4.3 Dose measurements
The unit displays the dose equivalent values in "µSv", "mSv", and "Sv" (or "µR", "mR", and
"R"). As the dose increases, the instrument switches these measurement units automatically.
The measured dose equivalent value is displayed graphically as well on the analogue scale. The
number of lighting segments of the analogue scale corresponds to the dose equivalent value
relative to the preset threshold.
To view the current dose equivalent threshold and dose accumulation time press the SET button
(Figure 3.2). To return to the dose indication, press the SET button again:
Dose equivalent screen
Dose accumulation time screen
Dose equivalent threshold screen
Figure 4.3 – The dose equivalent (DE), dose accumulation time, and the DE threshold screens
The manufacturer presets the DE threshold value at 1 Sv.
The DE threshold setting range corresponds to the DE measurement range (refer to section 2.2).
If the preset DE threshold is exceeded, the analogue scale is fully filled, the audible alarm sounds
(monotonous double signals with 1 second interval) and the display is blinking (the visual
alarm). This event (the DE threshold exceeding) is stored in the instrument’s non-volatile
analogue scale