSonusaccountandverifyyourregistration To ensurea seamless authorization process m...

Страница 64: ...ed to install its companioncontent Selectthecontentyouwishtoaddandclick Install Thecontent will automatically begin to download and install from your MyPreSonus user account Power User Tip You may be prompted to enter your My PreSonus user account information Clicking Remember Credentials will allow you to have immediate access to any contentyoupurchase from the PreSonusMarketplace Studio One Arti...

Страница 65: ...from PreSonus If your computer is connected to the Internet these links will be updated as new tutorials become available on the PreSonus website Complete information on all aspects of Studio One Artist is available in the Reference Manual PDF located within Studio One The information in this tutorial covers only the basic aspects of Studio One Artist and is intended to get you set up and recordin...

Страница 66: ...and selects a driver By default it will choose a PreSonus driver if one is available 在开始页面的中间 你会看到设置区域 Studio One Artist会自动扫描你的系统 寻找所 有可用的驱动 并选择一个驱动 默认情况下 如果有PreSonus的驱动程序 它将选择 一个 1 Clickon the ConfigureAudioInterface link to select your audio interfacedriver 点击配置音频接口链接 选择你的音频接口 2 Select your audio interface from the Audio Device pull down menu From this page you can also adjust your device buffer...

Страница 67: ...d modules Please consult the Reference Manual located within Studio One for complete setup instructions for other MIDI devices If you are using a third party MIDI interface or USB MIDI controller keyboard you must install any required drivers for these devices before beginning this section Please consult the documentation that came with your MIDI hardware for complete installation instructions 在St...

Страница 68: make sure your ioStation 24c is connected to one of your computer s USB ports is powered on and set to Studio One mode 您可以在 开始 页面的 设置 中设置您的 ioStation 24c 在您开始之 前 请确保您的 ioStation 24c 连接到电脑的一个USB 端口 并接通电 源 并设置为Studio One 模式 1 Click on the ConfigureExternal Devices linkin the Setup area on theStart page to launchthe External Devices window 点击 开始 页面设置区域中的 配置外部设备 链接 启动外部 设备窗口 2 Click the Add button ...

Страница 69: ...IDI Devices StudioOneArtistQuickStart ioStation24cAudioInterfaceandProductionControllers Owner s Manual 3 From the menu on theleft click on the PreSonusfolder and select ioStation24c 从左边的菜单中 点击 PreSonus 文件夹并选择 ioStation 24c ...

Страница 70: ...faders etc will be set up as a Keyboard The sound modules will be set up as an Instrument You can set up your external MIDI devices from the Setup area in the Start page Before setting up a new Song for recording take a moment to configure external devices Make sure you have connected the MIDI Out of your external MIDI controller to a MIDI In on your PreSonus audio interface if available or anothe...

Страница 71: ...your MIDI controller listed select New Keyboard At this point you can customize the name of your keyboard by entering the manufacturer and device names 从左边的菜单中 从制造商和型号的列表中选择您的MIDI控制器 如果您没有看到您的MIDI控制器被列出 请选择新键盘 在这一点 上 您可以通过输入制造商和设备名称来定制您的键盘名称 3 You must specify which MIDI channels will be used to communicate with this keyboard For most purposes you should select all MIDI channels If you are unsure ...

Страница 72: ...willuseto control your external synthesizers and virtual instruments you should check the box next to Default Instrument Input This will automatically assign your keyboard to control all MIDI devices in Studio One Artist 如果这是您用来控制外部合成器和虚拟乐器的唯一键盘 您应 该勾选默认乐器输入旁边的方框 这将自动分配您的键盘来控 制 Studio One Artist 中的所有 MIDI 设备 7 Click OK 点击 OK Ifyouhaveasoundmodulethatyou dliketoconnect leavetheExternal Devices wind...

Страница 73: ...配置您的声音模块 确保您已经将外部声音模块的 MIDI 输入连接到您的MIDI接口的MIDI输出 1 In the External Devices window click the Add button 在 外部设备 窗口 点击 添加 按钮 2 Selectyourdeviceinthemenuontheleft Ifyourdeviceisnotlisted selectNewInstrument Atthispoint youcancustomizethenameof yourkeyboardbyenteringthemanufactureranddevicenames 在左边的菜单中选择您的设备 如果您的设备没有列出 请选择 新仪器 在这一点上 您可以通过输入制造商和设备名称来定 制您的键盘名称 ...

Страница 74: ...确定要选择哪些 MIDI 通道 我们建议您选择全部16个 4 IntheSendTomenu selecttheMIDIinterfaceoutputfromwhichStudioOne Artistwill send MIDI data to your sound module Click OK and close the External Deviceswindow YouarenowreadytostartrecordinginStudioOneArtist The rest of this Quick Start Guide will go over how to set up a Song and will discuss some general workflow tips for navigating through the Studio One Artist environ...

Страница 75: ...vices and recording situations The section will describe creating a Song from an empty session 在 新建歌曲 窗口中 为您的歌曲命名 并选择您希望它保存的目 录 您会注意到左边有一个模板列表 这些模板为各种设备和录音情况 提供快速设置 本节将描述从一个空白会话中创建一首歌曲 3 Select Empty Song from the Templates list At this point you should give yourSonganameandselectyourpreferredsamplerateandbitdepthfor recordingandplayback YoucanalsosetthelengthofyourSongandthe type of timeformatyou...

Страница 76: ...ample rateand resolution and configureyour audio I O 点击歌曲 歌曲设置 设置您的采样率和分辨率 配置您 的音频输入和输出 2 Click on the Audio I O Setup tab 点击 Audio I O 设置标签 3 FromtheInputstab youcanenableanyoralloftheinputsonyour audiointerfacethatyou dliketohaveavailable Werecommendthat youcreateamonoinputforeachoftheinputsonyourinterface If youplanon recordingin stereo youcould createa stereoinput 在Inputs 输入 选项卡上 您可以在您的音频接口上启用...

Страница 77: ...p IfyouwouldlikethisI Oconfigurationtobethesameeverytime you open Studio One click the MakeDefault button 高级的用户提示 如果您希望每次打开Studio One时 这个 I O 配置都 是一样的 请点击 Make Default 按钮 9 3 2 Creating Audio and InstrumentTracks 创建音频和音乐轨道 1 In the upper left cornerof the Arrange window you will notice severalbuttons ThebuttonfurthesttotherightistheAddTracks button Click on this button to open the AddTrackswindow ...

Страница 78: ...rack type to record and playback audio files Instrument UsethistracktorecordandplaybackMIDIdatato controlexternalMIDIdevicesorvirtualinstrumentplug ins Automation Thistracktypeletsyoucreateautomated parametercontrolsforyour session 音频 使用这种轨道类型来录制和播放音频文件 乐器 使用这种轨道来记录和播放MIDI数据 以控制外部MIDI 设备或虚拟乐器插件 Automation 自动化 这种轨道类型允许您为您的会话创建 自动参数控制 ...

Страница 79: ...or Instrument trackslists availableexternalMIDI devices as wellas anyvirtual instruments that have been added to the Song 注意 乐器轨道与音频轨道几乎是一样的 乐器轨道的输入源列表列出了可 用的外部 MIDI设备 以及已经添加到歌曲中的任何虚拟乐器 9 3 3 Recording an AudioTrack 录制一个音轨 1 Tobegin recording create an audio track from the AddTracks window set its input to Input 1 on your audio interface and connect a microphone to the same input 要开始录音 从 添加音轨 窗口创建...

Страница 80: ...AudioInterfaceandProductionControllers Owner s Manual Youare now ready to start recording Forcompleteinstructions please consult the Studio One Reference manual located in Help Studio One Reference Manual 现在您已经准备好开始录音了 有关完整的说明 请查阅位于帮助 Studio One参考 手册的Studio One参考手册 ...

Страница 81: ...ditbuttonopensandclosestheaudioandMIDIeditors Mix The Mix button opens and closes the Mixer window Browse TheBrowsebuttonopensthebrowser whichdisplaysallofthe availablevirtualinstruments plug ineffects audiofiles andMIDIfiles as well as the pool ofaudio files loaded intothe currentsession 编辑 编辑按钮可以打开和关闭音频和MIDI编辑器 混合 混合按钮打开和关闭混合器窗口 浏览 浏览按钮打开浏览器 显示所有可用的虚拟乐器 插件效 果 音频文件和MIDI文件 以及加载到当前会话的音频文件池 Drag and...

Страница 82: ...eandProductionControllers Owner s Manual Drag and DropEffects 拖放效果 Toaddaplug ineffecttoatrack clicktheEffectsbuttoninthebrowserand select the plug in or one of its presets in the effects browser Drag and drop the selection overthe track to whichyou would like to add the effect ...

Страница 83: ...ilescanbequicklylocated auditioned andimportedinto yourSongbydraggingthemfromthefilebrowserintotheArrangeview Ifyoudrag the file toanempty space anew track will becreatedwith thatfileplacedatthepositiontowhichyoudraggedit Ifyoudragthefile toanexisting track the filewillbeplaced as anew parto fthetrack 拖放音频和MIDI文件 通过将音频和MIDI文件从文件浏览器拖到编曲视图中 可以快速定 位 试听并导入到歌曲中 如果你把文件拖到一个空的地方 就会创建一个新的轨道 把该文件 放在你所拖的位置 如...

Страница 84: ...ioStation 24cDevice ID 0x0208 DAW Recommended Mode Ableton Live MCU Live Apple Logic MCU Logic Avid Pro Tools HUI MOTU Digital Performer MCU Logic PreSonus Studio One Studio One Steinberg Cubase MCU Cubase Steinberg Nuendo MCU Cubase Others MCU Logic If ioStation 24c is not listed as a supported device inyourDAW configureitasanMackieControlUniversal Notethat theioStation 24c s control performance ...

Страница 85: ...码器 B0 3C xx xx delta值位 位7 方向 位0 6 步数 10 2 4 Buttons and LEDs 按钮和LED灯 Buttons useNoteOn Offmessagestotransmit the pressedand releasedstateon channel 0 LEDs use Note On Off messages to receive the on off and flashing stateon channel 0 按钮使用注解开 关信息来传输通道0上的按下 和释放状态 LED使用音符开 关信息来接收通道0上的开 关和闪烁状态 Transmitted Button press and release message 90 id ss ID See ID Table ss State Release 00 Pressed 7F Received ...

Страница 86: 68 n a SHIFT 46 LED Session Navigator Button Label ID Hex LED Type Prev 2E LED Session Navigator Push Encoder 20 n a Next 2F LED Link 05 RGB Pan 2A RGB Channel 36 RGB Scroll 38 RGB Master 3A LED Click 3B LED Section 3C LED Marker 3D LED Automation Button Label ID Hex LED Type Read 4A RGB Write 4B RGB Touch 4D RGB Transport Button Label ID Hex LED Type Loop 56 LED Rewind 5B LED Fast Forward 5C L...

Страница 87: ...x 2 Add garlic onions green pepper and celery to roux 3 Sauté vegetables for 3 5 minutes until they start to soften 4 Add tomatoes bay leaves thyme and redfish Cook for several minutes 5 Slowly add beer and bring to a low boil 6 Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 30 45 minutes until redfish and vegetables are completely cooked stirring occa sionally Break up redfish into bite size chunks and sti...

Страница 88: ...椒或辣酱以调味 不要加盖 7 在米饭上享用 2020PreSonusAudioElectronics Inc AllRightsReserved FaderPort FireStudio andPreSonusaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksofPreSonusAudioElectronics Inc Studio OneisaregisteredtrademarksofPreSonusSoftwareLtd MacandmacOSareregisteredtrademarksofApple Inc intheU S andothercountries Windowsisaregisteredtrademark of Microsoft Inc in the U S and othercountries Other productnamesmentio...

Страница 89: ...ioStation 24c Audio Interface and Production Controller Owner s Manual 18011 Grand Bay Ct Baton Rouge Louisiana 70809 USA 1 225 216 7887 www presonus com Part 70 52000148 A ...
