Battery / Charger
Instruction Manual
PowaKaddy Lithium
PowaKaddy Lithium XL
Should you experience a problem with your PowaKaddy product please go to
Place your battery and charger on a hard level surface and connect the battery and charger
first before plugging in the mains power and switching on.
Only charge your Plug’n’Play Lithium battery with the isolation switch in the ON (1) position.
The charger has 2 indicator lights to represent the status of the battery during the charging
process. When connecting a discharged battery, the red light will illuminate to indicate
the bulk charge state. When the bulk charging process is complete, the green light will
illuminate. The battery should be removed from the charger after the green light is active.
Never leave the charger connected to the battery with the mains supply switched off.
We recommend you recharge your battery within 24 hours of use, no matter how many
holes played.
This may take up to 7 Hours for a Lithium battery depending on the capacity of the battery
and depth of discharge when charging.
Never leave your battery in a discharged condition for prolonged periods, this will reduce
the life of the battery and your charger may be unable to recharge it.
If the battery is not to be used for a period of 3 months or more, then it is ok to remove
from charge. Always fully recharge the battery until the green indicator light is shown before
removing from the charger. Our advice is to store in a cool, dry place. Thereafter recharge
the battery once a month.
Ensure your Lithium battery isolation switch is in the OFF (0) position during transportation.
Please refer to the product labels on your battery and charger for more information.
At the end of the battery’s life, dispose at your local recycling centre.
Charging Your Lithium Battery