SuperNova PD500 PID Process & Temperature Controllers
Instruction Manual
Figure 34. Response Adjustment with Alpha
When the Integral Time (n.I) parameter is set to 0
(OFF), the Alpha (ALPA) parameter value will be set
to 0 and the ALPA parameter will not appear in the
Control Group (G.CTL), and the n.MR parameter will
be visible.
If the Integral Time (n.I) parameter is not set to 0
(OFF) in the G.CTL group, the Alpha (ALPA) value
will be reset internally to the previously set ALPA
value, the n.MR parameter will not be visible in in the
Control Group (G.CTL), and the Alpha (ALPA)
parameter will be visible.
PID Group Number (n.PID)
N.PID represents selections 1.PID, 2.PID, 3.PID, and
4.PID, PID group numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. When a
group is selected, the P, I, D, and MR values for that
group are displayed.
n.P, n.I, n.D values are heating PID parameters, and
n.Pc, n.Ic, n.Dc are cooling PID parameters.
The cooling parameters are displayed when Output
Group (G.OUT) parameter OUT2 Control Mode
(CNT2) is set to PID or ONOF. The PID coefficients
are automatically set when auto-tuning is completed,
however these parameters allow them to be set
directly if the user already knows them, or
modifications are desired to the auto-tuning acquired
Set Value Ramp
When the ramp functions are used, the set value (SV)
changes over time to reach a newly selected set
value. When ramp functions are not used, a newly
selected SV immediately becomes the active SV.
To set the ramp function, the ramp time and the
amount of SV change desired in that ramp time must
be set.
The SV Ramp Up or SV Ramp Down functions are
applied when the SV value is changed, or when
changing from STOP to RUN modes. When the set
SV is changed, the starting SV for the ramp is the
current SV. When changing from STOP to RUN
mode, the SV starts from current PV and ramps to the
new SV.
Figure 35. Set Value Ramp Up
SV Ramp Up (RM.UP)
This parameter sets the amount the set value (SV)
will ramp up over the desired SV ramp up time.
SV Ramp Up Time (UP.TM)
This parameter sets the ramp time required for the
set value (SV) to increase the amount set in the SV
Ramp Up (RM.UP) parameter. The time is entered in
hours and minutes, in the format hh.mm.
For example, if RM.UP is 60°C and UP.TM is 1
minute, the SV value has a ramp up rate of 1.0°C per
SV Ramp Down (RM.DW)
This parameter sets the amount the set value (SV)
will ramp down over the desired SV ramp down time.
SV Ramp Down Time (DW.TM)
This parameter sets the ramp time required for the set
value (SV) to decrease the amount set in the SV
Ramp Down (RM.DW) parameter. The time is entered
in hours and minutes, in the format hh.mm.
Figure 36. Set Value Ramp Down
For example, if RM.DW is 60°C and DW.TM is 1
minute, the SV value has a ramp down rate of 1.0°C
per second.