- 13 -
Connecting the brake hoses
When connecting the brake hoses ensure:
- that the hose-coupling sealing ring is clean
- proper sealing
- connection is according to markings
"Compressed air storage" (coloured red) to
"Compressed air storage"
“Brakes" (coloured yellow) to "Brakes"
• Replace damaged sealing rings.
• Drain water from air reservoir before first run of the
• Only travel when air pressure in the brake-system is
5.0 bar.
For the brake unit to function properly:
- observe maintenance intervals
- observe brake setting (stroke max. 0 mm or 90
• Drain water from air reservoir daily.
Using a piece of wire turn bolt on drain valve in a
sideways direction.
When dirty
- Screw out drain valve and clean.
Connecting to towing vehicle
When connecting brake hoses, control
button (M) is automatically pushed out
by the stored compressed air coming
from the towing vehicle.
The setting measurement (L) must not
be altered. It must correspond to the
found on the WABCO rating plate.
Brake pressure regulator
(for brake units with hand regulator)
A f t e r
t o t o w i n g
- A d j u s t
b r a k e
p re s s u re
regulator according to
wagon's load condition
• Wagon is half loaded
- position servo-valve at "Half-load"
The release position
enables wagon to move (shunt) when brake hoses are
not connected to towing vehicle.
ALB - regulator
(Anti-wheel-lock braking system)
(for brake units with
an automatic brake
pressure regulator)
W i t h a n A L B
r e g u l a t o r t h e
n e c e s s a r y
brake pressure
is automatically
r e g u l a t e d
a c c o rd i n g t o
wagon's load
The release position
enables wagon to move (shunt) when brake hoses are
not connected to towing vehicle.
• Depress control button (M) until stop.
- Brakes are now released.
• Pull out control button (M) until stop.
- Wagon will brake again using the stored compressed
air coming from the air reservoir.
Release position
air braKe uniT