Polaroid Automatic 210 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание Automatic 210

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Страница 4: ...o d e v e l o pt h e P r i n t l f n o y e l l o wt a b a p p e a r s C h e c kt h e t e m p e r a t u r e l t s i m p o r t a n t H o w t o m a k e p r i n t s l i g h t e r o r d a r k e r B l a c...

Страница 5: ...button Smallwhitetab slot Largeyellowtab slot door 2 efement lens l14mm t18 8 Lighten darkencontrol Shuttercocking lever Battery compartment Rangef inder pushbutton Film Selector Electriceye Flashoutl...

Страница 6: ...tart with 3000 speed blackand whitefilm Pleaserememberthat eventhe finest cameraand film need some help from the photographer if theyareto producegoodpictures That helpcan besummed uDin onesentence Pl...

Страница 7: ...farasit willgo PHOTO 5 ImPORTANT Besureto pullthe carnera front intoplace lf thefrontisn ifullyoutandlocked yourprints outuntilthereisa definite clickandthelocking bar A snaps willcomeoutall black or...

Страница 8: ...g button if it s lf you haveremoved the cover to re Swingthe cover up Pressthe top placeit slidethe hingedownoverthe centersectionunderthefinderhousing lockspringuntil it snapsinto place so it latches...

Страница 9: ...u would f or a horizontal i s b e l o w B r a c e t h e c a m e r a H0RIZoNTAL Gripthe two ends praceyour forefingers o nt h e N o I b u t t o n s y o u c a ne a s i r y s h i f tt h e r i g h tf o r...

Страница 10: ...u s h t h e N o 1 b u t t o n s b a c k a n d f o r t h N o t i c e t h a t o n e I l i n e m o v e s u p a n d d o w n A l s o t h e d i a m o n d s m o v e i n a n o o u t T h e i r i n n e r p o i...

Страница 11: ...the lineswon tseparate far enoughto framethe subject properly you retoo close back up a bit FOR SMALL CHILDREN lf they re l 3 years old place the top line on top of the headand the movingline at the b...

Страница 12: ...c e 3 r z f t h e r e D o n o t u s e t h e t w o w h i t e l i n e s i n t h e r a n g e f i n d e rf o r s u c h s u b j e c t s 10 a F O RS C E N I CP I C T U R E S F o ra l l s c e n i c s a n d f...

Страница 13: ...plaJethe TWOisforshooting practicepressing the No 2 buttonslowlyuntilthe shutter c l i c k s I nd i m t i g h th o l dN o 2d o w na n d stayverystilluntilyouhearthe second click as the shuttercloses T...

Страница 14: ...lm in daylight or withflash too The Polaroidfilm pack containsall the materialsto make eight pictures For each picturethere is a piece of negativefilm a sheetof print paper and a thin foil container t...

Страница 15: ...hencoating blackand whiteprints Holdthe packagenearthe edges Don tpresshardon the 2to Whatto do with the wastepaper Usuaily it will fit into an empty film box Or if you re planning to take lots of out...

Страница 16: ...erollers A clean lf not clean themasdescribed in thesection on care ofyourcamera 3 Holdthefilm packby the edgesas shown andpush theclosed endof thepackunder the doorhinge against spring tension firmly...

Страница 17: ...tab you re nowready forthefirstpicture l lf there s nowhite tabintheNo 4 2 0pen theback ofthecamera partway and without 3 Close theback ofthecamera making srre ihat both slot dothefollowing intheshade...

Страница 18: ...O SPEEDFI Setthe Film Selector as shownfor blackand white pictures with3000 speedfilm Setthe whitedot on the Lighten Darken L D controlnext to the arrow as shown This is the Normalposition 2LO Donated...

Страница 19: ...i tne eiectriceie page3O Move in close The biggeryour subjectis in the print the moredetailsyou ll be able to see f or scenicpicirr trv to get somethingbig and solid lookinginto the foreground to help...

Страница 20: ...g y o u t o s e t t h e L D c o n t r o l o n e m a r k t o w a r d L i g h t e n f o r a l l p i c t u r e s m a d e w i t h t h a t p a c k P l e a s e follow those instructions which may vary f rom...

Страница 21: ...olors in big solid chunks lf your sub OPERATION ject isn t wearing colorful clothes add color with a bright shirt scarf or jacket Or find u cotoiiui bact ground _ anythingthat will fill at leastone_th...

Страница 22: ...he f rame Placethe top line of the rangefinder at the top of yoursub ject s forehead Then push the No 1 buttons to placethe 20 movingline at the bottomof the subject schin Forpictures of children pets...

Страница 23: ...eo r b l a c ka n d w h i t ei n d i m l i g h t h o l dN o 2 downand don t move until you heara secondclick as the shuttercloses Then let No 2 buttoncome up 2LO RESET lmmediately aftersnappinga pict...

Страница 24: ...lf you pullthe yellowtab out at an angle one edgeof your picture maynotdevelopproperly 22 Q Whenyou pull the yellowtab hold the cameraso the lens faces straightaheadof you not pointingdown Tftis plus...

Страница 25: ...e yellowtabs as shownon page24 Pull it straigtrt outofthecamera s i ry Begin timing development or lift it off Outdoors don t let tr ictureassemblyflap inthe breeze Develop the picturefor l f ull time...

Страница 26: ...t h e w a y a n d t a k e h o l d o f t h e t o p m o s t y e l l o w P U L L t a b a s s h o w n WHITETAB STOP I I G e n t l yp u l l t h e e n t i r ep i c t u r ea s s e m b l y a l l t h e w a y o...

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