SuperNova PD500 PID Process & Temperature Controllers
Instruction Manual
Sub Relay Group (G.SUB)
The Sub Relay Group is used to assign alarms to the
Sub relays and set relay controls such as on and off
delays, fail-safe mode, and latching functions.
Sub Output Number & Type (SUBn)
The Sub relay outputs can be used for general alarms
or loop break alarms.
To set a Sub relay output to be a specific alarm,
configure the alarm in the Alarm Group and select the
desired alarm as the alarm Type.
For example, to have Sub relay 1 trigger based on the
programming for Alarm 3, select ALM3 as the setting
for parameter SUB1.
Because only two Sub relay outputs exist on the
PD510, the OUT2 relay of the PD510 may be
configured to operate as an alarm output.
To setup the OUT2 relay of the PD510 as an alarm
1. Set the G.OUT group parameter CNT2 to
2. Set the G.SUB group parameter SUB3 to
3. Set the parameters related to alarm 3 in the
G.ALM group.
Alarm ON Time Delay (An.ND)
When an alarm condition occurs, the alarm will turn
on only after the ON time delay. Set the ON time
delay in seconds. If the ON time delay is set to zero,
the alarm turns on immediately.
Alarm OFF Time Delay (An.FD)
When the alarm condition is cleared, the alarm will
turn OFF only after the OFF time delay. Set the OFF
time delay in seconds. If the OFF time delay is set to
zero, the alarm turns OFF immediately.
While the alarm OFF time delay is set, the latch
release function will not operate immediately upon the
alarm condition being cleared. The latching alarm
may only be reset after the alarm OFF time delay has
Figure 25. Alarm Operation when ON & OFF Time
delays are Set
Alarm Fail-Safe (An.EC)
The sub output relays are type A electromechanical
relays. Each has a NO: Normally Open contact.
However, it may be made to function as a Normally
Closed contact with the Alarm Fail-Safe parameter.
If NO is selected, the relay functions normally, and
energizes in the alarm condition.
If NC is selected, the relay is energized in normal
conditions, and de-energizes in alarm conditions. This
also means that in the case of a power failure, the
relay contact will be de-energized, similar to when in
alarm condition.