9400_GB-Anhang A_Sicherheit
Recommendations for work safety
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Recommendations for work safety
All points refering to safety in this manual are in di ca ted
by this sign.
1.) Defined use
a. See "Technical Data".
b. The keeping of operating, service and maintenance re qui re ments
layed down by the manufacturer also come under the heading of
"defined use".
2.) Spare parts
a. The
original com po nents and ac ces so ries
have been de sig ned
especially for these machines and appliances.
b. We want to make it quite clear that com po nents and accesories
that have not been sup plied by us have not been tested by us.
c. The installation and/or use of such pro ducts can, therefore,
negatively chan ge or influence the con struc tion characteristics
of the appliance. We are not liable for damages caused by the
use of components and accessories that have not been supplied
by us.
d. Alterations and the use of auxiliary parts that are not per mit ted
by the manufacturer render all liability invalid.
3.) Protection devices
All protection devices must remain on the machine and be
maintained in proper con di tion. Punctual replacement of worn
and damaged covers is essential.
4.) Before starting work
a. Before commencing work, the operator must be aware of all
operating devices and functions. The learning of these is too late
after ha ving already commenced operation!
b. The vehicle is to be tested for traffic and operating sa fe ty before
each operation.
5.) Asbestos
- Certain sub-supplied com po nents of the
vehicle may contain asbestos due to technical
reasons. Ob ser ve the warning on spare
6.) Transport of persons prohibited
a. The transport of persons on the machine is not permitted.
b. The machine may only be driven on public roads when in the
position sti pu la ted for road trans port.
7.) Driving ability with auxiliary equipment
a. The towing vehicle is to be sufficiently equiped with weights at the
front or at the rear in order to gua ran tee the steering and braking
capacity (a mi ni mum of 20% of the vehicle’s tare weight on the
front axle).
b. The driving ability is
in fluen ced by ground
con di tions and by the
auxiliary equip ment. The
dri ving must be adap ted
to the cor re spon ding
terrain and ground
c. When driving through
curves with a con nec ted
appliance, ob ser ve the
ra dius and swinging
mass of the appliance.
d. When travelling in a curve with attached or semimounted
implements, take into account the working range and swing mass
of the implement!
8.) General
a. Before attaching implement to three-point linkage, move system
lever into a position whereby unintentional raising or lowering is
ruled out!
b. Danger of injury exists when coupling implement to trac tor!
c. Danger of injury through crushing and cutting exists in the three-
point linkage area!
d. Do not stand between tractor and implement when using three-
point linkage external operation!
e. Attach and detach drive shaft only when motor has stop ped.
f. When transporting with raised implement, secure ope ra ting lever
against lowering!
g. Before leaving tractor, lower attached implement to the ground
and remove ignition key!
h. Nobody is to stand between tractor and implement without tractor
being secured against rolling using parking brake and/or wheel
i. For all maintenance, service and modification work, turn driving
motor off and remove universal drive.
9.) Cleaning the machine
Do not use high-pressure washers for the cleaning of bearing- and
hydraulic parts.