3. Construction
Step 1: Attach the battery connector.
Using a pair of pliers, flip the leads on the battery connector to the other side.
Bending the leads on the battery connector to
the other side.
Verify that this allows you to plug in the battery as shown below, with the
connected to ground and the
wire connected to BAT, then solder in the connector.
Soldering a power connector to the Micro
Step 2: Set up the Maestro for self power.
With your battery
, attach a wire (red) from the positive terminal of the battery
connector to VIN. Take care not to short or damage any of the components on the board.
Now, with the battery plugged in, your Maestro should be powered-up and slowly flashing its
yellow LED, indicating that it is waiting to detect the baud rate on the serial communication.
You will not be using serial communication for this project, so you need to disable baud rate
detection in the next step.
Sample Project: Simple Hexapod Walker
© 2001–2010 Pololu Corporation
3. Construction
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