BL-48 DMX Ultraviolet Illuminator
The BL-48 Ultraviolet Illuminator is a state of the art lighting instrument based on an array of 48
Ultraviolet LED's and a computer micro-controller. This unit permits ultraviolet effects to be faded
or strobed under DMX control. These effects cannot be created with other types of UV
illumination. The LED UV devices do not require replacement, produce little or no heat, and are
available in a range of dispersion angles and UV or near-UV wavelengths. From one to four
channels of DMX-512 data controls UV intensity, strobe rate, or other parameters as determined by
the LED configuration, and the settings of internal mode jumpers. The unit may also be operated in
manual mode without DMX as a stand-alone fixture with preset intensity and strobe timing if
desired. Illuminators may be controlled by any DMX lighting system for professional displays, or
may be set up for independent operation at a preset intensity or strobe rate in stand-alone UV
lighting applications.
A range of UV LED options are now available for installation in the unit. For replacing existing
fluorescent or incandescent UV light sources, 395 nanometer UV LED's may be installed to
duplicate the deep blue-violet output common to those fixtures. For pure ultraviolet displays, 385
nanometer LEDs, which produce very little visible light may be selected. UV LED sources of
different types, or with different dispersion angles may be installed in the same fixture, with each
LED type then controlled independently through DMX, providing unprecedented flexibility in an
ultraviolet fixture. All LED emissions are long wavelength UV-A light, which is not considered a
skin or an eye hazard
under normal conditions.
TELEPHONE: 562 865-8552 FACSIMILE: 562 924-7133